Trade plans

Article • 2/11/2025 • 35 min read

Before costs, revenues, price increases or discounts can be assigned to an order, the price or cost component must be specified.

A trade plan specifies a price rule and/or accrual which can be applied automatically when creating a sales/purchase document or is manually inserted by a user. For each accrual or price rule, you can enter the value of the price rule or accrual and select for which customers/vendors/items these rules apply.

  1. Select the Search icon , enter Trade Plans, and then choose the related link.
    The Trade Plans list page opens.
  2. On the action bar, select New.
    The Trade Plan Card page opens.
  3. On the General FastTab, enter the required information in the following fields:
No.Specifies the number series defined on the Trade Management Setup page. If the Manual No. field is selected for the number series, then you can manually enter any number.
DescriptionSpecifies the description of the trade plan. A trade plan contains sales price increases, discounts or cost components that are applicable when selling/buying a specific item to/from a certain customer/vendor.
Applies-toSpecifies if this trade plan should apply to a document header or to a document line. When Header is selected, the trade rates and costs apply to the complete sales/purchase order document and when Line is selected, the trade rates and costs apply to a line of the document.
Price RuleSpecifies how rates linked to this trade plan affect the unit price or unit cost on document lines. This field applies when the Applies To field is set to Line.
  • Blank: Does not impact the unit price or unit cost but adds to the accrual calculation.
  • Unit Price: Increases the unit price on the sales order line.
  • Discount: Impacts the line discount percentage without affecting the unit price or unit cost, adjusting the line amount.
  • Unit Cost: Increases the unit cost on the purchase order line.
    For purchase documents, unit cost directly affects the Direct Unit Cost field, similar to how unit price works for sales documents. The Discount option influences the Line Discount % field. Trade plans in purchase documents also use the Calculation Base field to determine whether calculations are based on the base price (line amount before trade plans) or the current price (line amount after trade plans), following the same logic as sales documents.
Accrual TypeSpecifies the type of accrual. Depending on if the trade plan applies to a document header or to a document line, different options can be selected. Note that actual cost or actual revenue will be first posted as an expected cost/revenue and will later be reversed and replaced by the actual cost/revenue. This enables you to define whether the accruals calculated from the trade plans impact the unit price on the sales order line.
Starting DateSpecifies the starting date from which this trade plan is applicable.
Ending DateSpecifies the ending date until which this trade plan is applicable.
StatusSpecifies the status of the trade plan. Options include Draft, Active, and Inactive. The newly created trade plan is automatically assigned the Draft status, so that the trade plan can be edited. To activate it, set the Status field to Active. The trade plan rates cannot be edited or deleted when the trade plan is in Active status. Only trade plans with the status Active are used in sales and purchase documents. If the trade plan is no longer valid, set the Status field to Inactive.
Trade Plan TypeSpecifies the type of trade plan associated with the card. It offers two options. Choosing Freight indicates that the trade plan involves freight transactions, while selecting None signifies that there is no specific trade plan associated with freight. When this field is set with Freight, the Applies to is set with Header, and the Accrual Type field has a value, the system displays the Trade Plan Setup Freight FastTab and the system restricts the execution of the Groups, Exclusions, and Rates action on the Trade Plan Card page.
Manual FreightSpecifies whether the trade plan will be marked as manual and assign the costs on the associated transport order documents manually. When the toggle is turned on, the system restricts the editing access to the fields on the Trade Plan Setup Freight FastTab.
Expense Item No.Specifies the non-inventory item number associated with the trade plan. You cannot select this checkbox when the Document Type field is set as Transfer Order.
Non-ReversibleSpecifies whether to include trade plans in return orders. If this toggle is turned on, trade plans marked as non-reversible will not be included in credit memos or purchase return orders. However, when the Cancel, Correct, or Create Corrective Credit Memo actions are used, trade plans are copied from the original invoice.
When a return document is created using the Get Posted Document Lines to Reverse action or through the Aptean Claims extension, the system checks if a trade plan is marked as non-reversible. If it is, the trade plan will not be inserted into the new return order document.
InvalidThe system automatically turns on this toggle when a trade plan has an incorrect setup and requires modification.
To update the trade plan, you must first set the Status field to Open and then to Active. The system displays errors that guide you to make the necessary changes to the trade plan. After the errors are resolved, the system turns off the toggle, allowing you to change the Status field to Active to use the trade plan.

