Trade Partners

Article09/01/202411 min read

Trade partners are customers or vendors linked to an actual cost or revenue and sending or receiving invoices for costs or revenues. So first, the expected costs or revenues will be posted and after posting the invoice from the trade partner with the actual costs, the expected costs will be reversed and replaced by the actual cost or revenue.

For example, an external commissioner who is paid a commission or a customer who is paid a rebate at the end of the year.

  1. Select the Search icon , enter Trade Partners, and then choose the related link.
    The Trade Partners list page opens.
  2. On the action bar, choose the New action.
  3. In the No. field, on the General FastTab, click the lookup button.
  4. Select the required Code.
    The number series linked in the trade management setup is shown. The next number in the series is then inserted in the No. field. If the Manual Nos. field is selected for the number series, then you can enter any number manually.
  5. Click OK.
  6. On the General FastTab, select the required option from the Source Type field.
    When a trade rate is a cost, a purchase invoice is received for the costs, then the trade partner must be a vendor. When the trade rate is a revenue, a sales invoice must be sent and the trade partner must be a customer.
  7. In the Source No. field, choose the related link.
    Depending on the selected source type, vendors or customers are shown.
  8. The Name field specifies the name of the trade partner.
  9. On the Contact Info FastTab, in the County field, specify the state, province, or county of the address.
  10. On the Trade Settings FastTab, in the Gen. Prod. Posting Group Expected Cost field, select the required Code from the drop-down menu.
    The product posting group specifies which group is used when the system posts the expected cost.
  11. On the Trade Settings FastTab, in the Invoice Method field, choose the relevant option from the drop-down menu.
    It specifies how costs or revenues are invoiced. Possible options are:
    • Invoice: trade partner sends invoice
    • Trade Statement: you create an invoice via a trade statement
      You cannot open the Get Trade Accrual Entries for the Purchase Invoice if the Invoice Method is selected as Trade Statement for the trade statement on the Trade Partner Card page. It works similarly for the following documents:
    • Purchase Invoices
    • Sales Invoices
    • Sales Credit Memos
  12. The Trade Statement Inclusion for Sales field allows you to choose which trade accrual entry record should be included in a Trade Statement. Select the related options from the drop-down menu. When the option is selected as Invoice, all the entries from the trade accrual entries are included. With the option set to Payment, only the entries relating to the closed invoices and credit memos are included in a Trade Statement.

    This field is visible only when the Invoice Method field is set to Trade Statement on the Trade Partner page.

  13. On the action bar, select Related > Issued Trade Statements. This action allows you to view all the trade statements that are issued for the selected trade partner.
  14. On the action bar, select Related > Trade Statements. This action allows you to view all trade statements that are not yet been issued for the selected trade partner.

    You cannot access the Issued Trade Statements and Trade Statements actionswhen one or more trade partners are selected.

  15. On the action bar, the Create Trade Statements action helps you to create a new trade statement for a selected trade partner. From this you can see all the revenue and costs for a specific trade partner.

Trade Partner Groups

You can set up a Trade Partner Group when the same trade plan is applicable to multiple trade partners. When the Trade Partner Group is linked to a trade partner, the trade plan can be applied to that group of trade partners.

  1. Select the Search icon , enter Trade Partner Groups and then choose the related link.
    The Trade Partner Groups list page opens.
  2. On the action bar, select the New action.
  3. In the Code field, enter or select the required code of the trade partner through which the trade partner group can be linked to a trade partner.
  4. In the Description field, enter the related description of the trade partner group.
  1. Select the Search icon , enter Trade Partners and then choose the related link.
    The Trade Partners list page opens.
  2. In the No. field, select the required number of the trade partner. The Trade Partner Card page opens.
  3. On the General FastTab, in the Trade Partner Group Code field, choose the required code from the drop-down menu to link the Trade Partner Group.

