
Article08/18/20233 min read

This exercise will help you to get a better understanding of the Aptean Beverage Sales-Purchase Conditions extension. The exercise can be performed in the CRONUS DIT DEMO company.


Create a copy of this company to keep your CRONUS DIT DEMO in the original state. In the copy you can do all the exercises that are included in the training.

Exercise 5 - Miscellaneous

Conditions Customer/Vendor

Search for Customers

Create a new customer by the New action

  • Apply template Customers domestic (tax paid)
  • FastTab General
    • Name: Your NAME5 (Retail)
  • FastTab Address&Contact
    • City: Birmingham
  • FastTab Dimensions * Customer group/Channel: Retail
  • Business Group: your NAME_GROUP
  • FastTab Sales Conditions
    • Condition Customer on: select Other-to
    • Condition Customer No.: select your customer NAME1
  • Click on action Customer Rules Overview and view all rules applicable for this customer

Price Unit of Measurement

Search for Items

Open the item card for item 1080 Cronus Premium KEG 50L

  • On FastTab
    • General: Base Unit of Measure Code = KEG
    • Prices and Sales: Sales UOM Code = KEG
    • Replenishment: Purchase UOM Code = KEG
    • Item Conditions: Price UOM Code = HL
  • Click on action Sales prices: notice prices are set in HL
  • Click on action Purchase prices: notice prices are set in HL

This feature is required by some producers (breweries mostly) who have agreed upon hectolitre prices with customer for certain items (like kegged items). In sales and purchase documents the HL price is recalculated to the UOM of the line, as if it were the base UOM.

Special Price

In sales prices and purchase prices you can check field Special price. When that price is calculated, the sales or purchase line gets that field also checked. So do item ledger entries.

On the Sales and Purchase Condition Calculation code, you indicate by field Calculate on Special Price whether a rule should be calculated over such line

  • No: do not calculate over the line
  • Yes: calculate only for a special price line
  • Both

Manually altered Prices and Line Discounts

Search for Sales and Conditions Setup

On FastTab Sales

  • With field Reason Code mandatory for Price Change you steer that the unit price may not be altered on an item sales line unless you select a reason code that allows for it.
  • With field Reason Code mandatory for Line Discount you steer that the Line Discount may not be altered on an item sales line unless you select a reason code that allows for it.

On FastTab Purchase

  • With field Reason Code mandatory for Price Change you steer that the Dir. unit Cost may not be altered on an item purchase line unless you select a reason code that allows for it.
  • With field Reason Code mandatory for Line Discount you steer that the Line Discount may not be altered on an item purchase line unless you select a reason code that allows for it.

Search for Reason Codes

Relevant when on general level in the Sales and Conditions Setup modifications are restricted.

  • Allow Price Change (item)
    • Set to Sales, Purchase or Both if you allow to any of them
  • Free Line Discount
    • Set to Sales, Purchase or Both if you allow to any of them

Fixed Price

Search for Sales Return Orders

Create a new return order for your customer NAME1

Click on action Get Posted Document Lines to Reverse

  • Select some lines of the last invoice you posted for your customer
  • Enable column Fixed Price in the sales return order lines page by Personalization (via My Settings)
  • Expand the lines. Change a quantity on an item line.
  • Notice the unit prices of both the item line and its attached condition lines are fixed.
  • This guarantees a same net price being credited.