What's new in version 1.19.106410.0

Article07/26/20232 min read


With this release of the Aptean Trade Management extension, you can:

  • Specify the location and shipment method on the Trade Plan Rates page, with which you can filter the trade plans on the sales and purchase documents.
  • Exclude specific items, locations, shipment methods, customers, vendors, and global lot attributes from the trade plan. If any sales or purchase documents are assigned with any of these excluded elements, the trade plan rates will not be applied to those documents.
  • Get a quick overview and access to the exclusion records associated with the specific trade plan rate on the Trade Plan Rates page.
  • Apply the trade plan rate to the item categories.

For more information, see Trade Plans.

UI/UX changes

The following UI/UX changes have been made in this release:

  • The Location Code and Shipment Method Code fields are added to the Trade Plan Rates page.

  • The Item Exclusions, Location Exclusions, Shipment Method Exclusions, Vendor Exclusions, Customer Exclusions, and Global Lot Attribute Exclusions actions are added to the Trade Plan Rates page.

  • The Excluded Values Factbox is added to the Trade Plan Rates page.

  • The Item Category option is added to the Item Type field on the Trade Plan Rates page.

  • The Trade Statement Summary Report ID and Trade Statement Detailed Report ID fields are added to the Report FastTab on the Trade Management Setup page.

  • The Reports, Trade Statement Summary, and Trade Statement Detailed actions are added on the following pages:

    • Trade Statements
    • Trade Statement Card
    • Issued Trade Statements
    • Issued Trade Statement Card