
Article04/05/20248 min read

This exercise will help you to get a better understanding of the Aptean Beverage Sales-Purchase Conditions extension. The exercise can be performed in the Cronus DIT Demo company.


Create a copy of this company to keep your Cronus DIT Demo in the original state. In the copy you can do all the exercises that are included in the training.

Exercise 6 - Relation with other apps

Some features are enabled from other Drink-it Apps, but form a relevant part in Sales & Purchase Conditions.

Indirect Sales (Advanced Sales Management)

Customers can be defined as indirect customers and indirect sales entries can be posted. An indirect customer is defined as a ‘Tier 3’ customer, an outlet that gets delivered by one of your customers (a distributor). Producers may maintain a relationship with the outlet, have an agreement stated in a contract:

  • Producer facilitates the outlet (by Loans, Loan in use items, Rental agreements)
  • Contract budgets on expected sales of producer’s products
  • Periodic discount from producer to outlet based on reported indirect sales (often used to pay back a loan)

It is possible to define condition calculation codes based on indirect sales, setup a condition rule and to issue a periodic settlement document (credit memo) for that.

Search for Customers.

Create a new customer by the New action

  • Apply template Customers domestic (tax paid)
  • FastTab General
    • Name: Your NAME_DIST
  • FastTab Address&Contact
    • City: Birmingham
  • FastTab Invoicing
    • Customer Price Group WHOLESAL
  • FastTab Payments
    • Payment Method: the customer pays by bank transfer;
    • Payment Terms: after 14 days
  • FastTab Logistics
    • Route: select your route (NAME_ROUTE1) or route 1300
  • FastTab Dimensions
    • Customer group/Channel: Wholesalers
    • Business Group: your OWN
  • FastTab Advanced Sales Management
    • Customer Relations: check this field
    • Customer Type: select Direct

Create another new customer by the New action

  • Apply template Customers domestic (tax paid)
  • FastTab General
  • Name: Your NAME_IND
  • FastTab Address&Contact
    • City: Birmingham
  • FastTab Invoicing
    • Customer Price Group PREM
  • FastTab Payments
    • Payment Method: Account
    • Payment Terms: 0D
  • FastTab Dimensions
    • Customer group/Channel: Pubs
    • Business Group: your NAME_GROUP
  • FastTab Advanced Sales Management
    • Customer Type: select Indirect
    • Delivered-by Customer no: select your NAME_DIST
  • Click on action Customer Rules and create a new rule
    • Source type/No: your customer NAME_IND
    • Item type: Classification item; Classification Code: Own Beers
    • Calculation Code: select M_IND_DISC
    • Description: Monthly Discount 10,- / HL on Own Beers
    • Based on Source: Member (=Customer self)
    • Based on Item type: Classification item; Classification Code: Own Beers
    • Starting date: 01-01-22
    • Drill down on the No. of Rates field and create one Rate
      • Rate Unit Price: 10
      • Unit of measure Code (Price): HL
    • Back in the rule: set Status to Certified

Search for Indirect Sales Journal

  • Drill down on the Batch name
  • Create a new batch name with your NAME (Code and Description)
  • No. Series: SALIND

Select your Batch name

  • Create a journal line
    • Posting date 31-1-22
    • Customer: your NAME_IND
    • Delivered-by Customer: NAME_DIST
    • Item: NAME Beer Crate 20x50CL
    • Quantity: 4
    • Unit of measurement: CRATE
  • Create another journal line
    • Posting date 31-1-22
    • Customer: your NAME_IND
    • Delivered-by Customer: NAME_DIST
    • Item: NAME Beer Cronus Premium Bottle 6x33CL
    • Quantity: 10
    • Unit of measurement: TRAY
  • Click on action Calculate Condition Lines
    • View Column Condition Amount (possibly you have to add the column by Personalize (via My Settings))

Post your journal.

Search for Indirect Sales Registers.

  • Click on the register for the Batch Name you just posted and click on Indirect Sales Entries
    • View Column Condition Amount (possibly you have to add the column by Personalise (via My Settings))
    • Drill down on it and view the Condition Ledger entries

Search for Condition Periodic Settlement Journals

  • Select your batch Name

Click on action Suggest Settlement Lines

  • Ending Date: end of this month
  • Starting Document No: when blank fill with your NAME1
  • Rule Filters: filter on your customer
    • Source No.: your NAME_IND
  • Click OK

Click on action Create Settlement Document

  • Leave the summarize options
  • And click OK Find the Sales Credit memo and post it.

Order entry (Advanced Sales Management)

Search for Recurring sales lines

Create a new (standard sales) code

  • Code: your NAME
  • Description: your NAME items
  • Create lines of type = Item
    • Your item NAME Beer Crate 20x50CL
    • Your item NAME Beer Can 6x33CL
    • Your item NAME Beer Cronus Premium Bottle 6x33CL

Search for Customers

Filter on your customers. For each: On FastTab Advanced Sales Management, click on Setup Recurring Sales Lines.

