What's new in version 20.202207.0.0

Release Note09/16/20246 min read


PBI No.Description
155184Tax Setup from Item, Customer and Vendor Templates is not applied anymore
218356Taxes page Teaching Tip
219268BE E-AC4 Response/error AC4 -PART2
219425Rework issues AC4 - XML Creation
220414Allow multiple decimals in Tax Rate Values
222911Preview the AC4 Declaration before sending

Resolved issues

PBI No.Description
218919Posting Preview (TAX) does not show the preview tax entries anymore after FND’s single hook improvement
220313Blocking error on Tax Reports - Copy
222916Fix wrong calculation of positive tax ledger entries in the AC4 declaration

PBI 155184 - Tax setup from item, customer and vendor templates is not applied anymore


Tax Setup from Item, Customer and Vendor Templates is not applied anymore.


Due to changes on the templates for items, customers and vendors in the Business Central Standard, the possibility to include tax relations on these templates was lost.


  • Select the Search icon alt text, enter Item Templates, Customer Templates or Vendor Templates, and then choose the related link.
  • Select or create a new template and choose the Edit action.
  • Choose the Tax Management Action.
  • On the Tax Template page, select the Tax Code(s) for the template.
  • Choose the Tax Classifications action for each Tax Code.
  • On the Tax Classification Templates page, select the Tax Classification Codes for the template.

New Items, Customers or Vendors that are created with these templates will get this tax setup.

When these templates are applied on existing Items, Customers or Vendors the tax setup will be included.

PBI 218356 - Taxes page teaching Tip


Taxes page Teaching Tip


In 2021 release wave 1, Dynamics 365 Business Central got the capability of showing in-product teaching tips to help and guide the user to understand concepts, pages, and controls.

We will adopt this improvement in the Drink-IT apps. As an appetizer, we started with the Taxes page, but you can expect many more pages in future releases.


  • Select the Search icon alt text, enter Taxes, and then choose the related link.
  • Select the ? icon for online help.
  • In About Taxes in the Help Pane, additional information is available with useful links. Take the tour ​to get related information on the tax setup.​

PBI 219268 - BE E-AC4 Response/error AC4 -PART2


Receive the response message from the Belgian government after sending an AC4 excise declaration.


When you send your AC4 declaration to the government:

  • You want to know whether the declaration was successfully processed.
  • You want to know the amounts to be paid.


AC4 messages that where sent and received are registered in the Customs Document Mgt. Mail History List:

  • Sent: Submission Message Type = AC4
  • Received: Submission Message Type = AC4 Status
  1. Seelct the Search icon alt text, enter Customs Document Mgt. Mail History, and then choose the related link.
  2. Select the AC4 entry where you want to receive the AC4 Status for.
  3. Verify the Status of the entry. If any Error Message was found, solve them and start the declaration process again. When the Status of your message is Success, continue with the next step.
  4. Choose the Send BE AC4 Status Request action.
  5. On the Send BE AC4 Status Request page, choose the OK button.
  6. A new entry of the message type AC4 Status is created. Verify the Status of this entry. If any Error Message was found, solve them and start the declaration process again. When the Status of your message is Success, the declaration process is finished.

You can organize the follow up on your messages by creating and saving views of this list. For instance, by setting a filter on the Status field.


You can use the Job Queue to manage the receipt of the AC4 Status messages. A Job Que Entry should be created where Object Type to Run is Report and Object ID to Run 2013677 (Send BE AC4 Status Request)

PBI 219425 - Rework issues AC4 - XML Creation


A few issues with the creation of the AC4 XML file are solved.


  • The Operator ID field did not get the correct value.
  • The Language ID field did not get the correct value.
  • The Consignee License Numberfield did not get the correct value.
  • The procedurePart2 field did not get the correct value.
  • The declaration should be done per license:
    • National Excise (Non-Alcoholic Beverages and Coffee)
    • Community Excise (Alcoholic Beverages)
  • The ECO TAX and the PRODUCT Tax for 1 Item Tax Classification (S001.. , U001.. ) should be in one sequence in the XML


  • On Tax level, you can identify whether the Tax is National or Community
    • New Field in Taxes and Tax Ledger Entries:
      • BE AC4 Declaration Type
        • National Excise
        • Community Excise
        • National and Community Excise (Eco Tax)
      • Existing entries will be updated if you change this value.
      • Both fields are only visible when AC4 is enabled in the Tax Management Setup.
  • There is a new Option in the BE AC4 Declaration:
    • Declaration Type
      • National Excise
      • Community Excise

PBI 220414 - Allow multiple decimals in Tax Rate Values


Allow 5 decimals in Tax Rate Values


Government duty rates are often expressed with 4 or even 5 decimals. It should be possible to register these rates in the Tax Rate Values.


Verify your rounding setup:

  1. Select the Search icon alt text, enter Tax Management Setup, and then choose the related link.
  2. On the Tax Management Setup page, verify the values in the fields on the Rounding FastTab. Hover over a field to read a short description.

Check your rates:

  1. Select the Search icon alt text, enter Taxes, and then choose the related link.
  2. Open the relevant tax card, and then choose the Rate Codes action.
  3. Choose the Rate Values action.
  4. Verify the value in the Rate Value field. Adjust if necessary.

In previous versions it was already possible to use multiple decimals. The error originated from the 20.202205.0.0 version of Drink-IT and existed only in the page view. If your rates were setup before that release, the decimals will still be there. But please, verify that.

PBI 222911 -Preview the AC4 Declaration before sending


Preview the AC4 Declaration before sending and print a report when you send the AC4 Declaration (BE).


When you do your Belgium AC4 Excise declaration, you want to be able to check the the declaration file before you send it to the government, so your are assured that the declaration is correct.

When you send the Belgium AC4 Excise declaration, you want to print a document that shows the content of the declaration, so you can verify what was declared.


  1. Select the Search icon alt text, enter BE AC4 Declaration, and then choose the related link.
  2. On the BE AC4 Declaration page, choose the Preview & Close button to open the preview document. Choose the Send to… button and choose the file type for the declaration document.

PBI 218919 - Posting Preview (TAX) does not show the preview tax entries anymore after FND’s single hook improvement


Posting Preview (TAX) does not show the preview Empty goods entries anymore.


When you choose the action Preview Posting on a document with Taxes, the Posting Preview page did not include the Tax Ledger Entries.


  • On a document with lines that include an empty good, choose the Preview Posting action.
  • The Posting Preview page shows a related Tax Ledger Entry line.

PBI 220313 - Blocking error on Tax Reports - Copy


Blocking error on Tax Duty Reports


When you tried to print a Tax Duty Report, the system gave a blocking error.


The blocking error is solved.

PBI 222916 - Fix wrong calculation of positive tax ledger entries in the AC4 declaration


In the AC4 Declaration (BE), positive tax ledger entries were calculated with the wrong sign. This is solved.