  • If Applies-to is set to Header, the allowed Rate Types are Amount per Order or Percentage of Order Amount.
  • When Use in Transfer toggle is turned on, the only allowed Rate Type is Amount per Order.
  • Amount per Shipping Container: the specified rate(s) in this trade plan applies per shipping container that is assigned to the packaging type. This trade plan is applicable to both sales and purchase orders.This option is visible only when,
    • The Aptean Packaging extension is installed.
    • The Applies to field is set to Line, the Accrual Type field is set to Actual Cost or Standard Cost, and the Price Rule field is set to Unit Price or Discount.

The starting date and ending dates are transferred to the Trade Plan Rates page. These dates can be adjusted on the trade plan rates page within these selected dates. On a sales, purchase, and transfer order, the dates will be compared with the price reference setup (as specified on the customer card). For all other sales and purchase documents, the dates will be compared with the order date or work date (if the order date is empty). These fields are optional.

  • When Applies-to is set to Header, the allowed Accrual Type are Actual Cost, Item Charge, and Standard Cost.
  • You must set the Applies-to field to Header and Price Rule field as blank to turn on the Manual Freight toggle.
  • You cannot select Accrual Type as Item Charge and define the Expense Item No. field value. It will throw an error. In a single trade plan, you can only define item charge in the accrual type field or an expense item.
  • When the Accrual Type is set to Actual Cost or Standard Cost, the Use in Sales Return and Use in Purchase Return toggles can be adjusted without constraints.
  1. On the Details FastTab, enter the required information in the following fields:
Currency CodeSelect the required currency code from the drop-down menu for the currency to which the trade plan rates apply. If the field is left as blank, the trade rates are set in the local currency. When sales prices in a sales document are specified in another currency than in the trade plans, then trade plans for which the Accrual Type field is specified are applied (currency is recalculated). Still, trade plans in which price rule is specified, are not applied.
Calculation BaseSelect the preferred option to which price the trade plan rate should be applied. This is applicable for the first trade plan line in the trade calculation and for trade plan lines in the calculation for which the Price Rule field is set as Percentage.
Calculation LevelSelect the order of calculation of the trade plan within a total trade rate calculation in a document in case multiple trade plans are applicable. It will define the order in which the trade plan lines are calculated.
Trade Rate SetupChoose if the rates in this trade plan must be set up per trade group, or per customer, vendor, and/or item individual.When the Trade Rate Setup field is set as Per Group, a combination of trade product groups and trade business groups must be linked to the trade plan. See [Trade Plan Groups]( Plan Groups) for more information about how to link the groups. When the Trade Rate Setup field is set as Specific, the customers, vendors, and/or items can be set in the trade rates themselves.
Trade Plan Exclusionsspecifies the number of trade plan exclusions set up for this trade plan, which are used to exclude the trade costs and prices for certain sales and purchase documents. Selecting the number opens the Trade Plan Exclusions page.
Rate TypeSelect the required rate type. The available options are:
  • Amount per Unit: The specified rate(s) in this trade plan applies per unit.
  • Amount per Net Weight: The specified rate(s) in this trade plan applies per net weight.
  • Amount per Gross Weight: The specified rate(s) in this trade plan applies per Gross Weight.
  • Percentage of Line Amount: The specified rate(s) applies as a percentage on the line amount.
    The line amount used depends on the setting of the Calculation Base field. If the Calculation Base is set as Current Price, the percentage is calculated over the previous current line amount. If the Calculation Base is set as Base Price, the percentage is calculated over the base price for the calculation. And when the Calculation Base is set as Unit Cost, then the percentage is calculated over the unit cost of the document line.
Include Lines DiscountTurn on the toggle to factor in discounts from either the sales price list or manual setup while calculating the eligible base for the trade plan when the Rate Type field is set to Percentage of Line Amount. This ensures that the trade plan rates accurately consider any applied discounts with the actual values.
Volume Trade RateSelect the required option from the drop-down menu. When different rates are applicable when a minimum value is reached, you can set up volume rates. The volume type specifies the type for this volume rates.
Units Line: the minimum value on the Volume Trade Rate is the number of units of the document line.
Line Amount: the minimum value on the Volume Trade Rate is the amount of the document line.
Net Weight Line: the minimum value on the Volume Trade Rate is the net weight of the document line.
Gross Weight Line: the minimum value on the Volume Trade Rate is the gross weight of the document line.
This field is visible only when Applies-to field is set to Line.
Packaging TypeSpecifies the required packaging type for which you want to set the rates. You can only select the packaging type that has the item bound.It is set to Shipping Container by default. This field is not editable.
Packaging CodeSpecifies the code assigned to the defined packaging type. It is possible to set up a single trade plan for each packaging code.

