Setting up sales and purchase classifications

Article09/10/20241 min read

Sales and purchase classifications are very powerful to group your customers, vendors and items. The classification groups that you create are based on the dimension settings on the master data. Which means that once the classification groups are created, and the master data has the proper dimension setup, it is automatically part of that group.

A classification group can be specified by the use of:

All these dimensions are shown as (filter) columns in the Sales and Purchase Condition Classifications page. In these columns you can:

  • Select a dimension value by using the dropdown.
  • Select multiple dimension values by using the AssistEdit button.
  • Use filter criteria to define more complex filters on dimension values.

You can combine multiple dimensions in one classification code. As an example, you can specify Brand Codes with Packaging Type Codes to define Own Beers (Brand Dimension) in Bottle (Packaging Type Dimension).

  1. Select the Search icon , enter Sales and Purchase Condition Classifications, and then choose the related link.
  2. On the action bar, select New.
  3. Fill in the fields as necessary. Hover over a field to read a short description.