What's new in version 2407.0.0.0

Article06/25/20241 min read


With this release of the Aptean Trade Management extension, you can:

  • Calculate freight costs based on the defined shipment method code ensuring accurate and consistent cost estimations for shipping.
  • Configure freight cost calculations on the Trade Management Setup page, providing flexibility in how freight costs are applied and managed.
  • Define trade plan types and manage manual freight costs to control how freight expenses are tracked and applied.
  • Set up freight cost allocations by specifying shipping agents, calculation types, and rates to streamline the process of freight cost distribution and ensure precise cost accounting.

UI/UX changes

The following UI/UX changes have been made in this release.

  • The Trade Plan Setup Freight FastTab is added to the Trade Plan Card page.
  • The Freight Cost Calculation field is added to the General FastTab of the Trade Management Setup page.
  • The Trade Plan Type field, Expense Item No. field , and the Manual Freight toggle are added to the General FastTab of the Trade Plan Card page.