  • You must set the Applies -to field to Header, the Accrual Type field must have a value, the Rate Type field to Amount per Order, and the Trade Plan Type field to Freight to access the Trade Plan Setup Freight FastTab.
  • The Packaging Type and Packaging Code fields are visible only if the Rate Type field is set to Amount per Shipping Container.
  1. On the Accruals FastTab, enter the required information in the following fields:
Item Charge No.Enter the code of the item charge to which the trade plan is linked. This field is mandatory when the Accrual Type field is set to specified.
Allocation MethodSelect how to divide the cost over multiple lines when applicable. The available options are: Equally, Amount, Gross Weight, Volume, Floor Space, Unit of Measure, and Net Weight.
Trade Partner SourceSpecify whether Document Trade Lines are calculated using the trade partner from this trade plan, or if they are calculated using the trade partner(s) associated with the source document based on the trade partner allocations.
Trade Partner No.Select the trade partner that is linked to the accrual. For example, an external commissioner who is paid a commission or a customer who is paid a rebate at the end of the year. If the accrual type is Actual Cost, the trade partner must be a vendor; if the accrual type is Actual Revenue, it must be a customer.
Trade Partner Group CodeSelect which Trade Partners are applicable for a Trade Plan, based on its trade plan group filter and this applies when the Trade Partner Source field is set as Source Document.
Use in SalesTurn on this toggle to use this trade plan in a sales document (when manually selecting a trade plan).
Use in PurchaseTurn on this toggle to use this trade plan in a purchase document (when manually selecting a trade plan). This field is editable only when the Freight Cost Calculation field on the Trade Management Setup page is set as Documents.
Use in TransferTurn on this toggle to use this trade plan in a transfer document (when manually selecting a trade plan). This field is editable only when the Freight Cost Calculation field on the Trade Management Setup page is set as Documents.
Use in Transport OrderTurn on this toggle to use this trade plan in a transport order document for freight cost calculation (when manually selecting a trade plan). This field is editable only when the Freight Cost Calculation field on the Trade Management Setup page is set as Transport Order.
Use in Sales ReturnTurn on this toggle to use this trade plan in a sales return document (when manually selecting a trade plan). This field is editable only when the Freight Cost Calculation field on the Trade Management Setup page is set as Documents
Use in Purchase Return OrderTurn on this toggle to use this trade plan in a purchase return order document (when manually selecting a trade plan). This field is editable only when the Freight Cost Calculation field on the Trade Management Setup page is set as Documents

