
Article08/18/20239 min read

This exercise will help you to get a better understanding of the Aptean Beverage Sales-Purchase Conditions extension. The exercise can be performed in the CRONUS DIT DEMO company.


Create a copy of this company to keep your CRONUS DIT DEMO in the original state. In the copy you can do all the exercises that are included in the training.

Exercise 4 – Off Invoice Discounts & Charges

Month Discount Net%

Search for Customers. Select your customer NAME1

  • Click on action Customer Rules and create a new rule
    • Source type/No: your customer NAME1
    • Item type/Code: Classification ALL beverages
    • Calculation Code: select your code NAME_MNET
    • Description: Month discount 1%
    • Based on Source: Member (the discount is based on sales to customer self)
    • Based on Item type/Code Classification ALL beverages
    • Direction of Movement: Both
    • Starting date: 01-01-22
    • Drill down on the No. of Rates field and create a new Rate
      • Rate Unit (Net%): 1
    • Back in the rule: set Status to Certified

Search for Sales orders

Find the sales order(s) you created for the customer in the previous sections.

  • Reopen and release them
  • Expand the lines.
  • Click on The Condition Line field (when you added it as Personalization) or select **Line – Related Information – Condition Lines **for background information.
    • Notice the line for this off-invoice condition.
  • Post the order: Ship & Invoice

Search for Posted Sales shipments

  • Find the Posted sales shipment of your order and click on action Find Entries
    • view the Condition Ledger Entries for the month discount
    • View the G/L entries with the source code for conditions accruals

Month Discount per HL

An agreement was made with the business group your NAME_GROUP that all pubs belonging to it get a monthly discount of 10,- / HL over sold beers.

Search for Sales and Purchase Condition Classifications.

  • Select your NAME_GRPPUB. Click on action Rules and create a new rule
    • Source type/No: your customer classification NAME_GRPPUB
    • Item type/Code: select your item classification NAME_BEER
    • Calculation Code: select M_HL_DISC
    • Description: Month Discount 10,- / HL over of beer
    • Based on Source: Member (each customer/member of this group gets his own credit memo)
    • Based on Item type: select your item classification NAME_BEER
    • Direction of Movement: Both
    • Based on Reason: group SALES (default from calculation code; this discount is not given on free items)
    • Starting date: 01-01-22
    • Drill down on the No. of Rates field and create a new Rate
      • Rate Unit (Price): 10,-
      • Unit of Measure (Price): select HL
    • Back in the rule: set Status to Certified

Search for Sales orders.

  • Create a new order for your customer NAME2.
  • Create lines of type = Item
    • Your item NAME Beer Crate 20x50CL: 10 CRATES
    • Your item NAME Beer Can 6x33CL: 10 TRAYS
    • Your item NAME Beer Cronus Premium Bottle 6x33CL: 10 TRAYS
  • Release the order.
  • Click per item line on The Condition Line field (when you added it as Personalization) or select Line – Related Information – Condition Lines and view the periodic conditions.

Do not post the order yet.

Create a new order for your customer NAME3.

  • Create lines of type = Item
    • Your item NAME Beer Crate 20x50CL: 5 CRATES
      • Your item NAME Beer Can 6x33CL: 10 TRAYS
  • Your item NAME Beer Cronus Premium Bottle 6x33CL: 10 TRAYS
  • Release the order.
  • Click per item line on The Condition Line field (when you added it as Personalization) or select Line – Related Information – Condition Lines and view the periodic conditions.

Do not post the order yet.

Month Bonus/Malus in HL

An agreement was made with the business group your NAME_GROUP that all pubs belonging to it have a target of buying 1 HL beer from the Cronus company per month. There is a bonus/malus involved

  • Over every HL a pub has purchased more, he gets 2,- HL bonus
  • Over every HL a pub has purchased less more, he gets a malus (penalty) of 1,- HL.

Search for Sales and Purchase Condition Classifications.

  • Select your NAME_GRPPUB. Click on action Rules and create a new rule

    • Source type/No: your customer classification NAME_GRPPUB
    • Item type/Code: select your item classification NAME_BEER
    • Calculation Code: select your NAME_MBONUS
    • Description: Month overage bonus 2,- / HL beer; target 1 HL
    • Based on Source: Member (each customer/member of this group gets his own credit memo in case of bonus)
    • Based on Item type: select your item classification NAME_BEER
    • Direction of Movement: Both
    • Based on Reason: group SALES (default from calculation code; this discount is not given on free items)
    • Starting date: 01-01-22
    • Drill down on the No. of Rates field and create a new Rate
      • Unit of Measure Code (Quantity): HL
      • Minimum Quantity: 1
      • Rate Unit (Price): 2,-
      • Unit of Measure (Price): select HL
    • Back in the rule: set Status to Certified
  • Select your NAME_GRPPUB. Click on action Rules and create anpther new rule

    • Source type/No: your customer classification NAME_GRPPUB
    • Item type/Code: select your item classification NAME_BEER
    • Calculation Code: select your NAME_MMALUS
    • Description: Month shortage malus 1,- / HL beer; target 1 HL
    • Based on Source: Member (each customer/member of this group gets his own sales invoice in case of malus)
    • Based on Item type: select your item classification NAME_BEER
    • Direction of Movement: Both
    • Based on Reason: group SALES (default from calculation code; this discount is not given on free items)
    • Starting date: 01-01-22
    • Drill down on the No. of Rates field and create a new Rate
      • Unit of Measure Code (Quantity): HL
      • Minimum Quantity: 1
      • Rate Unit (Price): 1,-
      • Unit of Measure (Price): select HL
    • Back in the rule: set Status to Certified

Search for Sales orders.

Find the order for your customer NAME2.

