Trade Group Sets

Article06/13/20246 min read

Enhance item classification with additional trade product groups and refine customer categorization with extra trade business groups, allowing for more precise trade deal management and detailed tracking of customer participation in various trade programs.

Set up trade product group for items

You can add more trade product groups to an item, enabling finer categorization according to specific trade deals or contracts.

  1. Open the Item Card page.
  2. On the Prices & Sales FastTab, in the Trade Product Group 2 field, select a secondary trade product group code associated with the item. This enables an additional method for categorizing items, facilitating refined trade line calculations.
  3. In the Trade Product Group 3 field, select a third trade product group code linked to the item, providing another way to categorize items for trade line calculations.

The Trade Product Group 2 and Trade Product Group 3 fields on the Item Card page are displayed depending on the settings on the Trade Management Setup page.

While the default Trade Product Group field serves its purpose for basic categorization, the Trade Product Group 2 and Trade Product Group 3 fields offer an additional layer of specificity. This can be particularly beneficial in complex trading environments where items may need to be grouped and managed according to multiple criteria simultaneously.

Set up trade business group for customers and vendors

You can add extra trade business groups to customers, enabling more detailed categorization based on their involvement in different trade programs.

  1. Open the Customer Card page.
  2. On the Invoicing FastTab, in the Trade Business Group 2 field, select a second trade business group code associated with the customer. This provides an additional method for categorizing customers, enhancing accuracy in trade line calculations.
  3. In the Trade Business Group 3 field, select a third trade business group linked to the customer. This introduces a third method of categorizing customers with accurate trade line calculations.

The Trade Business Group 2 and Trade Business Group 3 fields on the Customer Card page are displayed depending on the settings on the Trade Management Setup page.

Utilizing multiple trade business groups allows you to fine-tune your business strategies and activities to meet the specific needs and behaviors of various customer segments.

These fields can also be accessed from:

  • The Advanced Pricing FastTab of the Ship-to Address card page linked to the Customer Card page to enable the association of specific trade agreements with various delivery locations for a customer.
  • The Invoicing FastTab of the Vendor Card page to associate the trade business groups with various vendors, resulting in more favorable pricing.
  • The General FastTab of the Order Address card page associated with the Vendor Card page to allocate extra trade business groups to an order address and link specific trade agreements with distinct billing or shipping locations for an order.

Trade group sets on sales documents

When you create a sales document, like a sales order, blanket sales order, sales invoice, sales quote, sales return order, or sales credit memo, the system retrieves the necessary customer information.

On the General FastTab of the sales documents, the system first checks the bill-to customer record for values of the Trade Business Group 2 or Trade Business Group 3 field. If values are found, they are automatically populated in the corresponding Trade Business Group 2 or Trade Business Group 3 field on the sales document header. If no values are found in the bill-to customer record, the system then checks the ship-to address record. If values are found there, they are used instead.


Along with bill-to customer records, the system also checks for the sales price reference customer and sell-to customer records if necessary.

If both the bill-to customer and ship-to customer records have values, the system prioritizes the ship-to address values over the bill-to address values. Prioritizing the trade business group linked to the ship-to address over the bill-to address ensures that trade plans and pricing rules are applied correctly.

For the trade product group fields on the Lines FastTab of the sales documents, the system retrieves the item number from the sales document line, checks the Trade Product Group 2 or Trade Product Group 3 field for the associated item, and populates the corresponding fields in the sales document line if values exist.


The Trade Business Group 2 and Trade Business Group 3 fields on the General FastTab and the Trade Product Group 2 and Trade Product Group 3 fields on the Lines FastTab of the Sales Order page can be viewed through Page Inspection.

Trade group sets on purchase documents

When accessing the purchase documents, the system retrieves related details such as buy-from vendor number, pay-to vendor number, and the order address code. Subsequently, it proceeds to populate the trade business group fields accordingly.

The system first checks the related trade business group field associated with the buy-from vendor record. If a value exists, it is populated in the appropriate Trade Business Group 2 or Trade Business Group 3 field within the purchase document header. If there is no value in the buy-from vendor record, the system then checks the corresponding trade business group fields linked with the order address record. If values are found there, they are used to fill in the relevant fields within the purchase header.

If both the buy-from vendor and order address fields have value, the system prioritizes the order address over the buy-from vendor record.

For the trade product group fields on the Lines FastTab of the sales documents, the system takes the item number from the purchase document line, checks for values in the Trade Product Group 2 or Trade Product Group 3 field for the item, and then populates the corresponding fields on the purchase document line.


The Trade Business Group 2 and Trade Business Group 3 fields on the General FastTab and the Trade Product Group 2 and Trade Product Group 3 fields on the Lines FastTab of the Purchase Order page can be viewed through Page Inspection.

Calculate document trade lines with trade group sets

The system calculates the document trade lines by considering the additional trade group sets. This prevents duplicate calculations for the same trade plan within a document trade line.

  • If the Enable Trade Group 2 and Enable Trade Group Set 3 toggles are turned off on the Trade Management Setup page, the corresponding header and line fields on the sales and purchase documents are ignored during the document trade lines calculation.
  • If any of these toggles are turned on, the system verifies whether any of the corresponding fields contain a value. If so, it identifies the relevant trade plan for the trade business group or trade product group.
  • The document trade lines identified for the trade group sets are included within the existing document trade line records.
  • For trade plans based on the Calculation Base field set as Current Price and Rate Type field set as Percentage of Line Amount, the system uses the Calculation Level field to decide the order in which they are applied during the calculation.
  • The system checks if a document trade line for the identified trade plan number already exists within the same document line. If a duplicate trade plan is detected, it is skipped to prevent multiple applications of the same trade plan.
    To know more about document trade lines, see Document Trade Lines.