  • When Accrual Type field is set to Line, the Allocation Method field becomes non-editable. The Allocation Method field, in this case, is set to Equally by default. This field becomes editable based on the options selected in the Accrual Type field on the Trade Plan page.
  • When the Freight Cost Calculation field on the Trade Management Setup page is set to Both, you can edit either the Use in Transport Order toggle or the Use in Purchase, Use in Transfer, Use in Sales Return, and Use in Purchase Return Order toggles.
  1. On the Trade Plan Setup Freight FastTab, enter the required information in the following fields:
Shipping AgentSpecifies the code assigned to the agent responsible for handling the shipping of goods. This field identifies the company or individual managing the logistics and transportation of the shipment.
Calculation PerSpecifies the basis on which calculations are performed, typically referring to the individual routes used for shipping. This allows for cost and rate calculations to be tailored to specific transport routes.
Type CodeSpecifies the code for the type of transport route used. This code is derived from the Transport Routes page and helps in categorizing and managing different shipping routes efficiently.
DescriptionSpecifies the description associated with the defined route code.
Arrival CodeSpecifies the freight region code where the shipment arrives. This code is linked to the customer, vendor, or location’s freight region and is used to calculate freight costs for the document.
Departure CodeSpecifies the freight region code from which the shipment departs. This code is linked to the location, vendor, or customer’s freight region and is used to calculate freight costs for the document.
Document TypeSelect the type of document related to the trade plan. The available options are:
  • Sales and Purchase: Indicates whether the trade plan is for a sales transaction or a purchase order.
  • Transfer Order: Indicates whether the trade plan is configured for a transfer document. The freight setup of the trade plan applies to transfer documents.
  • All: Indicates the trade plan is for each document type.
Calculation TypeSpecifies the calculation method to be used for the defined trade plan. The available options are,
Floor Space: Indicates the calculation of the cost for each floor space code.
Packaging: Freight costs are calculated based on the packaging unit of the items. This option requires the Aptean Packaging extension to be installed and provides two methods of packaging calculation on the Packaging Setup page:
  • Manual: Freight costs for packaging are calculated when the document is posted. You can review whether freight costs for packaging have been applied once the document is posted.
  • On Release: Freight costs are calculated when the document is released. You can view the assigned trade plans related to packaging immediately after release.
    Unit of Measure: Freight costs are calculated based on the unit of measure defined for the items (e.g., boxes, pallets). The system calculates freight costs by multiplying the total quantity of items by the assigned cost for each unit of measure. This method is flexible and adjusts to the size or number of units in the document.
    Note: If multiple freight calculation methods (e.g., Floor Space and Unit of Measure) apply to the same document, the system will use the method that results in the highest freight cost.
  • Calculation Rate Type No.Specifies the calculation rate type number, inherited from the Transport Floor Space Types page. This value is essential for defining the rate at which calculations are performed based on the floor space types.
    FromSpecifies the decimal values displaying the starting range of the floor space. This field is used to input the minimum floor space value, allowing users to define the lower limit of the range for trade plans. It ensures that only plans within the specified floor space starting from this value are considered.
    ToSpecifies the decimal values displaying the ending range of the floor space. This field is used to input the maximum floor space value, allowing users to set the upper limit of the range for trade plans. It ensures that only plans within the specified floor space up to this value are considered.
    Cost in LCYSpecifies the cost in local currency (LCY) associated with the defined floor space range.
    Lump SumSpecifies if the freight setup is configured for a specific floor space or as a lump sum. When the checkbox is selected, the Calculation Rate Type No., From, or To fields can not be filled and the cost amount refers to the whole document.

    • Ensure all trade plan lines are unique when creating a new trade plan. If a trade plan setup freight line matches an existing line, the system indicates that trade plan setup freight lines must be unique.
    • If you enter a freight setup line with overlapping From and To field value ranges, the system displays an error informing you of the overlap. This ensures each trade plan line is distinct and not overlapping.
    • You cannot select a trade plan with Accrual Type field set as Item Charge when the Document Type field is set as Transfer Order.

    When sales prices in a sales document are specified in another currency than in the trade plans, then trade plans for which the Accrual Type field is specified are applied (currency is recalculated). Still, trade plans in which Price Rule is specified, are not applied.

    The trade plan is now set up.

    Copy Trade Plan

    The Copy Trade Plan action allows you to enhance the productivity of creating a new Trade Plan by allowing the copy of an existing record.

    1. Select the search icon , enter Trade Plans and then choose the related link.
      The Trade Plans list page opens.
    2. Select the required No.
    3. On the action bar, select Actions > Functions > Copy Trade Plan. The Copy Trade Plan dialog box opens.
    4. Select the required Trade Plan No. from the AssistEdit button.
      You can view the list of trade plan records based on the options (Per Group, Specific, Per Trade Business Group with Specific Item, and Per Trade Product Group with Specific Source) selected in the Trade Rate Setup field.
    5. Click OK.
    6. To include Groups, Exclusions and Rates associated with the original trade plan turn on the respective toggles.
      When copying the trade plan, the Item Exclusions, Locations Exclusions, Shipment Method Exclusions, Vendor Exclusions, Customer Exclusions, and Global Lot Attribute Exclusions are included if the Include Rates toggle is turned on.

