SSCC Setup

Article12/27/202311 min read

The following setup is required to be able to use the Aptean Serial Shipping Container Code extension for tracking the logistic units.

  • SSCC Label Layouts
  • Company SSCC Setup
  • Customer SSCC Setup
  • Transfer SSCC Setup
  • Default packaging type for SSCC

SSCC Label Layouts

With this extension, you can print labels that optimally represent the wishes or agreements with your customer. To print the SSCC labels in different layouts, the layouts need to be assigned to the system. If the SSCC label is going to be printed via the usage of Dynamics 365 Business Central reports, the specific report number must be linked to the SSCC Label Layout Code. The following procedures describe how to perform this activity.

  1. Select the Search icon , enter SSCC Label Layouts and then choose the related link.

The SSCC Label Layouts list page opens.

  1. On the action bar, select New.

The SSCC Label Layouts creates a new line.

  1. Enter Code and Description.

  2. Select the required Object ID in the Report ID field.

The Report ID and Report Name get inherited accordingly.

  1. Enter the SSCC Label Copies.

The SSCC Label Copies specifies how many additional copies of an SSCC label must be printed when printing the label.

When the field is filled with 0, one SSCC label is printed without a copy. When the field is filled with 1, one SSCC label plus a copy are printed.

The SSCC Label Layouts are set up.

Company SSCC Setup

The SSCC is comprised of an Extension Digit, a GS1 Company Prefix, a Serial Reference, and a Check Digit. The structure of this unique identification can be set up on the Company SSCC Setup page.


The 18 digits of the SSCC number are formed by combining the Extension Digit, GS1 Company Prefix, and Serial Reference Nos. field values on the Customer SSCC Setup and Company SSCC Setup.

The following procedures describe how to perform this activity.

  1. Select the Search icon , enter Company SSCC Setup, and then choose the related link.

    The Company SSCC Setup page opens.

  2. On the General FastTab, enter the following fields:

Basic SSCC Label Layout CodeSpecifies the code of the Basic SSCC Label Layout.
Detailed SSCC Label Layout CodeSpecifies the code of the Detailed SSCC Label Layout.
  1. On the SSCC FastTab, enter the following fields:
Extension DigitSpecifies the number ranging from 0 to 9. It is used to increase the capacity of the Serial Reference within the SSCC.
Serial Reference Nos.Specifies the code associated with the number series allocated to identify a logistic unit.
GS1 Company PrefixSpecifies the globally unique number issued to a GS1 member company.

You can generate a preview of the SSCC number with the company set up to verify the correct setup of the SSCC fields.

  1. On the action bar of the Company SSCC Setup page, select Actions > Preview SSCC.

    The dialog box appears displaying the resulting SSCC No.

  2. Click OK.


    The Check Digit in the SSCC is a one-digit number used for data integrity and is not part of the setup but is automatically calculated and added to the SSCC.

    The Company SSCC Setup is now completed.

Company SSCC Setup conditions

  • If the Customer SSCC Setup is not configured, the system will use the Company SSCC Setup as the default configuration.
  • The default creation of SSCC numbers follows the specifications outlined in the Company SSCC Setup.
  • When using the license plate number as the SSCC number, the default generation of SSCC numbers follows the specifications outlined in the Company SSCC Setup. If the license plate number within the item tracking line aligns with the company setup, it is considered as the SSCC number. Filling out all fields on the Company SSCC Setup page is mandatory to implement this condition.

Customer SSCC Setup

Some customers may request a personal SSCC number series, so their administration will become clearer. Therefore, it is possible to set up an SSCC number series on the customer level. Besides the customer specific SSCC number series, the customer can request a specific SSCC label layout. The customer can also indicate whether he only accepts homogeneous shipping containers or whether mixed shipping containers are permitted as well. This can be set up in the Customer SSCC Setup.

  1. Select the Search icon , enter Customers and choose the related link.

    The Customers page opens.

  2. Select the preferred No.

    The Customer Card page opens.

