Setting up sales and purchase condition rules

Article01/31/20243 min read

In the Sales and Purchase Condition rules, you define:

  • Who will get, or, from who will you receive, a discount, charge, or promotion
  • What are the conditions to apply the discount, charge, or promotion
  1. Select the Search icon , enter Sales and Purchase Condition Rules, and then choose the related link.
  2. On the action bar, select New.
  3. Fill in the fields as necessary. Hover over a field to read a short description.

General FastTab

On the General FastTab, you define the general characteristics of the rule, like a description that will be included in your sales documents.

Customer/Vendor (Source)

On the Customer/Vendor (Source) FastTab, you define the source(s) for the rule; your customer(s), or vendor(s). A rule can define a condition (discount, charge or promotion) for:

  • Customer(s) condition for sales to the same customer(s):
    • Based on Source Type = Member
  • Customer(s) condition for sales to other customer(s):
    • Based on Source Type = Customer Other, Customer Classification Other, or Customer Group Other
  • Vendor(s) condition for purchases from the same vendor(s):
    • Based on Source Type = Member
  • Vendor(s) condition for sales to other vendor(s):
    • Based on Source Type = Vendor Other, Vendor Classification Other, or Vendor Group Other
  • Vendor(s) condition for sales to customer(s):
    • Based on Source Type = Customer Other, Customer Classification Other, or Customer Group Other

In addition, you can define conditions based on fields on the Customer/Vendor Card:

  • Payment Method: the rule will only be applied on customers or vendors with that method.
  • Ship-to Address: the rule will only be applied on transactions to that shipping address or order address.

Or set a dedicated Payment Method in the transaction when the rule is applied in the Payment Method Code field.

And, when groups of customers or vendors are defined, you can include customers or vendors that are not in that group, or exclude certain customers or vendors even though they are in the group.


On the Item FastTab, you define the product(s) for the rule; the items where the condition is calculated on:

  • A specific item, an item classification, a group of items, or all items where the condition is applicable on,
  • The same item, item classification, group of items or all items.
    • Based on Item Type = Member
  • An other item, item classification, group of items or all items.
    • Based on Item Type = Item Other, Classification Other, Group Other or All Items.

In addition, you can define conditions based on fields on the Item Card:

  • Item Category: the rule will only be applied on items with that category.
  • Consumption Unit: the rule will only be applied on items with that consumption unit.

And, when groups of items are defined, you can include items that are not in that group, or exclude certain items even though they are in the group.

Others FastTab

On the Others FastTab, you can define additional criteria for the rule:

  • The Location(s) where the goods are shipped from of received in.
  • The Shipment Method for the transaction.
  • The Reason for the transaction.

Or set a dedicated Location or Reason in the transaction when the rule is applied in the Location Code or Reason Code field.


Even when the period for a periodical condition that you are setting up has already started, you are still able to settle that condition with your customers and vendors for the whole period. For more information, see the Walkthrough: Create Condition Ledger Entries from history.