  • In the recurring sales lines page that opens create a line and select the standard sales code of your NAME
  • Set field Insert Rec Lines on Order Entry to Automatic

Search for Sales orders

Create a new sales order for your customer NAME1

  • Click on action Order Entry
    • Fill some quantities in the lines you see
    • In the Quick entry pane, select item 1080, and fill a quantity of 2. ENTER
    • Close the page and confirm to apply.
  • Release the order

Calculate Condition Alerts

When entering the Item No. on the Quick Entry FastTab of the Order Entry page, the Condition Alters field gets updated upon executing the Calculate Condition Alerts action, when the Order Entry Condition field is set as On Request or Default (On Request) on the Order Entry FastTab of the Advanced Sales Management Setup page.

Period Invoices and -Credit Memos (Foundation)

Some customers demand a periodic invoice, eg a weekly or monthly invoice. Such ‘combined shipments’ invoices are created by a separate batch job, through a sales invoice document, rather than invoicing from the order.

Most companies prefer one way of working for all and invoice all sales shipments by this periodic activity, also the ones getting a daily invoice.

Drink-it Foundation contains functions Create Periodic Invoices and Create Period Credit Memos that replace standard BC functions Combine shipments/return receipts.

Invoices that are created this way will contain attached charges (condition lines, deposit lines, tax lines).

When you create an invoice manually the Lines functions Get Shipment Lines will include attached lines as well (you only see and select item lines).

For purchase invoices the same, some companies do not post invoices from the purchase order document (segregation of duties, 3-way matching). When registering invoices through the purchase invoice document and creating lines by the Get Receipt Lines function it will include attached lines.

Gross-Net Price List (Foundation)

Search for Customers.

Filter on your customer NAMEs. On each card

  • On FastTab Foundation and set field
    • Prices Incl. Tax Charges: on
    • Prices Incl. Deposit Charges: off
    • Prices Incl. Condition Charges: on

Search for Gross Net Price List

Click on action Calculate Prices

  • As per Date: 1-1-22
  • Filter on Item: your NAME only (Description: @NAME)
  • Filter on Customer: your NAME only (Name: @NAME)

Search for Customers

Open the card for customer NAME1

  • Click on action Gross Net Price List and view the lines

Dimensions and Price Warning (Business Central Accelerator)

Search for General Ledger Setup

Click on action Change Global-Shortcut Dimensions

  • Next to the global dimension1 and 2 BC enables to define shortcut dimension 3-8 also as ‘global’.
  • BCA added 2 more No need to change now for this training

These Global-Shortcut dimensions are use in Sales and Purchase Conditions, in the Classifications (Search for Sales and purchase Condition Classifications).

Search for Business Central Accelerator Setup

Click on Business Central Accelerator Setup for Sales.

  • Sales Price Mandatory: select No Warning, Warning, or Blocked
    • As the field indicates, you can get a warning or bloc king message when releasing an order for which an item line does not contain an price.
    • This is the default setting, you can deviate from it per item, on FastTab Business Central Accelerator. You may want to do so for empty good items for which no prices were setup (but deposit charges instead), and possibly other items.
  • Customer Auto Dim. Code: when you select a dimension code, for new customer automatically a dimension value is created and assigned to the customer as default dimension
  • Dimensions From: Bill-to,Sell-to
    • in std BC sales documents get the dimensions from the bill-to customer
    • that may not always be wanted, a sell-to customer may have specific own dimensions (channel, region…) you want to report on and have conditions based on. Set it to Sell-to then
    • you can always create a dimension code like CUSTGROUP and define a bill-to there. A sell-to can have own dimension and such a CUSTGRP value. Dimensions from the bill-to cannot report on the sell-to customers.
    • You can deviate per customer from it, on FastTab Dimensions.

Back to the Business Central Accelerator page, FastTab Sales.

  • Dimensions on Customers: drill down on the button and select the (global) dimension codes you want to see on a customer card.

Click on Business Central Accelerator Setup for Purchase.

  • Purchase Price Mandatory: select No Warning, Warning, or Blocked
    • As the field indicates, you can get a warning or blocking message when releasing an order for which an item line does not contain an price.
    • This is the default setting, you can deviate from it per item, on FastTab Business Central Accelerator. You may want to do so for empty good items for which no prices were setup (but deposit charges instead), and possibly other items.
  • Vendor Auto Dim. Code: when you select a dimension code, for a new vendor automatically a dimension value is created and assigned to the vendor as default dimension
  • Dimensions From: Pay-to, Buy-from
    • in std BC purchase documents get the dimensions from the pay-to vendor
    • that may not always be wanted. Set it to Buy-from then.
    • you can deviate per vendor from it, on FastTab Dimensions.

Back to the Business Central Accelerator page, FastTab Purchase.

  • Dimensions on Vendors: drill down on the button and select the (global) dimension codes you want to see on a vendor card.

Click on Business Central Accelerator Setup for Inventory.

  • Item Auto Dim. Code: when you select a dimension code, for a new item automatically a dimension value is created and assigned to the item as default dimension.

Back to the Business Central Accelerator page, FastTab Inventory.

  • Dimensions on Items: drill down on the button and select the (global) dimension codes you want to see on an item card.