  3. On the action bar of Customer Card page, select Related > Customer > SSCC Setup.

    The Customer SSCC Setup page opens.

  4. Fill in the following fields on the General FastTab of Customer SSCC Setup page.

    Enable SSCCSpecifies whether the SSCC setup is configured for the specified customer. When the Enable SSCC toggle is turned on, the system will check whether SSCCs are assigned when posting the document. When the toggle is turned off, no SSCCs can be assigned for this customer.
    SSCC Label Layout CodeSpecifies the Label Layout Code selected for the specified customer. his report will be used when a detailed SSCC label is printed. If this field is left empty, the report that is selected in the ‘Detailed Label Layout Code’ in the Company SSCC Setup will be used when printing a detailed SSCC label.
    CompositionSpecifies the composition of the SSCC logistical units that are allowed for this customer. When implementing the SSCC label, it is important to distinguish between homogeneous and heterogeneous shipping containers. The user can indicate whether a customer only wants to receive homogeneous shipping containers or whether mixed shipping containers are also permitted. For mixed shipping containers, a distinction is made between mixed lot numbers and mixed items.
    GTIN requiredSpecifies if the GTIN must be set up when using SSCC functionalities. When the toggle ‘GTIN Required’ is turned on in the Customer SSCC Setup, the system checks if a GTIN code is set up. When the item/variant/unit of measure is entered in a sales order line and when the sales order is released, it is checked whether the item/variant/unit of measure combination is present in the Item Reference Entries with type Bar Code or Customer.
    Lot No. requiredSpecifies whether the lot number should already be assigned when creating an SSCC for a Lot-Tracked Item. When for an Inventory Pick line or Warehouse Shipment line, an SSCC number is created, the system can check if a lot number is assigned for that line. It depends on the Customer SSCC Setup whether or not this check is triggered during the creation of the SSCC number.
    Require Shipping Unit RegistrationSpecifies whether the Shipping unit number is required while handling the License Plate tracked items during warehouse pick via the MWR app. The GRAI option can be selected only if SSCC is enabled.
  5. On the General FastTab of the Customer SSCC Setup page, turn the Enable SSCC toggle on.

  6. Select the Composition from the dropdown.

    Select an option from the list: Homogeneous, Mixed Lots, Mixed Items

    HomogeneousSpecifies that a shipping container is allowed to contain only one item number with the same lot number.
    Mixed LotsSpecifies that a shipping container is allowed to contain only one item number, but with different lot numbers.
    Mixed ItemsSpecifies that a shipping container is allowed to contain any combination of item numbers and lot numbers.
  7. On the SSCC FastTab, fill in the following fields:

    Extension DigitSpecifies a number that can range from 0 to 9. It is used to increase the capacity of the Serial Reference within the SSCC. When all SSCC fields on the customer SSCC setup are filled, they will be used instead of those on the company SSCC setup.
    GS1 Company PrefixSpecifies the globally unique number issued to a GS1 member company. When all SSCC fields on the customer SSCC setup are filled, they will be used instead of those on the company SSCC setup.
    Serial Reference Nos.Specifies the code of the number series allocated to identify a logistic unit. When all SSCC fields on the customer SSCC setup are filled, they will be used instead of those on the company SSCC setup.

The system displays a notification to remind you if not all the Customer SSCC Setup fields have been entered: Not all SSCC fields have been filled in. If the GS1 Company Prefix and Serial Reference No. remain not filled in, a notification will be shown when creating an SSCC number.

You can generate a preview of the SSCC number with the company set up to verify the correct setup of the SSCC fields.

  1. On the action bar of the Customer SSCC Setup page, select Actions > Preview SSCC.

    The dialog box appears displaying the resulting SSCC No.

  2. Click OK.

    The Customer SSCC Setup is now completed.

Customer SSCC Setup conditions

  • The default creation of SSCC numbers follows the specifications outlined in the Customer SSCC Setup.
  • When using the newly created SSCC number as the license plate number, the default generation of SSCC numbers follows the specifications outlined in the Customer SSCC Setup. If the license plate number within the item tracking line aligns with the customer setup, it is considered as the SSCC number. Filling out all fields on the Customer SSCC Setup page is mandatory to implement this condition.

