What's new in version 20.202301.0.0

Release Note09/16/20247 min read


PBI No.Description
208962Tax Inventory valuation
233701Tax by bin - default Sales Excise type (outbound)

Resolved issue

PBI No.Description
204446Tax by bin - Wrong excise type place bin in Warehouse Put-away
233692Tax by bins should also post tax entries from Inventory Movements (Internal- and Warehouse movements)
235147Tax by bins - excise type not filled in item bin content
236721Don’t create a Tax Charge line when the Amount in a Document Tax Line = 0.00 according to the General Ledger Amount Rounding

PBI 208962 - Tax inventory valuation


Tax Inventory Valuation


When you trade or produce excise (tax) goods, you probably have a bonded location and a tax paid location. When these goods are stored in a tax paid location, and the tax is not included in the inventory value yet, you still want to able to include the tax amount in the inventory value of the goods.


Setting up inventory valuation on tax:

Tax Rules

  1. Select the Search icon alt text, enter Tax Rules, and then choose the related link.
  2. Select the Inventoriable field in the rules you want to register tax inventory value for.

General posting setup

  1. Select the Search icon alt text, enter General Posting Setup, and then choose the related link.
  2. On the General Posting Setup page, or on the General Posting Setup Card, select a general ledger account in the Tax Inventory Account field.
    • On the General Posting Setup page, the field is by default not visible. You can add it by Personalize the page.
    • Select the account in each combination of Gen. Bus. Posting Group and Gen. Prod. Posting Group where you want to register tax inventory value for.

Processing inventory valuation on tax

  1. Select the Search icon alt text, enter Inventory Valuation Incl. Tax and then choose the related link.
  2. On the Inventory Valuation Incl. Tax request page, fill in fields as necessary. Select the Include Tax Inventory value field to include tax.
    • When this field is not selected, the report will proceed as the standard Inventory Valuation report.


Examples of scenario’s where inventory valuation including tax can be applicable:

  • Purchase receipts from bonded vendors to tax paid locations.
    • Tax was not included in the purchase cost of the goods.
    • You pay the tax to the authorities.
    • The tax you paid is part of the inventory value.
  • Transfers from bonded locations to tax paid locations.
    • The tax is not included in the inventory value of the goods in the bonded location.
    • You pay the tax to the authorities.
    • The tax you paid is part of the inventory value in the tax paid location.
  • Sales shipments from tax paid locations to tax paid customers.
    • The tax is included in the inventory value of the sold goods.
    • There is no tax inventory value for the sold goods anymore.
  • Positive adjustments in tax paid locations.
    • You pay the tax to the authorities.
    • The tax you paid is part of the inventory value in the tax paid location.
  • Negative adjustments in tax paid locations.
    • The tax is included in the inventory value of the goods.
    • There is no tax inventory value for the goods anymore.

Design Details

  • When a Tax Rule is Inventoriable, a Tax Inventory Amount will be registered in Document Tax Lines. The Tax Inventory Amount is always calculated and does not depend to the Movement Type of the Tax Rule.
  • When Inventoriable Taxes are posted to the general ledger, the Tax Inventory Account will be used as balancing account in stead of the Tax Due Account (Sales, Purchase or Internal).
  • When Inventoriable Taxes are posted to the general ledger, the Tax Inventory Amount will posted in stead of the Amount (Document Tax Lines).
  • In the Tax Ledger Entries, you can add the field Inventoriable and Tax Inventory Amount by personalization.
  • The quantities and values for Tax in the Inventory Valuation Incl. Tax report are from the Tax Ledger Entries.

PBI 233701 - Tax by bin - default Sales Excise type (outbound)


Default Sales Excise type (outbound)


Sales order lines always got the location excise type (boded or tax paid) based on the customer, assuming you would always pick from tax paid bins for tax paid customers. That is not always the case. Also for tax paid customers the default bins to pick from may be bonded, by exception changed into a tax paid bin.


  1. Search for Locations.
  2. Open the mixed tax location card.
  3. On the Tax Management FastTab, in the Sales Excise type (Outbound) field, set the default excise type for sales order shipments. blank: the excise type in a sales order line will be determined by the customer, tax paid or bonded.
  • Bonded: the excise type is by default bonded. Warehouse picks will take from bonded bins, but a user may change it there to tax paid.
  • Tax Paid: select this only when all customers are tax paid and you always pick from tax paid bins.
  1. Select the Bonded option.
  2. Create a new sales order for a tax paid customer, select the mixed tax location and a tax relevant item.
  3. Release the order.
    The Document Tax lines are created based on tax rules from a bonded location to a tax paid customer.
  4. Create a warehouse shipment for the sales order. The warehouse shipment lines show the bonded shipment bin.
  5. Create a warehouse pick, the pick lines show bonded bins to take from.
    In case there is enough available stock on a tax paid bin for a sales order line, you can change the bin code manually to that tax paid bin. It is mandatory to have all pick lines for a same sales order line to have the same excise type (either all bonded or all tax paid). This will update the excise type in the sales order line and the warehouse shipment line.

PBI 204446 Tax by bin - Wrong excise type place bin in warehouse Put-away


When a warehouse receipt was posted on a mixed tax location, the put-away would consequently place the goods in a bin with the same excise type. Except when for an item a default bin was set in the item bin contents. That has been resolved, now the warehouse put-away for a mixed tax location will always suggest bins to place of the same excise type bonded or tax paid.

PBI 233692 - Tax by bins should also post tax entries from inventory movements (Internal- and Warehouse movements)


For mixed tax locations tax ledger entries are also posted on internal movements from a bonded bin to a tax paid bin. That did not happen when registering through an Inventory Movement document. That has been resolved.

PBI 235147 - Tax by bins - excise type not filled in item bin content


For a mixed tax locations, a new item item bin content line did not inherit the excise type from the bin. That has been resolved.

PBI 236721 - Don’t create a Tax Charge line when the Amount in a Document Tax Line = 0,00 according to the General Ledger Amount Rounding


Don’t create a Tax Charge line when the Amount in a Document Tax Line = 0,00 according to the General Ledger Amount Rounding.


In Sales and Purchase documents, Tax Item Charges should not be created when the Line Amount for a charge = 0.

  • The check was based on the Amount in Document Tax Line. But this amount is rounded according to the Tax Management Amount Rounding. In the sales or purchase line amount, the rounding is according to the General Ledger Amount Rounding. This means, that when the Tax Amount Rounding has more decimals, a charge could still be created and could result in a posting error.
  • The check is now:
    • When Document Tax Line Amount (Rounded according to Gen. Ledger Setup Amount Rounding) <> 0, then create charge line.