What's new in version 2406.0.0.0

Article06/13/20242 min read


With this release of the Aptean Trade Management extension, you can:

  • Specify whether additional trade business and product groups should be used to calculate the document trade lines on the Trade Management Setup page. To know more, see Set up trade management.
  • Use additional trade business and product groups on the Customer Card, Vendor Card, and Item Card pages. To know more, see Trade Group Sets.
  • Create sales and purchase documents with the values in the Trade Business Group 2, Trade Business Group 3, Trade Product Group 2, and Trade Product Group 3 fields.
  • Access the calculated document trade lines by considering the additional trade group sets.
  • Use the Per Trade Business Group with Specific Item and Per Trade Product Group with Specific Source options in the Trade Rate Setup field to set the trade rate with the trade business group and trade product group for an item and customer/vendor. To know more, see Trade Plans.
  • Use the relevant trade plan that is applied to the sales or purchase order, based on the configuration and values set in the trade business and product groups to calculate the document trade lines. To know more, see Trade plan with trade group sets on sales and purchase orders.
  • Copy trade plans for the list of trade plans that have the Trade Rate Setup field set as Per Trade Business Group with Specific Item and Per Trade Product Group with Specific Source options. To know more, see Copy Trade Plan.

UI/UX changes

The following UI/UX changes have been made in this release.

  • The Enable Trade Group Set 2 and Enable Trade Group Set 3 toggles are added to the Trade Management Setup page.
  • The Trade Product Group 2 and Trade Product Group 3 fields are added to the Item Card page.
  • The Trade Business Group 2 and Trade Business Group 3 fields are added to the following pages:
    • Customer Card
    • Ship-to Address associated with the customer
    • Vendor Card
    • Order Address associated with the vendor
  • The Per Trade Business Group with Specific Item and Per Trade Product Group with Specific Source options are added to the Trade Rate Setup field on the Trade Plan Card page.