    Now, you can see the records of the copied trade plan that have been updated on the existing trade plan card page. It helps you to edit, update or modify only the required details in the respective fields.

    Trade Plan Groups

    After setting up the trade business groups and trade product groups, these groups can be assigned to a trade plan. A trade plan group is always a combination of a trade business group and a trade product group.

    When creating a sales/purchase document, the trade plan rates from this trade plan will be used when the trade business group and trade product group are available on the sales/purchase document.

    1. On the Trade Plans list page, select Groups.

    Opening the Trade Plan Groups page from a specific trade plan, the Trade Plan No. filter is set for the trade plan. To see all trade plan groups (and delete all), open the filter pane, and delete the filter.

    1. In the Trade Business Group field, select the required Code from the drop-down menu.
    2. In the Trade Product Group field, select the required Code from the drop-down menu.
      The trade plan group is now set up.

    Set up Trade Plan Groups for specific item/source

    You can effectively configure trade plan groups and trade rates for specific customer/item rates, enhancing the flexibility of your trade rate setup. The system will automatically grant access to the related Trade Plan Groups page upon selecting the desired Trade Rate Setup field option.

    If the Trade Rate Setup field is set as Per Trade Business Group with Specific Item, the corresponding Trade Plan Groups page is displayed only with the Trade Business Group field. The system will prevent entry with the Trade Product Group field record.

    If the Trade Rate Setup field is set as Per Trade Product Group with Specific Source, the corresponding Trade Plan Groups page is displayed only with the Trade Product Group field. The system will prevent entry with the Trade Business Group field record.

    Trade Plan Exclusions

    After setting up the trade order types, you can link them to a trade plan. When a sale document, a purchase order, and/or a purchase return order is created where this order type is selected, the trade plan rates in this trade plan are not used.

    For example, sales orders for a customer are usually placed through a commissioner (sales agent that earns a commission via the sales price) and some costs are added to the sales price to cover this commission cost. Occasionally, a sales order for the same customer is placed, but not via the commissioner. In this case, it should be easy to prevent the cost from being added, without changing the system setup.

    1. .On the Trade Plans list page, select Exclusions.

    2. In the Value field, select the required Code from the drop-down menu.

    The trade plan exclusions are now set up. You can set up multiple exclusions.

    Trade Plan Rates

    Per trade plan, multiple trade plan rates can be set up. The rates can be set up per group or specific for customers, vendors, and/or items, depending on the setting trade rate set up on the trade plan.

    1. On the Trade Plans list page, select Rates.
      The Trade Plan Rates page opens.

    2. In the Trade Rate Setup field, fill in the required details.
      The trade plan rate is now set up.

    Set up Trade Plan Rates for specific item/source

    After selecting the desired Trade Rate Setup field option on the Trade Plan Card page, the system will automatically grant access to the related Trade Plan Rates page.

    If the Trade Rate Setup field is set as Per Trade Business Group with Specific Item, the corresponding Trade Plan Rates page is displayed with the relevant Item Type, Item No., and Variant Code fields, defining rates applicable for item groups.

    If the Trade Rate Setup field is set as Per Trade Product Group with Specific Source, the corresponding Trade Plan Rates page is displayed with the relevant Source Type, Source No., and Source Address Code fields, defining rates applicable to customer groups.

    The system automatically populates the default values in the Source Type and Item Type fields on the Trade Plan Rates page to prevent blank entries.

    Trade Plan Rates Exclusions

    Setting up the exclusions allows you to exclude specific items, locations, shipment methods, customers, vendors, and global lot attributes from the trade plan. With this, you can prevent trade costs and pricing from being applied to sales and purchase documents.

    The Trade Plan Rates page incorporates Item Exclusions, Location Exclusions, Shipment Method Exclusions, Vendor Exclusions, Customer Exclusions, and Global Lot Attribute Exclusions functions to establish exclusions for the trade rate calculations. If any order line includes one of the specified excluded records, the trade rate/price will not be applied to that specific document line. When creating a sales and purchase document with selected exclusions, the trade plan rates associated with that trade plan will not be utilized.

