To assign taxes to a bin

Article08/17/20231 min read

In Aptean Beverage, it is possible that a location is a mixed location for taxes. This means that it can store both bonded and tax paid goods. In such a location, the bin decides whether goods are bonded or tax paid. On the location card, the Excise Type must be Mixed to make the Excise Type field editable on bin level.

  1. Select the Search icon alt text, enter Locations, and then choose the related link.
  2. Open the relevant location card, and then navigate to Bins.
  3. Select the relevant bin, and then fill in the Excise Type.

See also

Design details: Use “Mixed” excise locations to steer bin selection and tax calculations in Advanced Warehouse Management


Tax Set Up on Bins is only required in combination with Advanced Warehouse Management where Bins are mandatory to use.