Trade Partner Allocations

On the Trade Partner Allocations page, you can add a trade partner to the customer/vendor and set which trade partner should get the accrual amount. You can also assign a percentage of the accrual amount to be allocated for each trade partner.

  1. On the Customers list page, in the No. field, select the required number of the customer.
    The Customer Card page opens for the selected customer.
  2. On the action bar, select Related > Customer > Trade Partner Allocations.
  3. On the Trade Partner Allocations page, the Source No. field is auto populated from the selected customer number.
  4. In the Ship-to Code field, choose the required code from the drop-down list.
    This field is only available when the source type is a customer.
  5. In the Trade Partner No. field, choose the required number from the drop-down list.
  6. In the Trade Partner Allocation field, enter the relevant value of the allocated percentage.
    This field defaults to the value as 100 for a new record. It can also be updated manually.

Alternatively, the Source Type, Source No. and the Ship-to Code fields are updated automatically when you record an entry on the Trade Partner Allocation page.


Each Trade Partner is assigned with a unique number. So, only one record exists as per the Trade Partner No.

You can view the FactBox on the right side of the screen by selecting the relevant Trade Partner records. It displays the following information about the Trade Partner records.

Source TypeShows whether the selected trade partner is a customer or vendor.
Source No.The number of the customer or vendor.
NameThe name of the customer or vendor.
Trade Partner Group CodeThe code of the trade partner group.

Document Trade Partner Allocations

On the Document Trade Partner Allocation page, you can control which Trade Partner(s) get the accrual amount in relation to a particular source document.

  1. On the Sales Orders list page, select the New action.
  2. On the Sales Order page, choose Related > Order > Document Trade Partner Allocations.
  3. On the Document Trade Partner Allocations page, the Document No. field is auto populated from the selected sales order.
  4. In the Trade Partner No. field, choose the related value from the drop-down menu.
  5. In the Allocation Percentage field, specify the required percentage of the order amount.

The Document Trade Partner Allocations records inherits the setup of the Trade Partner Allocations of the Customer based on the option selected in the Ship-to Code field (including the blank Ship-to Code entries) on the Shipping FastTab on the Customer Card.


The Document Trade Partner Allocations inherits the blank Ship-to Code entries of the Trade Partner Allocations for the Purchase documents by default.

You can view the FactBox on the right side of the screen by selecting the relevant Trade Partner records. It displays the following information about the Trade Partner records.

Source TypeShows whether the selected trade partner is a customer or vendor.
Source No.The number of the customer or vendor.
NameThe name of the customer or vendor.
Trade Partner Group CodeThe code of the trade partner group.

This feature can be accessed from both the Sales and Purchase documents. The Trade Partner Allocations table is shown onthe following pages:

  • Sales Invoices
  • Sales Return Orders
  • Sales Credit Memos
  • Blanket Sales Orders
  • Sales Quotes
  • Sales Orders
  • Purchase Invoices
  • Purchase Return Orders
  • Purchase Credit Memos
  • Blanket Purchase Orders
  • Purchase Quotes
  • Purchase Orders

You can copy a sales or purchase document from another document that holds the records of the trade partner allocations. This enables any recalculation of the document’s trade lines to accurately reflect any voluntary manual modification of the trade partner allocations. The Move Negative Lines action allows you to move the linked document trade partner allocations lines to a new document. You can also perform the Correct, Cancel, Create Corrective Credit Memo actions to update the document trade partner allocations records for the posted documents.

Copy Document Trade Partner Allocations with Make Order

When you click on Make Order action, the purchase quote is transferred to purchase order. This procedure describes how to copy the trade partner allocations using Make Order action from the sales quote page.

  1. Select the Search icon , enter Sales Quotes and then choose the related link.
    The Sales Quotes list page opens.
  2. Select the required No. to open the Sales Quote Card page.
  3. On the action bar, select Related > Quote > Document Trade Partner Allocations.
  4. On the Document Trade Partner Allocations page, fill in the Trade Partner No. and assign the allocated percentage.
  5. By choosing the Make Order action, the sales quote is converted into an order.

