
Article10/09/202312 min read

This exercise will help you to get a better understanding of the Aptean Beverage Sales-Purchase Conditions extension. The exercise can be performed in the CRONUS DIT DEMO company.


Create a copy of this company to keep your CRONUS DIT DEMO in the original state. In the copy you can do all the exercises that are included in the training.

Exercise 3 – On Invoice Promotions

Master Data

Search for Reason Codes

  • Create a new reason code
  • Code: your NAME_FREE
  • Description Free products from your NAME
  • Free (Line Discount): Both
  • Ignore Deposit: yes (deposit still charged on free product)
  • Ignore Tax Charges: no
  • Sales: yes
  • Purchase: yes
  • Item Journal: yes (if you cannot find a field, open the card page)

Create a new reason code

  • Code: your NAME_FRDISC
  • Description Free products by discount from your NAME
  • Free (Line Discount): leave blank
  • Sales: yes
  • Purchase: yes
  • Item Journal: yes (if you cannot find a field, open the card page)

Create a new reason code

  • Code: your NAME_FRVAT
  • Description: VAT on FREE by discount from your NAME
  • Free (Line Discount): leave blank
  • Sales: yes
  • Purchase: yes
  • Item Journal: yes (if you cannot find a field, open the card page)

Search for Sales and Purchase Condition Calculations

Create a new Calculation Code

  • Code: your NAME_FREE1
  • Description: your NAME Buy 10 get 11
  • Calculation type: Promotion (Free item)
  • Calculate on Special Price; Both
  • Calculation Method: Gross%
  • Calculation Period: Order
  • Based on Reason (sales): select the reason group SALES (the discount should only be calculated over normal sales transactions, not over free items, not include 3rd party settlements)
  • Reason Code (sales): select your NAME_FREE
  • Based on Reason (purchase): select the reason group PURCHASE
  • Reason Code (purchase): select your NAME_FREE

Create another Calculation Code

  • Code: your NAME_FREE2
  • Description: your NAME Buy 10 pay 9
  • Calculation type: Promotion (Discount)
  • Type/No: select the item charge code for volume discounts
  • Calculate on Special Price; Both
  • Calculation Method: Net%
  • Calculation Period: Order
  • Based on Reason (sales): select the reason group SALES (the discount should only be calculated over normal sales transactions, not over free items, not include 3rd party settlements)
  • Reason Code (sales): select your NAME_FRDISC
  • Based on Reason (purchase): select the reason group PURCHASE
  • Reason Code (sales): select your NAME_FRDISC

Create another Calculation Code

  • Code: your NAME_FREE3
  • Description: your NAME VAT on FREE
  • Calculation type: Promotion (Discount)
  • Type/No:
    • select item charge code; Create a new item charge code and select that
      • Code: 930NAME
      • Description: Discount with expensed VAT
      • Gen. product Posting group: 931
      • VAT Product posting group: NO VAT
  • Calculate on Special Price; Both
  • Calculation Method: Net%
  • Calculation Period: Order
  • Based on Reason (sales): select your reason code NAME_FRVAT

Manually by Reason code

Search for Sales orders.

Create a new order for your customer NAME1.

  • Create lines of type = Item
    • Your item NAME Beer Crate 20x50CL: 10 CRATES
    • Your item NAME Beer Crate 20x50CL: 2 CRATES
      • Set the Reason code to your NAME_FREE
  • Release the order. Expand the lines and view all
    • Notice no line amount, no discount lines, but deposit lines on the free item line

When Aptean Beverage Advanced Sales Management is installed you can create order lines using the Order Entry page. In this page an alert is given when blanket sales order lines exist for the customer and you can insert them in your order. You could create such ‘pre-order’ lines for incidental free products. Eg. a salesperson who visited a customer and promised free POS items on the next order intake.

In section Relation with other Apps you will find more information on Order Entry.

The salesperson visited your customer NAME2. The pub requires new CRONUS beerglasses. They agreed that on the next order intake the customer will order 20 small beerglasses, of which 10 will be given away for free.

Search for Blanket Sales orders.

Create a new blanket order for your customer NAME2.