    For example, when placing sales orders for a customer through a sales agent who earns a commission based on the sales price, additional costs are typically included to cover the commission. However, in certain cases, a sales order for the same customer may be placed directly without involving the sales agent. In such scenarios, preventing the cost from being added without changing the system setup should be easy.

    The Excluded Values FactBox displays the exclusion sets already assigned to the trade plan rate line on the Trade Plan Rates page. You can access and view the specific exclusion records by clicking the corresponding number (e.g., “2”) in FactBox.

    The following procedure explains how to set customer exclusion. The steps are similar for all other exclusions.

    1. On the Trade Plan Rates page, select Customer Exclusions.
    2. In the Value field, select the required code from the drop-down menu.
      The trade plan rate exclusions are now set up.

      You can add multiple records by adding ”|” between each value.

    When exclusions are added or deleted to the trade plan, a notification will appear in a blue bar at the top of the Trade Plan Rates page.

    The following procedure explains how to remove the exclusions that have been set. The process is similar for all exclusions except for global lot attributes exclusions.

    1. Open the Trade Plan Rates page.
    2. In the Excluded Values FactBox, select the No. of Customer Exclusion.
      The Trade Plan Customer Exclusions page opens.
    3. Select the required exclusion that you want to delete.
    4. On the action bar, select Manage > Delete.
      The selected customer exclusion is successfully removed.

    The exclusions for global lot attributes can only be removed through the Trade Plan Global Lot Attribute Exclusions page, from which you initially set the exclusions. The Trade Plan Global Lot Attribute Exclusions page cannot be accessed through the search function.

    Trade Plan with Trade Rate Setup

    Depending on the option selected in the Trade Rate Setup field, the trade plan rates are determined. Additionally, you have the flexibility to create multiple trade plan rates as described below:

    Per Group

    When the trade rates are set up as Per Group, it is only necessary to set up the rate and unit of measure that applies to the rate.

    The following fields will be copied from the trade plan and cannot be changed on the rates.

    1. In the Rate field, enter a rate which can be a positive or negative value.

    When the Rate Type is a Percentage of the Line amount,it is possible to enter both positive and negative values.

    The rate is valid from volume 0. Other Volumes are registered in the Volume Rate table. See Volume Trade Rates for more information.

    1. In the Unit of Measure Code field, select the required Code from the drop-down menu.
      Select a unit of measure to which this rate applies. This is only necessary when the trade plan is set up with rate type Amount per Unit. When an item is set up with multiple units of measure, the rate will be retrieved where the unit of measure is the same as the price unit of measure. Suppose the sales price unit of measure is not applicable in a trade rate. In that case, the rate is picked with the unit of measure available for the item and will be recalculated to the price unit of measure.
    2. In the Starting Date and Ending Date fields, select the respective dates.
      When a starting or ending date is selected in a trade plan, these dates are copied to the trade rates. You can change these dates between the dates selected on the trade plan. If no dates are selected in the trade plan, the dates can be selected in the rates but they are optional. On a sales and purchase order, the dates will be compared with the price reference setup (as specified on the customer card). For all other sales and purchase documents, the dates will be compared with the order date or workdate (if the order date is empty).
    3. In the Location Code and Shipment Method Code fields, select the required value.
      The trade plans will be filtered and displayed on the Document Trade Costs (for header) or Document Trade Lines (for lines) page if the values entered in these fields match the location code and shipment method on the sales or purchase documents.

    The trade plan rate is now set up for the groups linked to this trade plan. You can create multiple trade plan rates. When there are multiple trade plan rates available for one trade plan, the most specific trade plan rate according to a hierarchy as shown below, is chosen.


    On the Details FastTab, in the Trade Rate Setup field, select Specific option from the drop-down menu.

    When the trade rates are set up specifically for a customer, vendor, and/or item, it is necessary to set up for each rate which customer, vendor, and/or item the rate applies.

    The following fields will be copied from the trade plan and cannot be changed on the Trade Plan Rates Page.

