Priority rules in tax setup

Article09/15/20231 min read

In the Tax rules, the From Type and To Type fields indicate the customer, vendor or location where the rule should apply to.

  • Customer can be a customer or a ship-to address. When both ship-to address and customer are set up with tax then the ship-to address has priority over the customer. When the ship-to address has no tax setup then the set up for the customer will be used.

  • Vendor can be a vendor or an order address. When both order address and vendor are set up with tax then the order address has priority over the vendor. When the order address has no tax setup then the set up for the vendor will be used.

  • Location can be a location or a bin. When both bin and location are set up with tax then the bin has priority over the location. When the bin has no tax setup then the set up for the location will be used.