Trade Statements

Article09/01/20249 min read

A trade statement is a profit and loss statement that keeps track of the net profit and net loss. You can quickly figure out the overall status of the trade from this statement. You can further determine the company’s efficiency over the course of the year using trade statements.

Now, you can connect the actual costs to a trading partner. For instance, a trade partner is a customer who receives a refund at the end of the year or an external commissioner who is paid a commission. It also identifies the partner with whom the accrual is associated. A customer who receives a rebate at the end of the year, for instance, or an external commissioner who receives a commission.

A business associate who serves as an external commissioner is set up as a vendor and paid via a purchase invoice. A trade partner who is a customer is set up as a customer and is paid using Sales Credit Memo.

Create Trade Statements

Using the Create Trade Statement action, you can create a trade statement for more than one trade partner.

  1. Select the Search icon , enter Trade Statements, and then choose the related link.
    The Trade Statements page opens.
  2. On the action bar, select Create Trade Statement action.
    The Create Trade Statements page opens.
  3. In the Document Date field, select the required date that will be inserted on the trade statement.
  4. In the From Date field, select the starting date from which the trade accrual entries should be considered while creating the trade statement(s).
  5. In the To Date field, select the ending date from which the trade accrual entries should be considered while creating the trade statement(s).
  6. On the Trade Partner FastTab, you can also customize the required filters.
  7. Click OK.

You can also access the Create Trade Statement action on the Trade Partners page to create new trade statements. The Trade Partner No. field gets updated automatically.

You can choose whether to include the Closed Sales Invoices. If the Trade Statement Inclusion for Sales is set to Payment, then the From Date and To Date will use the Closed at Date on the Customer Ledger Entries to capture the payment made for the corresponding Sales Invoice which includes only the paid invoices.


This is achieved when the payment is completely paid for the trade accrual entry.

If the Trade Statement Inclusion for Sales field is set to Invoice, the From Date and To Date will use the posting date on the Trade Accrual Entries (Interim) page.


For a trade statement, the selected trade partner should have the trade accrual entries.

You can view the records of the trade partner, item, trade plan, total amount, and trade accrual entries on the Trade Statements page.

  1. On the Trade Statement page, select the required No. of the trade statement.
  2. On the General FastTab, in the Currency Code field, select the required option from the drop-down menu.

    When the trade statement lines are present, the system displays a message while changing the currency code: Please delete the lines before changing the currency.

  3. On the Lines FastTab, in the Rate field, enter the rate depending on the rate type.
  4. Select the Eligible checkbox to include trade statement lines when creating an invoice/credit memo. When the checkbox is cleared, the amount granted will be zero.
  5. In the Amount Granted field, enter the overall amount allocated to the trade partner. When the amount granted field is changed/updated, the Amount Granted (LCY) field is calculated with the new amount granted.
  6. The Total Amount Calculated and Total Amount Granted fields are also updated based on the updated amount in the Amount Granted field.

Upon executing the Create Trade Statement action, the For Document Line Dimension Set ID will be updated with the dimension set ID of the document line number linked to the trade statement line. Access the Trade Statement Line – Dimension Set Entries page by clicking this flow field. This field can only be accessed through personalization.

On the action bar, select Reports to print the trade statement summary and detailed reports. You can also print these reports from the following pages:

  • Trade Statement Card
  • Issued Trade Statements
  • Issued Trade Statement Card

When the Suggest Trade Statement Lines function is executed, the system deletes all the trade statement lines and the changes made on the trade statement.

You can view the Trade Plan No. for each trade statement line. The Trade Plan No. is transferred from the related entry on the Trade Accrual Entries (Interim) page.

Suggest Trade Statement Lines

You can create a trade statement for each document trade line for the selected trade partner that has not yet been invoiced within the specified time frame.

  1. On the Trade Statement Card page, on the action bar, select Actions > Suggest Trade Statement Lines.
  2. Select the Suggest Trade Statement Lines function, the system displays a message: Any manual adjustments to the trade statement lines or manually added lines will be deleted. Are you sure you want to proceed?

System deletes all the existing trade statement lines and creates new trade statement lines based on the updated currency code on the Trade Statement header. This is achieved by running the batch job using Create Trade statement action.

The changes or updates made on the trade statement lines are deleted and the system suggests the old records of the selected trade statement.


If there are no lines in the trade statement, the system doesn’t display any messages and new trade statement lines are created.

