Design Details: Tax Calculation in Documents and Journal

Article08/17/20232 min read

Taxes can be calculated in documents (inbound, outbound, internal) and journals. In each line:

  • Document tax classifications are created:

    • Customer tax classifications in sales documents
    • Vendor tax classifications in purchase documents
    • Item tax classifications in all documents and journals
    • Location tax classifications in all documents and journals

    The total quantity of tax classifications is shown in the Tax Classifications field. You can drill-down to see the details (if the field is not visible on the page then you can add it with Personalize).

  • When a rule is found for a combination of:

    • Customer, item, and location classification (sales)
    • Vendor, item, and location classification (purchase)
    • Item, and location classification (assembly, production, transfer, item journal and item recl. journal)

    The total tax amount is shown in the Tax Amount field. You can drill-down to see the details (if the field is not visible on the page then you can add it with Personalize).

  • When changes are executed in the document, then both tax classifications and tax amount are recalculated. Changes can be:

    • Other customer or ship-to address
    • Other vendor or order address
    • Other item
    • Other location
    • Other quantity
    • Other unit of measure code
  • The calculation point can also be postponed to the release of the document.

To setup the general document calculation point

  • Select the Search icon alt text, enter Sales & Receivables Setup and then choose the related link.
  • On the Sales Receivables Setup, in the General FastTab, select Validate or Release in the Document Calc. Point field.

To setup the document calculation point for a customer

  • Select the Search icon alt text, enter Customers and then choose the related link.
  • Open the relevant customer card and select Validate or Release in the Document Calc. Point field on the General FastTab.

See also

Design Details: Charge Tax to Customers or from Vendors