What's new in version 18.202201.0.0

Release Note09/16/20246 min read


PBI No.Description
199702Excise type in Bin Contents
202709Return Locations for Taxes
204874Add Movement Type to posted tax document lines
205838Posted Document Tax Lines should not be editable
208728Update Foundation fields in Tax Ledger Entries (Volume ,Strength)

Resolved issues

PBI No.Description
201534AL validation error in sales line for Assemble to order item
207010Tax relations are not updated on Ship-To Address after update the Default Tax Classification
207122Tax relations are not updated on Order-To Address after update the Default Tax Classification
208214Tax Classification field on Customer and Vendor not OK
208309Tax by bin conflicts with LOG and AWM
208907Change Key fields in a released order may require to recalculate charges

PBI 199702 - Excise type in Bin Contents


Excise type in Bin Contents for mixed tax locations (both bonded and non-bonded).


As a warehouse employee you would like to see in your stock overview (bin contents) which stock is bonded or duty-paid in the Item Bin Contents list. Until now, this was only possible from the Location Card.


From the Item List, or Item Card, choose the Bin Content action. In the field Excise Type, you can see if the bin is Bonded or Tax Paid. The field is by default hidden. You can make it visible by personalizing the page.

PBI 202709 - Return Locations for Taxes


Return Locations for Taxes


As a finance manager, you know that some excise movements are not allowed by law. It is for instance not allowed to receive duty paid excise goods in a dusty suspended location (UK). Still, goods can be returned to you. When this happens, you want the system to steer the return location, so you are sure that no illegal movements will be posted.


In the Tax Mgmt. Returns Matrix, you can select General Tax Classifications

  • In the field Gen. Customer Tax Class., select a general tax classification of the type Customer.
  • In the field Gen. Item Tax Class., select a general tax classification of the type Item.
  • In the field Gen. Location Tax Class., select a general tax classification of the type Location.
  • In the field Return Location, select the Return Location for the combination.

When you execute the Get Posted Documents Lines to Reverse action in a Sales Return Order or Sales Credit Memo:

  • The Location in the lines is filled with the Return Location from the matrix:
  • When there is no Return Location found, then use the original Location (as in standard).
  • Changing the location does not do any recalculation.

PBI 204874 - Add Movement Type to posted tax document lines


The Movement Type of a Tax Rule is included in the Posted Document Tax Lines.


For reporting reasons it is useful to have the movement type available in the posted tax document lines.


Automatically in the background.

PBI 205838 - Posted Document Tax Lines should not be editable


Posted Document Tax Lines should not be editable.


The line are posted as they are. If they are not correct, then they should be corrected by correcting the entire document.


The page is not editable anymore..

PBI 208728 - Update Foundation fields in Tax Ledger Entries (Volume , Strength)


Function Adjust Strength should have option to update closed entries as well.


It can happen that a lot was posted with a wrong alcohol strength (eg the default strength), that a part was already posted outbound and that we then notice the lot has a wrong strength. There is a function to adjust the strength (from the Lot info card), but it only updates the item ledger entries with a remaining quantity, for the first found open item ledger entry. It should have an option to updated all entries (item- and tax ledger entries), inbound and outbound, open or closed.


The Function ‘Adjust Strength’ is extended (from Lot info card)

  • Extra option added: ‘include closed entries’
  • when set to yes: closed Item Ledger Entries and their related Tax Ledger Entries are updated, directly in fields
    • Strength 1,2 or 3 (whichever was adjusted)
    • Volume 1,2,3 by that strength In addition: currently the function only reclassifies the open, remaining quantity of the first found location. It now creates Item Ledger Entries for all locations for which an open remaining quantity exists, for the lot.

The function also works for fixed strength items, and items not lot tracked. It may happen that an item was setup without a strength or volume and that afterwards a company wants to implement the strength and volume. When changing volume factor and strength factor on the Item Card when Item Ledger Entries exist, the system warns and asks (for fixed strength items) to update all entries.

PBI 201534 - AL validation error in sales line for Assemble to order item

Fixed - When a sales line was created with an Assemble to Order item, an error was thrown by the system. This is solved.

PBI 207010 - BUG : Tax relations are not updated on Ship-To Address after update the Default Tax Classification

Fixed - When a default Tax Classification was set on a Ship-to Address, the classifications were not created for it. This is solved.

PBI 207122 - BUG : Tax relations are not updated on Order-To Address after update the Default Tax Classification

Fixed - When a default Tax Classification was set on an Order Address, the classifications were not created for it. This is solved.

PBI 208214 - Tax Classification field on Customer and Vendor not OK

Fixed - Tax Classification field on Customer and Vendor not OK. When Ship-to Address of a Customer or Order Addresses of a Vendor had their own Tax Classification, they were include in the number of Tax Classifications on the Customer and Vendor Card. This is solved.

PBI 208309 - Tax by bin conflicts with LOG and AWM

Fixed - When both Drink-IT Logistics and NORRIQ Advanced Warehouse Management are used in combination with a Mixed Excise Location, conflicts between these apps could happen in warehouse documents. This is solved.


FIXBUG related to Change Key fields in a released order may require to recalculate charges -TAX


As a Logistics manager, it may happen that I am asked to change certain fields for a (released) order in my route planning activities. A customer may ask to delivery another day, or change the shipment method from pickup to delivery or vv. My colleague from AR may ask me to change the payment method from credit to cash for a customer order.

It may even happen that I have to move an entire drive (multiple orders) to the next day, eg when a driver is ill, or a vehicle malfunctioning.


Shipment date/exp. receipt date, shipment method and payment method are criteria in Sales and purchase conditions and partly in Taxes and EG rules.

  • When SPC is enabled, it will require to recalculate condition lines.
  • When TAX enabled, it will require to recalculate condition lines.
  • When EGM is enabled, it will require to recalculate condition lines.

The user should be asked one time to confirm this. If yes

  • Reopen order, Update changed criteria field, release again with new recalculation of document APP lines and attached charge lines
  • when changed for an entire drive (multiple orders): ask only one time, not per order again
  • when the criterion is in place for multiple extensions (SPC, TAX, EGM), ask only one time, not per App again