    On the Trade Plan Rates page:

    1. In the Source Type field, choose the required options from the drop-down menu.
    2. In the Source No. field, choose the required code.
    3. In the Source Address Code field, choose the required code.
    4. In the Item Type field, choose an option from the drop-down menu. The available options include All Items, Item, and Item Category.
    5. In the Item No. and Variant Code field, choose the required option.
    6. In the Rate field, enter a rate which can be a positive or negative value. When the rate type is a Percentage of the Line amount, the rate must be between 0 and 100 because it is a percentage. The rate is valid from volume 0. Other Volumes are registered in the Volume Rate table. See chapter Volume Trade Rates for more information.
    7. Select the Unit of Measure Code.
    8. In the Unit of Measure Code, select a unit of measure to which this rate applies. This is only necessary when the trade plan is set up with rate type Amount per Unit. When an item is set up with multiple units of measure, the rate will be retrieved where the unit of measure is the same as the price unit of measure. Suppose the price unit of measure is not applicable in a trade rate. In that case, the rate is picked with the unit of measure available for the item and will be recalculated to the price unit of measure.
    9. In the Starting Date and Ending Date fields, select the respective dates.
      When a starting or ending date is selected in a trade plan, these dates are copied to the trade rates. You can change these dates between the dates selected on the trade plan. If no dates are selected in the trade plan, the dates can be selected in the rates but they are optional. On a sales and purchase order, the dates will be compared with the price reference setup (as specified on the customer card). For all other sales and purchase documents, the dates will be compared with the order date or workdate (if the order date is empty).
    10. In the Location Code and Shipment Method Code fields, select the required value.
      The trade plans will be filtered and displayed on the Document Trade Costs (for header) or Document Trade Lines (for lines) page if the values entered in these fields match the location code and shipment method on the sales or purchase documents.

    The trade plan rate is now set up. You can create multiple trade plan rates.
    When there are multiple trade plans, rates are available for one trade plan, and the most specific trade plan, rate according to a hierarchy as shown below, is chosen.

    Specific (with Global Lot Attributes)

    You can view the global lot attribute fields along the lines of the trade plan rates. The Trade Plan Rates page will display global lot attributes only if the following conditions are applied:

    On the Details FastTab, in the Trade Rate Setup field, select Specific option from the drop-down menu.

    When the trade rates are set up specifically for a customer, vendor, and/or item, it is necessary to set up for each rate which customer, vendor, and/or item the rate applies.

    The following fields will be copied from the trade plan and cannot be changed on the Trade Plan Rates Page.

    On the Trade Plan Rates page:

    1. In the Source Type field, choose the required options from the drop-down menu.
    2. In the Source No. field, choose the required code.
    3. In the Source Address Code field, choose the required code.
    4. In the Item Type field, choose an option from the drop-down menu. The available options include All Items, Item, and Item Category.
    5. In the Item No. and Variant Code field, choose the required option.
    6. In the global lot attributes fields, select the required option.
      The global lot attributes defined in the Advanced Attribute Setup page are displayed as fields on the Trade Plan Rates page. It is only possible to edit the value of the global lot attribute fields if the Item Type field has a value as Item and the corresponding item number is specified for the line.
    7. In the Rate field, enter a rate which can be a positive or negative value. When the rate type is a Percentage of the Line amount, the rate must be between 0 and 100 because it is a percentage. The rate is valid from volume 0. Other Volumes are registered in the Volume Rate table. See chapter Volume Trade Rates for more information.
    8. Click on the cell Unit of Measure Code.
    9. In the Unit of Measure Code, select a unit of measure to which this rate applies. This is only necessary when the trade plan is set up with rate type Amount per Unit. When an item is set up with multiple units of measure, the rate will be retrieved where the unit of measure is the same as the price unit of measure. Suppose the price unit of measure is not applicable in a trade rate. In that case, the rate is picked with the unit of measure available for the item and will be recalculated to the price unit of measure.
    10. In the Starting Date and Ending Date fields, select the respective dates.
      When a starting or ending date is selected in a trade plan, these dates are copied to the trade rates. You can change these dates between the dates selected on the trade plan. If no dates are selected in the trade plan, the dates can be selected in the rates but they are optional. On a sales and purchase order, the dates will be compared with the price reference setup (as specified on the customer card). For all other sales and purchase documents, the dates will be compared with the order date or workdate (if the order date is empty).
    11. In the Location Code and Shipment Method Code fields, select the required value.
      The trade plans will be filtered and displayed on the Document Trade Lines page if the values entered in these fields match the location code and shipment method on the sales or purchase documents.