The details of the trade partner allocations from the Document Trade Partner Allocation records in Sales Quote page are transferred to the Sales Order page. Any changes or modifications made are also updated in the Sales Order page. It works similarly for the following documents:

  • Purchase Quotes
  • Blanket Sales Orders
  • Blanket Purchase Orders

You cannot view the Document Trade Partner Allocations records in the sales order page if it is deleted or completely removed from the sales quote page.

Posted Document Trade Partner Allocations

When you post a sales order or sales return order, the resulting posted sales invoice or posted sales credit memo receives the records of the trade partner allocations from the respective documents. The Posted Document Trade Partner Allocations page helps to analyze and understand the contributions of the resulting Document Trade Lines in relation to the posted document. For any posted sales or purchase document, you can see the trade partner allocations records that are related to the document.

  1. Select the Search icon , enter Posted Sales Invoices and then choose the related link.
    The Posted Sales Invoices page opens.
  2. Select the required No. to open the Posted Sales Invoice page.
  3. On the action bar, select Related > Invoice > Document Trade Partner Allocations.
  4. The Posted Document Trade Partner Allocations page displays the records of the selected Sales order and its document trade partner allocations.

Alternatively, you can also open the Posted Document Trade Partner Allocation page with the following steps.

  • Posted Sales Credit Memo > Related > Cr. Memo > Document Trade Partner Allocations.

You can view the FactBox on the right side of the screen by selecting the relevant Trade Partner records. It displays the information about the Trade Partner records. For more information, see Document Trade Partner Allocations.


You can only view the values in the fields and the records on the page are non-editable.

Document Trade Partner Allocation Archive

You can be able to view the fields on the Sales Document Trade Partner Allocation Archive and the page is non-editable.

  1. On the Sales Order Archives page, select the required No.
    The Sales Order Archives page opens.
  2. On the action bar, select Related > Order > Document Trade Partner Allocation.
    The Sales Document Trade Partner Allocations Archive page opens.
  3. The Document No., Trade Partner No., and Allocation Percentage fields are automatically filled in and inherited from the archived source document. For more information, see Document Trade Partner Allocations.

It works similarly for both Sales and Purchase documents. This page can also be accessed from the following pages:

  • Archived Sales Quotes
  • Archived Sales Orders
  • Archived Sales Return Orders
  • Archived Purchase Quotes
  • Archived Purchase Orders
  • Archived Blanket Purchase Orders
  • Archived Purchase Return Orders

Now when a sales document is archived or restored, the created sales document will have all the records of the Document Trade Partner Allocation records from the archived or restored sales document. This works similarly for the following documents:

  • Archived Sales Quotes
  • Archived Sales Orders
  • Archived Sales Return Orders

Trade Cost Summary

The Trade Cost Summary are all the costs that the Customer/Vendor incurs when transacting on trade. It includes returns for the Customer/Vendor, the sum of all amounts payable while performing the trade. On the Trade Cost Summary page, you can view the summary of all costs, sales, and profit for the document which includes all the trade accruals and their contributions to the cost or revenue.

  1. Open the Sales Orders page.
  2. On the action bar, select Related > Order > Trade Cost Summary.
  3. On the Sales Trade Cost Summary page, you can view the related trade cost summary.
  4. On the Item Charges FastTab, the sum of each affected trade partner and item charges are displayed.
  5. On the Trade Accrual FastTab, the total costs for the trade accrual costs which are summed up from all the Document Trade Lines for both line and header level are displayed.
  6. On the Total Costs FastTab, the corresponding item charges of the item and trade accrual of the trade are automatically calculated and displays their totals costs.
  7. On Total Sales FastTab, the sum of the tax, trade accrual, and discount of the sales lines are displayed.
  8. On the Gross Margin FastTab, the profit amount and profit percentage are calculated using the sum of the costs and sales lines.

You can also view the Purchase Trade Cost Summary on the Purchase Order page.