What's new in version 1.22.110783.0

Article07/26/20232 min read


With this release of the Aptean Trade Management extension, you can:

  • Delete the trade plan rates exclusions that are set for the items, locations, shipment methods, vendors, and customers.
  • Create trade plans for packaging types and use them in sales and purchase orders to determine the pricing for shipping containers on the Document Trade Lines page. This feature works only when the Aptean Packaging extension is installed.

For more information, see Trade Plans.

UI/UX changes

The following UI/UX changes have been made in this release:

  • The Delete action is added to the Manage action menu on the Trade Plan Item Exclusions, Trade Plan Location Exclusions, Trade Plan Shipment Method Exclusions, Trade Plan Vendor Exclusions, and Trade Plan Customer Exclusions pages.
  • The Trade Plan No. and Line No. fields are added to the Trade Plan Item Exclusions, Trade Plan Location Exclusions, Trade Plan Shipment Method Exclusions, Trade Plan Vendor Exclusions, and Trade Plan Customer Exclusions pages.
  • The Packaging Type and Packaging Code fields are added to the Trade Plan Card and Trade Plan Rates pages.
  • The Amount per Shipping Container option is added to the Rate Type field on the Trade Plan Card page.

Resolved issues

The following issues have been fixed in this release:

130885The trade plan rates are not considered when the manual price is applied to the sales line.
135686The trade plan line discount is not taken into account when assigning the lot number to the sales line using the trading board function.
135653When the specified manual price is frozen for a sales line, the associated trade rates are deleted.