Set up trade management

Article • 6/25/2024 • 8 min read

Before you can work with the Aptean Trade Management extension, some setup needs to be done.

Trade Management Setup

On the Trade Management Setup page, you can assign a number series for the trade documents and set a default calculation base. The following procedure describes how to perform this activity.

  1. Select the Search icon, enter Trade Management Setup, and then choose the related link.
    The Trade Management Setup page opens.
  2. On the General FastTab, enter the required information in the following fields:
Default Calculation BaseSelect an option from the list: Current Price, Base Price, or Unit Cost. The calculation base specifies to which price the trade plan rate should be applied. This is applicable for the first trade plan line in the trade calculation and for trade plan lines in the calculation for which the price rule is a percentage. This calculation base will be used per default.
Auto-Assign Trade Costs in Sales Doc.Select the required option from the drop-down menu. It determines if trade costs should be automatically assigned at the header level of a sales or sales return order upon document release when no trade costs are already specified. The available options are Always: assign automatically, Never: manual assignment required before release if necessary, and Ask: prompt to confirm whether you want to calculate the trade costs automatically.
Auto-Assign Trade Costs in Purchase Doc.Specify whether trade costs on header level of a purchase (or purchase return) order should be assigned automatically when releasing the document, in case no trade costs are present yet. Options are: Always, Never (you should add costs manually before releasing if needed), or Ask (the system will ask whether you want to assign costs automatically).
Accrual Posting TemplateSpecify the Gen. Journal Template to be used by the system when posting accruals to the general ledger.
Accrual Posting BatchSpecify the Gen. Journal Batch to be used by the system when posting accruals to the general ledger.
Check Purchase Invoice Amount On PostingSpecify whether a check is executed against the Doc. Amount Incl. VAT field in the purchase invoice header when posting the purchase invoice. For more information, see Use cost accrual selection.
Freight Cost CalculationSpecifies if the freight costs is calculated for this shipment method.If the value is false, no cost calculation and cost assignment will happen.

  • You cannot change the Freight Cost Calculation field to empty from Transport Order if there are unposted transport orders configured for freight cost calculation.
  • If the freight cost calculation is changed to empty all trade plans with trade plan type freight will be inactive.
  • You can only close the Trade Management Setup page if both the Accrual Posting Template and Accrual Posting Batch fields contain values or if neither field contains a value.
  • In Belgium localization, you can post the sales order only if the Accrual Posting Template and Accrual Posting Batch fields have values in them.
  1. On the Number Series FastTab, enter the required information in the following fields:
Trade Plan Nos.Specifies the code for the number series that will be used to assign numbers to trade plans.
Trade Partner Nos.Specifies the code for the number series that will be used to assign numbers to trade partners.
Trade Cost Order Nos.Specifies the code for the number series that will be used to assign numbers to cost orders.
Trade Statement Nos.Specifies the number series code which is used to assign numbers to the trade statements.
  1. On the Report FastTab, select the related report ID from the drop-down menu in the respective fields.
    It prints the trade accrual summary, trade statement summary, and trade statement detailed reports.

The setup for trade management is completed.

Trade Business Groups

A trade plan can be set up for either a specific or a general level. Before you create a trade plan for a general level, the type for the customer, vendors, or items must be defined.

For customers and vendors, you can set up a Trade Business Group. This group can be linked to one or more customers, vendors, order addresses, or ship-to addresses and later to one or more trade plans. See chapter Trade Plan Groups for more information about linking a trade business group to a trade plan.

  1. Select the Search icon , enter Trade Business Groups and then choose the related link.
    The Trade Business Groups list page opens.
  2. Choose the New action.
  3. In the Code field, enter a code for the trade business group.
  4. Click on the cell Code and enter a code for the trade business group.
  5. In the Description field, enter a description for the trade business group.
    The trade business group is now set up. You can create multiple trade and business groups.

Assign trade business group to customer/vendor

  1. Select the Search icon , enter Customers or Vendor, and then choose the relevant link.
    The Customers or Vendors list page opens.
  2. Select and click the required No. to open the Customer Card page or Vendor Card page.
    Using the trade business groups is only possible when the pricing method for the sales/purchase document, i.e., the Price Calculation Method is set up as Advanced Pricing. This method is coming from the Advanced Pricing extension.
  3. On the Invoicing FastTab, select the Trade Business Group field.
  4. Select the required code from the drop-down menu.
    The trade business group will be copied to the sales document header when entering the customer. If a Price Reference Customer is linked to the Sell-to customer in a sales document header, the trade business group from the price reference customer will be used, otherwise the trade business group from the bill-to customer in the sales document header is used.
    The trade business group will be copied to the purchase document header when entering the vendor.

Assign trade business group to Ship-to address or Order Address

  1. Select the Search icon , enter Customers and then choose the related link.
    The Customers list page opens.
  2. On the action bar, click Related > Customer > Ship-to-Address.
    Or select the Search icon , enter Vendors and then choose the related link. The Vendors page opens.
    On the action bar, click Related > Vendor > Order Addresses.
  3. Select the related Code from the list.
  4. On the Advanced Pricing FastTab, in the Trade Business Group field, select the required code from the drop-down menu.

When a user enters a different Ship-to address in the sales header of a sales document or the Order Address in the purchase header, the system will check if a different trade business group is set up for that ship-to address or order address. These will be given preference over the trade business groups assigned for the Customers or Vendors.

Trade Product Groups

A trade plan can be set up very specific or on a more general level. Before being able to create a trade plan for this general level, the type of the items must be defined.

  1. Select the Search icon , enter Trade Product Groups and then choose the related link.
    The Trade Product Groups list page opens.
  2. On the Trade Product Groups page, choose New action.
  3. In the Code field, enter a code for the trade product group.
  4. In the Description field, eneter a description for the trade product group.

The trade product group is now set up. You can create multiple trade product groups.

Assign a trade product group to an item

  1. Select the Search icon , enter Items and then choose the related link.
    The Items list page opens.
  2. Click on the required No. to open the Item Card page.

Using the trade item groups is only possible when the pricing method, i.e., the Price Calculation Method for the sales/purchase document is set up as Advanced Pricing. This method is coming from the Advanced Pricing extension.

  1. On the Prices & Sales FastTab, in the Advanced Pricing, select Trade Product Group field.
  2. Select the required Code from the drop-down menu.

The trade product group will be copied to the sales/purchase document line when entering an item.

Trade Order Types

In some cases, a price increase or cost doesn’t need to include in a specific order. In that case, you can exclude a trade plan with a specific trade order type. This order type can be linked to a trade plan and when a sales/purchase order is created where this order type is selected, the trade plan rates in the trade plan are not used.

For example, sales orders for a customer are usually placed through a commissioner (sales agent that earns a commission via the sales price), and some costs are added to the sales price to cover this commission cost. Occasionally, a sales order for the same customer is placed, but not via the commissioner. In this case, it should be easy to prevent the cost from being added, without changing the system setup.

  1. Select the Search icon , enter Trade Order Types, and then choose the related link.
    The Trade Order Types list page opens.
  2. On the action bar, choose the New action.
  3. In the Code field, enter a code for the trade order type.
  4. In the Description field, enter a description for the trade order type.
  5. Click on the cell Description and enter a description for the trade order type.

The trade order type is now set up. You can create multiple trade order types.