  • Reopen it and release it
  • Click per item line on The Condition Line field (when you added it as Personalization) or select Line – Related Information – Condition Lines and view the periodic conditions.

Do not post the order yet.

Find the order for your customer NAME3.

  • Reopen it and release it
  • Click per item line on The Condition Line field (when you added it as Personalization) or select Line – Related Information – Condition Lines and view the periodic conditions.

Do not post the order yet.

Month Tiered Bonus in HL

Your customer NAME_GROUP gets a fee on the total volume in HL of beer sold to his pubs. The fee is tiered

  • Under 1 HL: nothing
  • In between 1 and 2 HL: 1,- / HL
  • In between 2 and 3 HL: 1,50 / HL
  • Above 3 HL: 2,- / HL

Search for Customers. Select your customer NAME4

  • Click on action Customer Rules and create a new rule
    • Source type/No: your customer NAME4
    • Item type/Code: select your item classification NAME_BEER
    • Calculation Code: select your code M_HL_TIERED
    • Description: HL Discount pubs of NAME_GROUP
    • Based on Source: select your classification NAME_GRPPUB (settlement based on sales to the customers of this group, not to the sales of customer NAME4 self)
    • Based on Item type/Code: select your item classification NAME_BEER (the minimum applies to the total volume of the group, not to each item member individually)
    • Direction of Movement: Both
    • Starting date: 01-01-22
    • Drill down on the No. of Rates field
      • Create a new Rate
        • Unit of Measure Code (Quantity): HL
        • Minimum Quantity: 1
        • Rate Unit (Price): 1,00
        • Unit of Measure (Price): select HL
      • Create a new Rate
        • Unit of Measure Code (Quantity): HL
        • Minimum Quantity: 2
        • Rate Unit (Price): 1,50
        • Unit of Measure (Price): select HL
      • Create a new Rate
        • Unit of Measure Code (Quantity): HL
        • Minimum Quantity: 3
        • Rate Unit (Price): 2,00
        • Unit of Measure (Price): select HL
    • Back in the rule: set Status to Certified

Search for Sales orders.

Find the order for your customer NAME2.

  • Reopen it and release it
  • Click per item line on The Condition Line field (when you added it as Personalization) or select Line – Related Information – Condition Lines and view the periodic conditions.

Do not post the order yet.

Find the order for your customer NAME3.

  • Reopen it and release it
  • Click per item line on The Condition Line field (when you added it as Personalization) or select Line – Related Information – Condition Lines and view the periodic conditions.

Do not post the order yet.

Vendor Gross% Discount on Sales

Search for Vendors. Select your vendor NAME.

  • Click on action Vendor Rules and create a new rule
    • Source type/No: your vendor NAME
    • Item type/Code: select your classification NAME_VEND
    • Calculation Code: select your NAME_MNET
    • Description: Monthly vendor contribution 1% on sales of your NAME products
    • Based on Source: All Customers
    • Based on Item type/Code: select your classification NAME_VEND
    • Starting date: 01-01-22
    • Drill down on the No. of Rates field and create a new Rate
      • Rate Unit (Net%): 1
    • Back in the rule: set Status to Certified

Search for Sales orders.

Find the order for your customer NAME2.

  • Reopen it and release it
  • Click per item line on The Condition Line field (when you added it as Personalization) or select Line – Related Information – Condition Lines and view the periodic conditions.
    • Why does the line for NAME Beer Cronus Premium 6x33CL not show the periodic condition for the vendor?

Post the order: ship & invoice

Find the order for your customer NAME3.

  • Reopen it and release it
  • Click per item line on The Condition Line field (when you added it as Personalizsation) or select Line – Related Information – Condition Lines and view the periodic conditions.

Post the order: ship & invoice

Condition Periodic Settlement Journals

Search for Condition Periodic Settlement Journals

Drill down on the Batch Name and create a new Name

  • Code: your NAME
  • Description: Periodic settlements for your NAME
  • No. Series: SPC_JNL_PER

Select your Batch Name in the journal.

Click on action Suggest Settlement Lines

  • Ending Date: end of this month
  • Starting Document No: when blank fill with your NAME1
  • Rule Filters: filter on your customers only
    • Source No.: your @NAME
  • Click OK

View the lines in your journal.

  • Click on action Applied Entries to see the Condition Ledger entries they are based upon.
  • For your customers NAME2 and NAME3
    • one of the 2 has Status = Skipped: the bonus or the malus.
    • Other lines have Status = Suggested
    • The Document type for the bonus line is Sales credit memo and for the malus line Sales invoice.
  • For vendor your NAME the applied entries are the shipments for customer your NAME2 and NAME3. The document type is purchase credit memo

Click on action Create Settlement Document

  • Leave the summarize options
  • And click OK

All lines in the journal should have the status Processing now, except for the 2 journal lines to skip.

  • Click per line on Line – Settlement Documents and view the credit memo or invoice
    • Lines split up by the summarize options
    • Item charges assigned to the shipments
  • Post it

Alternatively: search for Sales credit memos resp. Sales invoices resp Purchase credit memos and post them.

Search for Condition Periodic Settlement Journals

  • Select your batch Name
  • Click on Post Reverse Accruals (Skipped)

Now all journal lines should be removed.

Search for Posted sales credit memos

Select the one you posted for your customer NAME1.

  • Click on action Find entries
    • View the Condition ledger entries
    • View the G/L entries
    • View the value entries

When you created and certified a periodic rule after history was already posted, you can create Condition ledger entries for them via the Conditions journal. Fetch the entries via action Suggest Periodic based on history (it will recognize item ledger entries and indirect item ledger entries for which the condition ledger entry is missing for any rule). Post the journal.