  • Set the shipment date on today
  • Create lines of type = Item
    • Select item 5033 CRONUS beerglass 33CL (POS)
    • Select item 5033 CRONUS beerglass 33CL (POS)
      • Select your reason code NAME_FREE

Search for Sales orders.

Create a new order for your customer NAME2

Click on action Order Entry

  • Create a line for your item NAME Beer Crate 20x50CL: 10 CRATES
  • Click on the Notification for blanket order lines, or click on action Get Blanket order lines
    • Select both lines and OK
  • Close the Order entry page and confirm to apply
  • Release the order

Buy 10 get 11

Customer your NAME1 gets this week a free tray on every 8 trays of your item NAME Beer Can 6x33Cl that he buys.

Search for Customers. Select your customer NAME1

  • Click on action Customer Rules and create a new rule
    • Source type/No: your customer NAME1
    • Item type/Code: Select your item NAME Beer Can 6x33CL
    • Calculation Code: select your code NAME_FREE
    • Description: This week promotion buy 8 trays get 1 free
    • Based on Source: Member
    • Based on Item type: Member
    • Based on Reason: group SALES
    • Reason Code: NAME_FREE
    • Direction of Movement: Outbound
    • Starting date: this week’s Monday
    • Ending date: this week’s Friday
    • Drill down on the No. of Rates field and create a new Rate
      • Unit of Measurement Code (Quantity): TRAY
      • Minimum Quantity; 8
      • Rate Unit (Gross%): 100 (fixed)
      • Recurring = yes
      • Recurring Quantity: 8
      • Free item Type: Member
      • Free Quantity: 1
      • Free Unit of Measure Code: TRAY
    • Back in the rule: set Status to Certified

Search for Sales orders

Create a new order for your customer NAME1.

  • Create lines of type = Item
    • Your item NAME Beer Can 6x33CL: 20 TRAYS
    • Your item NAME Beer Cronus Premium Bottle 6x33CL: 20 TRAYS
  • Release the order
    • Expand the lines and explain them

Buy 10 pay 9

Another promotion for customer your NAME1 this week. On every 8 trays of your item NAME Beer Cronus Premium Bottle 6x33CL he has to pay only 7.

Search for Customers. Select your customer NAME1

  • Click on action Customer Rules and create a new rule
    • Source type/No: your customer NAME1
    • Item type/Code: Select your item NAME Beer Cronus Premium Bottle 6x33CL
    • Calculation Code: select your code NAME_FREE2
    • Description: This week promotion buy 8 trays, pay 7
    • Based on Source: Member
    • Based on Item type: Member
    • Based on Reason: group SALES
    • Direction of Movement: Outbound
    • Drill down on the b field and create a new Rate
      • Unit of Measurement Code (Quantity): TRAY
      • Minimum Quantity; 8
      • Rate Unit (Net%): 100 (fixed)
      • Recurring = yes
      • Recurring Quantity: 8
      • Free item Type: Member
      • Free Quantity: 1
      • Free Unit of Measure Code: TRAY
    • Back in the rule: set Status to Certified

Search for image.png

Open the sales order for your customer NAME1

  • Reopen the order
  • Release it again
    • Expand the Lines and explain them

VAT on Free

An item is given away for free, but the company must declare and pay VAT over it, based on the normal sales price. The customer does not pay that VAT, he gets the item fully for free (perhaps pay deposit). The VAT amount is in a way ‘expensed’ for the company.

Typically for employees getting goods for free, or ‘consumer’ free orders (free products to consumers).

Search for Customers.

