Trade Cost Order

Article09/05/20244 min read

Posting a document trade line item charge will be done with a trade cost order. These trade cost orders will be automatically created and posted when document trade lines are posted with an accrual type, but you can also create a trade cost order manually to enter extra costs to an item. Posting a trade cost order is the same process as posting an item charge through a purchase or sales invoice.

  1. Select the Search icon , enter Trade Cost Orders and then choose the related link.
    The Trade Cost Orders list page opens.
  2. On the action bar, choose the New action.
  3. On the General FastTab, in the No. field, select the required code from the AssistEdit button
  4. The number series linked in the trade management setup is shown. The next number in the series is then inserted in the No. field. If the Manual No. field is selected for the number series, then you can enter any number manually.
  5. On the Lines FastTab, in the Trade Plan No. field, specify the number of the trade plan.
  6. In the Amount field, enter the cost amount for this trade cost order line.
    The trade cost order is now setup. The cost now needs to be assigned to a specific item.
  7. On the action bar, click Line > Item Charge Assignment.

The following instruction describes how to assign the costs to sales shipment lines. Using other lines (Purchase Receipt, Transfer Receipt, Sales Return Receipt, Purchase Return Shipment) are similar.

  1. On the action bar, choose Item Charge > Get Sales Shipment Lines.
  2. Select one or more item ledger entries and click OK.

When there is more than one line selected, you can assign and distribute the assigned item charge with the Suggest Item Charge Assignment function. You can select between five distribution methods.

  1. On the action bar, select Item Charge > Suggest Item Charge Assignment and then choose the required option from the list: Equally, By Gross Weight, By Volume, By Quantity.
  2. Click OK.

The Trade Cost Order is now posted, and the value entries are created.


A value entry is created for the assigned costs.

Trade cost order for catch weight items

You can assign item charges in trade cost orders based on the actual weight of items, specifically for catch weight items. This functionality enhances the standard item charge assignment process by introducing weight-based (actual weight) distribution of charges. This is useful when you want to split costs based on the actual weight of the items, ensuring more accurate financial allocation for catch weight items.

  1. Open the Trade Cost Order page.
  2. On the Lines FastTab, fill out the required trade plan number and the cost amount to be assigned to a specific item.
  3. On the action bar, select Line > Item Charge Assignment.
    The Trade Cost Assignment page opens.
  4. On the action bar, select Get Shipment Lines.
    You can select the sales shipment lines posted for the item you want to assign the item charge to. The Quantity (KG) field displays the weight quantity of the item in the catch weight unit of measure.
    The Catch Weight Item checkbox is selected if the specified item is a catch weight item.
  5. On the action bar, select Item Charge > Suggest Item Charge Assignment.
    You can assign and distribute the item charge to one or more shipment lines using this action.
    A dialog appears confirming the distribution of the assigned item charge.
  6. Select By Weight Quantity.

Now, the system distributes charges based on the actual weight (for catch weight items) and net weight (for non-catch weight items).

After applying the item charge assignment, the Amount to Assign field reflects the charges distributed based on the actual weight of the items.

For more information on item charge assignments, see Assign item charges to sales and purchases.


The Quantity (KG) field, Catch Weight Item checkbox, and By Weight Quantity option related to catch weight items are displayed only when the Aptean Catch Weight extension is installed.