Setting up tax management

Article08/17/20231 min read


Aptean Beverage Tax Management includes standard excise configurations for multiple countries, but you can change the configuration to suit the needs of your organization.

Set up volumes, strengths and weights in the Drink-IT Foundation app.Setting up Foundation
Define general setup for tax managementTax Management Setup
Set up your own tax codes that represent an excise or tax.Setting up tax codes
Set up your own tax rates with begin – and ending dates.Setting up tax rates
Configure tax formula’s that calculate the tax amounts.Setting up tax formula’s
Set up codes for your taxes to classify customers, vendors, locations and items for taxes.Setting up tax classifications
Set up codes that represent your tax values.Setting up tax values
Configure the tax values that are necessary to calculate your taxes.Setting up tax value Specifications
Configure the rules that define the policies for tax calculations in transactions.Setting up tax rules
Set up general ledger accounts, create posting setup and report tax to tax authorities.Setting up finance for tax
Setup customers, ship-to addresses and customer templates for tax.Setting up sales for tax
Setup vendors, order addresses and vendor templates for tax..Setting up purchasing for tax
Setup items and item templates for taxSetting up inventory for tax