Create a new customer by the New action

  • Apply template Customers domestic (tax paid)
  • FastTab General
    • Name: Your NAME5 (Employee)
  • FastTab Address&Contact
    • City: Birmingham
  • FastTab Invoicing
    • Customer Price Group RETAIL
    • Prices Including VAT: set to yes
  • FastTab Payments
    • Payment Method: ACCOUNT
    • Payment Terms: CM
  • FastTab Logistics
    • Route: select route 1300

In case Empty Good Management is installed and deposit is charged

  • FastTab Empty Goods

    • Empty Good Business Group: empty goods are traced and deposit is charged, within the same invoice. Select DEP.
    • Setup recurring sales lines: select Code EMPTY_RET for your customer and set Insert Rec. Lines on Return Entry to Automatic. This will help you to register returned empties in an efficient way.
  • Click on action Customer Groups (via Sales & Conditions)

    • Add the customer to your group NAME_EMPL, by selecting it in a line

Search for Sales and Purchase Condition Groups

  • Select the line of your group NAME_EMPL
  • Click on action Rules and create a new rule
    • Source type/No: select Group Customer: your NAME_EMPL
    • Item type/Code: Select ALL Beverages
    • Calculation Code: select your code NAME_FREE3
    • Description: Employee free products
    • Based on Source: Member
    • Based on Item type: Member
    • Based on Reason: your reason code NAME_FRVAT
    • Direction of Movement: Both
    • Drill down on the No. of Rates field and
    • create a rate per sales UOM
      • Unit of Measurement Code (Quantity): CRATE
      • Minimum Quantity; 1
      • Rate Unit (Net%): 100 (fixed)
      • Recurring = yes
      • Recurring Quantity: 1
      • Free item Type: Member
      • Free Quantity: 1
      • Free Unit of Measure Code: CRATE
    • create a rate per sales UOM
      • Unit of Measurement Code (Quantity): TRAY
      • Minimum Quantity; 1
      • Rate Unit (Net%): 100 (fixed)
      • Recurring = yes
      • Recurring Quantity: 1
      • Free item Type: Member
      • Free Quantity: 1
      • Free Unit of Measure Code: TRAY
    • Back in the rule: set Status to Certified

Search for Sales Orders

Create a new order for your customer NAME5

  • Create lines of type = Item
    • Your item NAME Beer Crate 20x50CL: 2 CRATES
    • Your item NAME Beer Can 6x33CL: 4 TRAYS
  • Release the order. Expand the lines and explain them
    • Notice the Amount including VAT and the VAT Product Posting group
    • Notice the document totals, it may be the customer has an amount to pay for deposit Post the order: Ship + Invoice

Search for Posted Sales invoices

Open the invoice you just posted and click on action Find Entries

  • View VAT Entries
  • View G/L Entries
  • View Customer ledger entry

But A get B

For all retailers you have a campaign this week on beers sold in bottle. For every 6 bottles of beer, the customer gets one small POS beer glass for free.

Search for Sales and Purchase Condition Classifications.

  • Select your NAME_RETAIL. Click on action Rules and create a new rule
    • Source type/No: your customer classification NAME_RETAIL
    • Item type/Code: your item classification NAME_BBTL
    • Calculation Code: select your code NAME_FREE
    • Description: This week promotion buy 6 bottles beer get 1 beer glass free
    • Based on Source: Member
    • Based on Item type: Member
    • Based on Reason: select group SALES
    • Reason Code: your NAME_FREE
    • Direction of Movement: Outbound
    • Starting date: current week’s Monday
    • Ending day: current week’s Friday
    • Drill down on the No. of Rates field and create a new Rate
      • Unit of Measurement Code (Quantity): BOTTLE
      • Minimum Quantity; 6
      • Rate Unit (Gross%): 100 (fixed)
      • Recurring = yes
      • Recurring Quantity: 6
      • Free item Type: Item Other
      • Free Item No: select item 5033 Cronus beerglass 33CL
      • Free Quantity: 1
      • Free Unit of Measure Code: PCS
    • Back in the rule: set Status to Certified

Search for Sales Orders

Create a new order for your customer NAME1

  • Create lines of type = Item
    • Your item NAME Beer Crate 20x50CL: 1 CRATE
    • Your item NAME Beer Can 6x33CL: 1 TRAY
    • Your item NAME Beer Cronus Premium Bottle 6x33CL: 1 TRAY
  • Release the order. Explain the lines

Combi - buy A+B get C

Your customer NAME2 orders regularly 4 cases of the alcoholfree beer 1310 BEER CRONUS ZERO CASE 24X25CL. The Cronus company now has a new product in the low and zero alcohol beers: 1325 BEER CRONUS RADLER CRATE 24X33CL and wants to bring it under the attention of the pub. This month the customer gets 4 POS beer glasses for free when ordering at least 3 cases of the alcoholfree beer and 1 crate of the low alcohol beer.

