Setting up sales & purchase conditions

Article04/05/20241 min read

Sales and Purchase Condition Setup

In the Sales and Purchase Condition Setup, you can define your policy for:

  • Accrual posting: when periodic discounts, charges or promotions are in place.
  • Reason Codes: when you want to force users to fill in a reason for price changes or line discounts in sales and purchase documents.
  • Number Series in settlement documents for periodic discounts, charges or promotions.
  1. Select the Search icon alt text, enter Sales and Purchase Condition Setup, and then choose the related link.
  2. On the Sales and Purchase Condition Setup page, fill in the fields as necessary. Hover over a field to read a short description.

On the Sales and Purchase Condition Setup page, when the Copy translations to Condition Rules toggle is turned on, the Sales and Purchase Calculation then inherits the setup. This can differ from the general setup and control, if on the Sales and Purchase Condition Rule Card page the Language Code inherits the value from the Language Code added on the Sales and Purchase Condition Calculation Translations page.