What's new in version 2301.3.0.0

Article11/01/20231 min read

Resolved issues

The following issues have been fixed in this release:

149767On the Sales Order page, the Line Amount Excl.VAT value is populated in the Exc. Tax (LYC) field and the discount is re-applied on Discounts (LYC) field on the Sales Trade Cost Summary page, leading to the double calculation of the discount.
  • On the Vendor Card page, when the Recurring Purchase Lines is set to Automatic for Insert Rec. Lines on Quotes, Insert Rec. Lines on Orders, Insert Rec. Lines on Invoices, Insert Rec. Lines on Cr. Memos, and Insert Rec. Lines on Return Entry, the Document Trade Lines do not get inherited on the associated Purchase Order page.
  • On the Customer Card page, when the Recurring Sales Lines is set to Automatic for Insert Rec. Lines on Quotes, Insert Rec. Lines on Orders, Insert Rec. Lines on Invoices, and Insert Rec. Lines on Cr. Memos, the Document Trade Lines do not get inherited on the associated Sales Order page.