What's new in version 20.202209.0.0

Release Note09/16/20244 min read


PBI No.Description
222547Include the Default Tax Classification in in Templates for Item, Customer and Vendor
226638Allow changing the Tax Amount Rounding Precision in the Tax Management Setup


PBI No.Description
221680G/L Entry already exists error when undoing a purchase receipt & return shipment with tax ledger entry posted to G/L
225129(Tax) Document Lines should be deleted when the type of the document line is changed
226101Don’t select the Update Tax Document No. 1 field and the Send field by default on the BE AC4 Declaration page (BE)
226299Include positive and negative tax ledger entries in the same sequence of the AC Declaration (BE)[
226917Get Posted Documents to Reverse is not OK in combination with Warehouse Activities

PBI 222547 - Include the default tax classification in in templates for item, customer and vendor


Include the Default Tax Classification in in Templates for Item, Customer and Vendor


As a master data manager, you create items, customers and vendors from templates. It is very important that they all have the proper setup for taxes. You want to be able to include the Default Tax Classifications in the templates, so you only have to select, or apply, a template to create the master data with correct setup for taxes.


  1. Select the Search icon alt text, enter Item Templates, Customer Templates or Vendor Templates, and then choose the related link.
  2. On the (Item, Customer or Vendor) Templates page, select a template and choose the Edit action, or create a New template
  3. On the (Item, Customer or Vendor) Template Page, on the Tax Management FastTab, select a General Tax Classification in the Default Tax Classification field.
  4. When a new Customer, Vendor or Item is created from a template with a default tax classification:
    • The Default Tax Classification will be filled in and applied on the master data card.
  5. When a template with a default tax classification is applied on a master data card:
    • The Default Tax Classification will be filled in and applied on the master data card.

PBI 226638 - Allow changing the tax amount rounding precision in the Tax Management Setup


Allow changing the Tax Amount Rounding Precision in the Tax Management Setup


When you post a sales document with a document tax line that should be charged to the customer, and the amount in the line is rounded to 0.00 (according to the general ledger setup) then the charge line should not be created.

When your Tax Amount Rounding Precision allows more decimals than the General Ledger Amount Rounding Precision, you should be able to change the Tax Amount Rounding Precision so you avoid rounding conflicts.


  • Select the Search icon alt text, enter Tax Management Setup. and then choose the related link.
  • In the Tax Amount Rounding Precision field, enter the precision as necessary.

PBI 221680 - G/L Entry already exists error when undoing a purchase receipt & return shipment with tax ledger entry posted to G/L


Undoing multiple purchase receipt lines with Tax ledger entries gave an error. That has been resolved.

PBI 225129 - (Tax) Document Lines should be deleted when the type of the document line is changed


(Tax) Document Lines should be deleted when the type of the document line is changed.


When you changed the Type in a document line from Item to another Type,

  • Tax Document Lines were not deleted for that line.
  • Sales Lines (Tax) that were attached to that line were not deleted.

This is solved.

PBI 226101 - Don’t select the Update Tax Document No. 1 field and the Send field by default on the BE AC4 Declaration page (BE)


Don’t select the Update Tax Document No. 1 field and the Send field by default on the BE AC4 Declaration page (BE).


When you opened the BE AC4 Declaration page, the Update Tax Document No. 1 field and the Send field were selected by default.

Since you probably prefer to check the result before you actually send the declaration, we changed these defaults. The fields are not selected anymore when you open the page.

PBI 226299 - Include positive and negative tax ledger entries in the same sequence of the AC Declaration (BE)


Include positive and negative tax ledger entries in the same sequence of the AC Declaration (BE).


In the AC4 declaration file, goods are reported in sequences. A sequence represents the totals of a commodity, like S001 foor Beer in reusable package, and package type. The total should include both outbound and inbound transactions.

In the previous version, the inbound and outbound were reported in separate sequences. This is solved.

PBI 226917 - Get Posted Documents to Reverse is not OK in combination with Warehouse Activities


When sales return order lines were created by the the Get posted document lines, and includes warehouse activities, the warehouse receipt would not post attached Tax charge lines. That has been resolved.