Issue Trade Statement

You can create the Purchase Invoice or Purchase Credit Memo to pay to the Trade Partners.

When the Trade Partner Source Type is selected as Customer, the related Sales Invoice or Credit Memo is created. When the Trade Partner Source Type is selected as Vendor, the corresponding Purchase Invoice or Credit Memo is created from the trade statements. A trade statement cannot be issued if the For Document Line No. field is zero on the Trade Statement lines when the Header option is selected in the Applies-To field of the Trade Plan Card.

  1. On the Trade Statements page, on the action bar, select Issue Trade Statement.
    The Issue Trade Statements report request page opens.

  2. In the Use default values from field, select the required option from the drop-down menu. For more information, see Report settings.

  3. On Group Name FastTab, in the Date of Issue field, enter the related date.

  4. Turn on the Post Sales/Purchase Document toggle to create and post the sales/purchase document.

  5. Turn off the Post Sales/Purchase Document toggle to only create the sales/purchase document.

  6. Turn on the Retain Source Dimensions toggle to use the dimensions from a trade statement line, which is carried over to the sales document created for a trade partner. However, this happens only when the source document’s number on the trade statement line matches the customer for whom the sales document is generated to record accrued amounts. You can also retain source dimensions for purchase invoices or purchase credit memos resulting from a trade statement.


    If the Retain Source Dimensions toggle is turned on,

    • The resulting Purchase and Sales Credit Memo or Invoice will include separate lines for each Dimension Set ID associated with the trade accruals.
    • For each Purchase and Sales Credit Memo or Invoice line created when retaining source dimensions, the individual dimension values will match those of the source document line.
  7. Click OK.

When a trade statement is created from a purchase order, the Applies-To field is set as Header, and the For Document Type field on the Lines FastTab of the Trade Statement Card displays Posted Purchase Receipt. In the case of trade statements created from sales orders, the For Document Type field displays Posted Sales Invoice.

Report settings

  1. In the Use default values from field, select the required option from the drop-down menu. It includes one or more saved settings that can be applied to the report from the request page.
    If you select the Last used options and filters option, Business Central automatically saves the last used options and filters to issue the trade statement.
    You can also customize your option by clicking Select from full list. The Select – Report Settings page opens.
  2. Select New. The Pick Report page opens.
  3. In the Name field, customize filters by entering a report name.
  4. Select OK.

On the Select - Report Settings page, the newly created customized report option will be present.


The Trade Partner for the Tade Statement should have the Source Type as Customer. You cannot issue the trade statement by retaining the source dimensions for the vendor or purchase documents.

If the trade statement is eligible, the system checks the type of the trade statement and the total amount granted in the trade statement.


If the Total Amount Granted field on the trade statement lines has a positive value, the related Purchase Invoice document is created. If the Total Amount Granted field has a negative value, the related Credit Memo document is created.

Now, the purchase invoice is created, or created and posted based on the Post Sales/Purchase Document toggle.

The Source No., Document Date, Posting Date, Currency Code, Currency Factor, and the External Document No. (Trade Statement No.) information is copied to the invoice from the trade statement.

The system creates the invoice line for each trade statement line with the following information:

  • Quantity
  • Item Charge No.
  • Unit Cost
  1. Post the invoice or credit memo.
    The Issued checkbox is selected.

The system reverses the expected costs and value entry of the expected charge.
After the Trade Statement is issued and the trade statement is moved to the Issued Trade Statements page.
When a non-posted purchase invoice or credit memo is deleted, the system shows the following warning: This invoice was created from a Trade Statement. Do you really want to delete the document?

  1. Select Yes to issue the trade statement and delete the invoice or credit memo.

You can also select multiple trade statements from the Trade Statements page by clicking the Issue Trade Statement action.

Issued Trade Statements

You can view the records of the selected trade statement which is issued.

  1. Select the Search icon , enter the Issued Trade Statement, and then choose the related link.
    The Issued Trade Statements page opens.
  2. Select the required No.
  3. On the action bar, select Related > Invoices/Credit Memos to view the invoice or credit memo for the issued trade statement.
  4. On the action bar, select Related > Posted Invoices/Credit Memos to view the posted invoice or credit memo for the issued trade statement.

Trade Statements can be created only for the line level trade accrual entries, while header trade accrual entries can be invoiced directly by creating the sales/purchase invoices.