What's new in version 1.14.92962.0

Article07/01/20233 min read


Aptean Trade Management extension enables you to:

  • Choose whether the Trade Partner should be derived from the trade plan itself or from the involved source document, using the Trade Partner Source. For more information, see Trade Plans.
  • Apply a specific trade plan to a certain group of trade partners. For more information, see Trade Plans.
  • Link the trade partner group to a trade partner, from the Trade Partner Groups List page. For more information, see Trade Partner Groups.
  • Add a trade partner to the customer/vendor and assign percentage of the accrual amount to be allocated for each Trade Partner, from the Trade Partner Allocations page. For more information, see Trade Partner Allocations.
  • Control which Trade Partner(s) receive the accrual amount in relation to a specific source document. For more information, see Document Trade Partner Allocations.
  • Specify the allocation percentage for both Sales and Purchase documents.
  • Copy the Document Trade Partner Allocations record using theMake Order action.
  • View the records of the Document Trade Partner Allocations on the Posted Document Trade Partner Allocations and Document Trade Partner Allocations Archive pages.
  • Use the Copy, Correct, Cancel, Create Corrective Credit Memo, and Move Negative Lines actions to include document trade partner allocations records in a new document.
  • Copy the existing trade plan by using the Copy Trade Plan action.
  • View Trade Cost Summary for Customers/Vendors on both Sales and Purchase Order pages. For more information, see Trade Cost Summary.
  • View, create, and issue the Trade Statements for one or more trade partners. For more information, see Trade Statements.
  • View the records of the issued trade statement on the Issued Trade Statements Lists page.

UI/UX Changes

  • The Trade Statement Nos. field is added on the Trade Management Setup page.
  • The Trade Statement Inclusion for Sales field is added on the Trade Settings FastTab on the Trade Partner Card page.
  • The County field is added on the Contact Info FastTab on the Trade Partner Card page.
  • The following actions are added on the Trade Partners page:
    • Create Trade Statement
    • Trade Statements
    • Issued Trade Statements
  • The following fields are removed from the Trade Partner Card page:
    • Create Trade Statement After
    • Create Trade Statement After 2
    • Include Return/Credit Memo’s
  • The Trade Partner Source and Trade Partner Group Code fields are added on the Accruals FastTab on the Trade Plan Card page.
  • The Source Document Type field is added on the Trade Cost Order page.
  • The following fields are added on the Trade Accrual Entries (Interim) page:
    • Trade Partner No.
    • Posted Doc. Trade Line Source
    • Posted Doc. Trade Line Doc. No.
    • Posted Doc. Trade Line Doc. Line No.
    • Orig. Doc. Type
    • Orig. Doc. No.
    • Orig. Doc. Line No.
    • Reversed (Checkbox)