Tax management BOM items

Article12/12/20231 min read

Goods that you trade can be composed of multiple items where every individual item has its own tax characteristics. For instance a “gift box” that contains both light beer and strong beer. There are two alternatives for this situation:

  1. You purchase and sell the good as one individual item. In this case the item should be setup with a “Tax Management BOM”.
  2. You assemble the item that you sell by assembly orders. In this case the Tax Management Bom function is not needed. The assembled item will also not have any tax set up. Transactions with this item will use the tax setup from the components.

To assign a tax Management BOM to an item

  1. Select the Search icon alt text, enter Items, and then choose the related link.
  2. Open the relevant item card, and then choose the Tax Management BOM action.
  3. Select items and fill in the fields on the lines as necessary. Hover over a field to read a short description.

Even though you might not trade in the components, it is still necessary to create items for them if you want to use the tax Management BOM function.