What's new in version 20.202205.0.0

Release Note09/16/20247 min read


PBI No.Description
213334BE E-AC4 Setup: Fields Tax management Setup
213396BE E-AC4 Setup: Classify Items for AC4.
213397BE E-AC4 setup: Delete BE Tax Management Reporting on Locations
213398BE E-AC4 setup: Consignee Identifications
213400BE-AC4 XML creation
213402BE-AC4 Response/error AC4
213406Tax Setup: Extra fields Tax management Setup
213480BE E-AC4 Setup: Tax office
214100BE-AC4 XML sending
218004Replace Item Tax Classification with General Item Tax Classification in Tax Statement Line

Resolved issues

PBI No.Description
168121Not possible to set up Tax on Ship-to Address
218029Fix error on create sales order from customer list or customer card. (TAX)

PBI 213334 - BE E-AC4 Setup: Fields Tax management setup


BE E-AC4 Setup: Fields Tax management Setup


As a tax responsible in Belgium you want to be able to send you excise declarations by the electronic e-AC4 webservice.


  1. Select the Search icon alt text, enter Tax Management Setup and then choose the related link.
  2. Choose the Country Specific Setup action. The TAX Country Specific Setup page opens.
  3. Fields with default values are already filled in. Verify that they are correct.
  4. Fill in the remaining fields as necessary, Hover over a field to read a short description. This PBI is part of the Belgium country specific Tax Declaration. For e-AC4 declarations, there is a complete description of setup and process available in the Drink-IT online help (Belgium Local Functionality of the Tax Management App):
  • [Tax Reporting Belgium](Tax Reporting Belgium.md)

  • When using Drink-IT:

    • On any field or page that is part of the app, choose Learn more in the tooltip of the field. This opens the Help pane. Choose Drink-IT Tax Management - NORRIQ in the About Apps on this page section.

PBI 213396 - BE E-AC4 Setup: Classify items for AC4


BE E-AC4 Setup: Classify Items for AC4.


When you report your Belgium excises by the e-AC4, it is necessary to identity which item tax classifications should be included.


  1. Select the Search icon alt text, enter Tax Management Setup, and then choose the related link.
  2. On the Tax Management Setup page, choose the Country Specific Setup action.
  3. Verify that the Enable BE AC4 field is selected.
  4. Choose the Tax Classifications action.
  5. Select the AC4 field as necessary or choose the Set AC4 action to select all codes.

For e-AC4 declarations, there is a complete description of setup and process available in the Belgium Local Functionality of the TaxManagement App:

  • [Tax Reporting Belgium](Tax Reporting Belgium.md)

PBI 213397 - BE E-AC4 setup: Delete BE Tax Management reporting on locations


BE E-AC4 setup: Delete BE Tax Management Reporting on Locations


The company specific setup for the Belgium e-AC4 excise reporting was foreseen on Location level. We moved this to the TaxManagement setup because this part of the setup general for your company and not specific per location.


  1. Select the Search icon alt text, enter Locations and then choose the related link.
  2. The BE Tax Management Reporting action is not available anymore.

PBI 213398- BE E-AC4 setup: Consignee identifications


BE E-AC4 setup: Consignee Identifications


In Belgium, multiple excise registration numbers can be applicable for you, for instance a Nationaal accijnsinrichtingsnummer for alcohol free beverages and a Communautair accijnsnummer for alcohol. When you send in your declarations, these numbers should be included in the reporting.


  1. Select the Search icon alt text, enter Tax Management Setup and then choose the related link.
  2. Choose the Country Specific Setup action. The TAX Country Specific Setup page opens.
  3. On the Consignee Identifications FastTab, fill in the fields as necessary. Hover over a field to read a short description.

This PBI is part of the Belgium country specific Tax Declaration. For e-AC4 declarations, there is a complete description of setup and process available in the Drink-IT online help (Belgium Local Functionality of the Tax Management App):

  • [Tax Reporting Belgium](Tax Reporting Belgium.md)
  • When using Drink-IT:
    • On any field or page that is part of the app, choose Learn more in the tooltip of the field. This opens the Help pane. Choose Drink-IT Tax Management - NORRIQ in the About Apps on this page section.