Transfer SSCC Setup

You can set up an SSCC number series on the transfer route level. Besides the specific SSCC number series, the transfer-to location can request a specific SSCC label layout. The transfer-to location can also indicate whether it only accepts homogeneous shipping containers or whether mixed shipping containers are permitted as well. This can be set up in the Transfer Route SSCC Setup.

  1. Select the Search icon , enter Transfer Routes and choose the related link.

    The Transfer Routes page opens.

  2. Drill down the Transfer Routes Matrix to view the details of the transfer routes.

  3. On the action bar, select Related > SSCC Setup.

    The Transfer Route SSCC Setup page opens.

  4. On the General FastTab, fill in the following fields:

Enable SSCCSpecifies whether the transfer route requires SSCC Nos. When the Enable SSCC toggle is turned on, the system will check whether SSCCs are assigned when posting the document. When the toggle is turned off, no SSCCs can be assigned for this transfer route.
GTIN RequiredSpecifies whether GTIN is required for this transfer route. When for an Inventory Pick line or Warehouse Shipment line for a Transfer Order, an SSCC number is created, the system can check if the lot number is assigned for that line. It depends on the Transfer Route SSCC Setup whether or not this check is triggered during the creation of the SSCC number.
SSCC Label Layout CodeSpecifies the code of the SSCC Label Layout.
Lot No. RequiredSpecifies whether the lot number should already be assigned when creating an SSCC for a Lot-Tracked Item.
CompositionSpecifies the composition of the SSCC logistical units that are allowed for this transfer route.

When the Enable SSCC toggle is turned on, the system will check whether SSCCs are assigned when posting an Inventory Pick or Warehouse Shipment. When the toggle is turned off, no SSCCs can be assigned to the items for this transfer route.

  1. On the SSCC FastTab, fill in the following fields:
Extension DigitSpecifies the extension digit.The Extension Digit has no defined logic and is purely used to increase the capacity of the Serial Reference within the SSCC. It is assigned by the company that constructs the SSCC. The Extension Digit can range from 0 to 9.
Serial Reference Nos.Specifies the serial reference number. The Serial Reference Nos specifies the number series that is used to (together with the extension digit and GS1 company prefix) create a globally unique SSCC.
GS1 Company PrefixSpecifies the GS1 company prefix. The GS1 Company Prefix is the globally unique number issued to your company by a GS1 Member Organization. GS1 Company Prefixes are assigned to companies in varying lengths.

You can generate a preview of the SSCC number with the transfer route setup to verify the correct setup of the SSCC fields.

  1. On the action bar of the Transfer SSCC Setup page, select Actions > Preview SSCC.

    The dialog box appears displaying the resulting SSCC No.

  2. Click OK.


    The Check Digit in the SSCC is a one-digit number used for data integrity and is not part of the setup but is automatically calculated and added to the SSCC.

    The Transfer Route SSCC Setup is now completed.

Default packaging type for SSCC

When creating the SSCC lines, it is necessary to know which packaging type is used as a default shipping container and which packaging type is used as a default shipping unit. Therefore, the option ‘Default for SSCC’ is added in the Default Item Packaging. Only one Item no./Variant code/Unit of Measure Code combination can be set up as ‘Default for SSCC’ per Shipping Type. The setup for the Shipping Type is explained in ‘Setup Packaging’ for the Packaging extension.

  1. Select the Search icon , enter Items and then choose the related link.

    The Items page opens.

  2. Select the required No.

    The Item Card page opens.

  3. On the action bar of the Item Card page, select Item > Default Packaging.

    The Default Packaging page opens.

    On the Default Packaging page, the Default for SSCC checkbox specifies whether this packaging will be automatically suggested as packaging when creating an SSCC. Only one Item No./Variant Code/Unit of Measure Code combination can be set up as ‘Default for SSCC’ per Shipping Type.

    The Default Item Packaging setup is now completed regarding the SSCC setup.