What's new in version 2409.0.0.0

Release Note09/19/20242 min read


With the features added in this release of the Aptean Trade Management extension, you can:

  • Update the document trade lines on sales return orders, ensuring accurate pricing adjustments for catch weight items based on the actual weight of the item. For more information, see Calculate document trade lines with weight quantities.
  • View the automatically updated Quantity (in Sales Price UoM) field value, which shows the actual weight of the item based on the weight added to the item tracking lines. For more information, see Document trade lines.
  • Use the accurately calculated unit amount on document trade lines based on the invoiced weight quantity. For more information, see Document trade lines.
  • Manage trade costs based on shipped weight quantity for catch weight items. The system calculates and posts trade costs using the shipped weight. For more information, see Access document trade costs with catch weight items.
  • Assign item charges based on actual weight in trade cost orders by weight-based distribution. For more information, see Trade cost order for catch weight items.


The Aptean Trade Management extension has been updated to integrate with the Aptean Catch Weight extension. For more information, see Integrations.

UI/UX changes

The following UI/UX changes have been made in this release.

  • The following fields are added to the Applied Trade Lines FastTab of the Applied Sales Price and Discount page associated with the Blanket Sales Order, Sales Quote, Sales Order, Sales Order Achieve, Sales Invoice, Posted Sales Invoice, Sales Return Order, Sales Credit Memo, and Posted Sales Credit Memo pages.

    • Base Discount Value
    • Discount Amount from Trade Lines
  • The Quantity (KG) field and Catch Weight Item checkbox are added to the Trade Cost Assignment page.

  • By Weight option is renamed to By Gross Weight in the dialog associated with the Suggest Item Charge Assignment action on the Trade Cost Assignment page.

  • By Weight Quantity option is added to the dialog associated with the Suggest Item Charge Assignment action on the Trade Cost Assignment page.