Setting up sales and purchase condition calculations

Article01/16/20241 min read

The Sales and Purchase Calculation codes represent the type of conditions that are applicable in your company. These conditions can be:

  • Price discounts or charges (amount per unit); on invoice or periodic.
  • Fixed Price discounts or charges (amount per item or document); on invoice or periodic
  • Gross % discounts or charges (a percentage calculated on the price of products); on invoice or periodic.
  • Net % discounts or charges (a percentage calculated on the price of products minus other discounts or charges); on invoice or periodic.
  • Promotions (Discount) (buy quantity X get quantity y); on invoice
  • Promotions (Free Item) (buy product A, get product B for free); on invoice.

The calculation codes only represent your type of conditions. They don’t include the rules that explain how and when they are applied, or what the amount or percentage is that should be applied. These parts of the setup are done in the Condition Rules and Condition Rates. One condition calculation code can have multiple condition rules.

  1. Select the Search icon , enter Sales and Purchase Condition Calculations, and then choose the related link.
  2. On the action bar, select New.
  3. Fill in the fields as necessary. Hover over a field to read a short description.