PBI 213400 - BE-AC4 XML creation


BE-AC4 XML creation


This PBI is part of the Belgium country specific Tax Declaration.


For e-AC4 declarations, there is a complete description of setup and process available in the Drink-IT online help (Belgium Local Functionality of the Tax Management App):

  • [Tax Reporting Belgium](Tax Reporting Belgium.md)
  • When using Drink-IT:
    • On any field or page that is part of the app, choose Learn more in the tooltip of the field. This opens the Help pane. Choose Drink-IT Tax Management - NORRIQ in the About Apps on this page section.

PBI 213402 - BE-AC4 Response/error AC4


BE-AC4 Response/error AC4


This PBI is part of the Belgium country specific Tax Declaration.


For e-AC4 declarations, there is a complete description of setup and process available in the Drink-IT online help (Belgium Local Functionality of the Tax Management App):

  • [Tax Reporting Belgium](Tax Reporting Belgium.md)
  • When using Drink-IT:
    • On any field or page that is part of the app, choose Learn more in the tooltip of the field. This opens the Help pane. Choose Drink-IT Tax Management - NORRIQ in the About Apps on this page section.

PBI 213406 - Tax Setup: Extra fields Tax management Setup


Additional Tax Management Setup.


For reporting purposes, it is useful to register your company’s tax office and tax responsible at a general level, so you are able to include this information in for instance your declarations.


  • On the Tax Management Setup page, on the General FastTab,
    • you can Select aTax Office in theTax Office Code field.
    • Select a Contact in theTax Responsible Contact field.

This PBI is part of the Belgium country specific Tax Declaration. For e-AC4 declarations, there is a complete description of setup and process available in the Drink-IT online help (Belgium Local Functionality of the Tax Management App):

  • [Tax Reporting Belgium](Tax Reporting Belgium.md)
  • When using Drink-IT:
    • On any field or page that is part of the app, choose Learn more in the tooltip of the field. This opens the Help pane. Choose Drink-IT Tax Management - NORRIQ in the About Apps on this page section.

PBI 213480 - BE E-AC4 Setup: Tax office


BE-AC4 Setup: Tax office


This PBI is part of the Belgium country specific Tax Declaration.


For e-AC4 declarations, there is a complete description of setup and process available in the Drink-IT online help (Belgium Local Functionality of the Tax Management App):

  • [Tax Reporting Belgium](Tax Reporting Belgium.md)
  • When using Drink-IT:
    • On any field or page that is part of the app, choose Learn more in the tooltip of the field. This opens the Help pane. Choose Drink-IT Tax Management - NORRIQ in the About Apps on this page section.

PBI 214100 - BE-AC4 XML sending


BE-AC4 XML sending


This PBI is part of the Belgium country specific Tax Declaration.


For e-AC4 declarations, there is a complete description of setup and process available in the Drink-IT online help (Belgium Local Functionality of the Tax Management App):

  • [Tax Reporting Belgium](Tax Reporting Belgium.md)
  • When using Drink-IT:
    • On any field or page that is part of the app, choose Learn more in the tooltip of the field. This opens the Help pane. Choose Drink-IT Tax Management - NORRIQ in the About Apps on this page section.

PBI 218004 - Replace item tax classification with general item tax classification in tax statement line


Replace Item Tax Classification with General Item Tax Classification in Tax Statement Line


In Tax Statements, you can select a Tax Item Classification Code, so you are able to report excise or other tax totals for a specific product(group). In previous release of Drink-IT, We introduced the General Tax Classification. When you now select an Item Classification in a Tax Statement line, it will be a code from that table. This makes it possible to create lines with an Item Tax Classification without a Tax Code in that same line. This change will not have any impact on existing data.


  1. Select the Search icon alt text, enter Tax Statements, and then choose the related link for the task.
  2. Select the template that you want view or edit.3.
  3. Select Item Tax Class. Codes as necessary in the statement lines.

PBI 168121 - Not possible to set up Tax on Ship-to Address


Not possible to set up Tax on Ship-to Address


Setting up a Tax Classification for a Ship-to Address gave an error message. This is solved.

PBI 218029 - Fix error on create sales order from customer list or customer card. (TAX)


When you created a New Document from the Customer List, or Customer Card, the system gave an error when the customer was setup with automatic inserted recurring sales lines. This is solved.