Posted Document Trade Lines

Article10/24/20232 min read

When creating an invoice or credit memo, you can add an invoice line manually or use the function Get shipment lines or Get receipt lines. In that case, the document trade lines are copied from the order to the invoice or credit memo. When posting the invoice, the available document trade lines are posted as well.

For the document trade lines with a price rule, after posting a trade price value entry is created.

For the document trade lines with an accrual type and coming from a shipment/receipt, after posting, a trade cost order is created and directly posted in the background. For more information about the trade cost order, see Trade Cost Order. After posting the trade cost order, value entries are created. Depending on the accrual type, this is a value entry with trade cost order type ‘Standard’ or ‘Expected’. For the value entries with the type ‘Expected’, after posting the actual cost or revenue, the entries will be reversed and new entries will be created with the actual cost or revenue.

##To create and post the trade cost order manually

The following instructions outline the process for creating and posting the trade cost order manually for the posted document trade lines within a sales invoice. These steps can be applied similarly to other sales and purchase documents.

  1. Select the Search icon , enter Posted Sales Invoices, and then choose the related link.
    The Posted Sales Invoices page opens.
  2. Select the required No. to open the Posted Sales Invoice page.
  3. On the Lines FastTab, select Line > Document Trade Lines.
    The Posted Sales Document Trade Lines page opens.
    You can view the relevant document trade lines that are posted along with the sales invoice.

While posting an invoice or credit memo, it is possible for an error to occur when generating the cost order in the background. However, this error will not prevent the system from proceeding with the posting of the invoice or credit memo. Once the error is resolved or the necessary setup is configured, you can create and post the trade cost order through the posted sales invoice or sales credit memo.

  1. On the action bar, select Post Trade Cost Order.
    It creates and posts the trade cost order for the selected document trade line only if the error has been resolved, or the necessary setup has been configured for the specific line.