What's new in version 18.202111.0.0

Release Note09/16/20243 min read


PBI No.Description
169215Tax classification by bin - dynamically change excise type in empty put-away bin
175097Tax Rates in Rules
182744Define Tax report IDs per Tax statement template
189460Origin Type on Customs Document and EMCS messages
196347Send IE810 Cancellation Message from a Customs Document
196609Send IE818 Report of receipt from a Customs Document
202812Checks on Customs Documents before processing messages

Resolved issues

PBI No.Description
196609Customs Documents - misc. small issues
203211Wrong CDM Check when deleting a sales order

PBI 169215 - Tax classification by bin - dynamically change excise type in empty put-away bin

Function - Tax by Bin - A Bin can be setup with “Auto Update Excise Type from Source”. In that case, a put-away bin will inherit the excise type from the take bin in a Put-Away.

PBI 175097 - Tax rates in rules

Function - It is now possible to connect a tax rate to a tax rule. This can for instance be useful when different (state, county) rates are applicable for the same customer or vendor type. When a rate is setup in a tax rule, it has priority over the rate in the item tax classification. When there is no rate in the rule, the rate from the item classification will be used.

PBI 182744 - Define tax report IDs per tax statement template

Function - In the VAT Statement Templates, you can define the Report that is printed on statements based on this template. When the VAT Statement Template is used as a Tax Statement, the Drink-IT default Tax Statement report is available for this purpose (Report ID 2013990). It will be used when a tax statement is printed.

PBI 189460 - Origin type on Customs Document and EMCS messages

Function - On the Location Card you can select the Origin Type. On Customs Documents, the corresponding field will be filled with this value.

PBI 196347 - Send IE810 Cancellation message from a Customs Document

Function - It is now possible to cancel a EI815 Draft eAD by filling in the cancellation fields on the Customs Document and process the IE810 Cancellation Action.

PBI 196609 - Send IE818 Report of receipt from a Customs Document

Function - It is now possible to send the IE818 Report of receipt by filling in the receipt fields on the customs document and process the IE 818 Report of Receipts action.

PBI 202812 - Checks on Customs Documents before processing messages

Function - When a message is communicated to the government platform, then the error respons is not always clear. To prevent such situations, we included multiple checks on field values in the customs document that are executed before the message will be sent.

PBI 196609 - Send IE818 Report of receipt from a Customs Document

Function - It is now possible to send the IE818 Report of receipt by filling in the receipt fields on the customs document and process the IE 818 Report of Receipts action.

PBI 203211 - Wrong CDM Check when deleting a sales order

Fixed - Wrong CDM Check when deleting a sales order.