    The trade plan rate is now set up. You can create multiple trade plan rates.
    When there are multiple trade plans, rates are available for one trade plan, and the most specific trade plan, rate according to a hierarchy as shown below, is chosen.

    Trade plan with trade group sets on sales and purchase orders

    When entering or selecting the required item number on the sales line of a sales order, the system will verify the status of the Enable Trade Group Set 2 and Enable Trade Group Set 3 toggles on the Trade Management Setup page. Depending on which toggle is enabled, the system will then check the corresponding trade group sets fields on the Purchase Order page.

    The system examines the trade business group fields on the purchase header. If any of these fields contain a value, the system will look for the same value on the Trade Plan Groups page associated with the relevant trade plan.

    This verification occurs for trade plans where the Trade Rate Setup field is set to Per Trade Business Group with Specific Item. The system will consider the trade plan that matches the value of the trade business groups.

    The system checks the trade product group fields on the purchase header. If any of these fields contain a value, the system will look for the same value on the Trade Plan Groups page associated with the relevant trade plan.

    This occurs for trade plans where the Trade Rate Setup field is set to Per Trade Product Group with Specific Source. The system will consider the trade plan that matches the value in the trade product groups. To know more, see Set up Trade Plan Groups for specific item/source.

    After determining the relevant trade plan, the system checks the trade plan rates on the Trade Plan Rates page associated with the trade plan. To know more, see Set up Trade Plan Rates for specific item/source.

    Based on the trade plan rate hierarchy, the system automatically identifies and applies the appropriate trade plan rate to the sales order to calculate the document trade lines. To know more about the trade plan hierarchy, see Trade plan rate hierarchy.

    • If the Trade Rate Setup field is set to Per Trade Business Group with Specific Item, the system will not consider the Source Type, Source No., and Source Address fields when filtering the applicable trade plan rate.
    • If the Trade Rate Setup is set to Per Trade Product Group with Specific Source, the system will not consider the Item Type, Item No., and Variant Code fields when filtering the applicable trade plan rate.

    For details on how the system filters the relevant trade plan rate using global lot attributes, see Trade plan rate hierarchy with global lot attribute values.

    The functionality works similarly to filter out the appropriate trade plan to be applied to the purchase order for calculating the document trade lines. Also, the system ensures that the correct trade plan is applied to the sales or purchase order, based on the configuration and values set in the trade business and product groups.

    Trade Plan Translations

    When a trade plan description is used on documents to foreign business partners, you can set up trade plan translations. These translated trade plan descriptions are automatically inserted into documents according to the language code.

    1.On the Trade Plan list page, select Related > Translations.

    1. In the Language Code field, select the required code from the drop-down menu.
      It is used when translating specific text on documents to foreign business partners.
    2. In the Description field, specify the trade plan description.

    The trade plan translation is now set up. You can set up multiple trade plan translations.

    Volume Trade Rates

    The rates are valid for a volume starting at zero. Rates for higher volumes can be set up as volume trade rates.

    1. In the Trade Plans list page, select Rates > Volume Rates.

    The Volume Rates action is disabled when the rate type is set to Amount per Shipping Container.

    1. In the Minimum Value field, enter the required details.
      Depending on the volume type from the trade plan, this can include a number, weight or amount.
    2. In the Rate field, enter a rate which can be a positive or negative value. When the Rate Type is Percentage of Line Amount, the rate must be between 0 and 100 because it is a percentage.When the Rate type is Percentage of Line amount, the rate must be between 0 and 100 because it is a percentage.

    The volume trade rates are now set up. You can create multiple trade plan rates. When the minimum value is reached, the entered rate is used.

    Source type and location-based trade plans

    Trade plan calculations based on a location, such as all locations or a specific location, affect how trade plans are applied across various documents, including purchase, sales, sales return, and purchase return orders. When these location settings are defined in the trade plan setup, they influence the application of trade plans consistently across these documents.

    However, when location from and location to are specified, the system limits the trade plan’s application to transfer orders only. It does not apply these location-based calculations to sales or purchase documents.

    Once the system assigns the trade plan to a document, it appears on the Document Freight Costs or Document Trade Costs page, where you can verify that the location-based trade plan and its rates have been applied correctly.