Search for Customers. Select your customer NAME2

  • Click on action Customer Rules and create a new rule
    • Source type/No: your customer NAME2
    • Item type/Code: Per Document
    • Calculation Code: select your code NAME_FREE
    • Description: This week promotion on Radler beer
    • Based on Source: Member
    • Based on Item type: Select Combined items
    • Based on Reason: group SALES
    • Reason Code: NAME_FREE
    • Direction of Movement: Outbound
    • Starting date: first day of this month
    • Ending date: last day of this month
    • Drill down on the No. of Rates field and
      • click on Edit Combined Minimum Rates
      • select item 1310, UOM CASE; Min. Quantity: 4
      • select item 1325, UOM CRATE; Min. Quantity: 1
      • close the page, back to the rates
      • Rate Unit (Gross%): 100 (fixed)
      • Recurring = no
      • Free item Type: Item other
      • Free Quantity: 4
      • Free item no: select 5033 Cronus beerglass 33CL
      • Free Unit of Measure Code: PCS
    • Back in the rule: set Status to Certified

Search for Sales Orders

Create a new order for your customer NAME2

  • Create lines of type = Item
    • Item: 1310: 5 CASES
  • Release the order. No free POS line
  • Reopen the order and change lines
    • Item: 1310: 4 CASES
    • Item 1325: 1 CRATES
  • Release the order. A line is added for the free POS item, 4 PCS.

Mix & Match - buy A get B and/or C

For your customer NAME3 another promotion is active this month. When he buys 4 CRATES of item 1325 BEER CRONUS RADLER CRATE 24X33CL, he can choose what POS items to get for free, even combine it (mix & match).

Search for Customers. Select your customer NAME3

  • Click on action Customer Rules and create a new rule
    • Source type/No: your customer NAME3
    • Item type/Code: Select item 1325
    • Calculation Code: select your code NAME_FREE
    • Description: This week promotion on Radler beer
    • Based on Source: Member
    • Based on Item type: Member
    • Based on Reason: group SALES
    • Reason Code: NAME_FREE
    • Direction of Movement: Outbound
    • Starting date: first day of this month
    • Ending date: last day of this month
    • Drill down on the No. of Rates field and
      • Unit of measure Code (Quantity): CRATE
      • Minimum Quantity: 4
      • Set Free item type to Mix & Match
      • click on Edit Free Mix & Match Item Rates
        • select item 5033, Free UOM PCS; Free Item Qty per: 2
        • select item 5050, Free UOM PCS; Free Item Qty per: 1
        • select item 5210, Free UOM PCS; Free Item Qty per: 2
        • select item 5220, Free UOM PCS; Free Item Qty per: 2
        • select item 5230, Free UOM PCS; Free Item Qty per: 1
      • close the page, back to the rates
      • Rate Unit (Gross%): 100 (fixed)
      • Recurring = yes
      • Recurring quantity: 4
      • Free Quantity: 2
    • Back in the rule: set Status to Certified

Search for Sales Orders

Create a new order for your customer NAME3

  • Create lines of type = Item
    • Item: 1325: 4 CRATES
  • Click on Release, but confirm with No when the Mix & Match question pops up.
  • Open the Get Mix & Match Promotion Lines page via the Notification or via Actions – Functions.
    • The page shows you are entitled to a free quantity of 2.
    • Fill in the Quantity to Handle column which item and how much you want for free.
    • Select 2 PCS of the small beerglass and 1 PCS of the big beerglass (the small beerglass counts only half)
  • Close the page by OK
  • Release the order. Lines were added for the free POS items

The Get Mix & Match Promotion Lines action comes available when you click on Release. When you want to select the promotion lines prior to that, click on the function Calculate Drink-it Lines first and the Get Mix & Match Promotion Lines function becomes available as well.


The mix & match promotions is not mandatory, you can release the order without selecting. You can select a lower free quantity then what you are entitled to, but not more.