
Article08/18/202311 min read

This exercise will help you to get a better understanding of the Aptean Beverage Sales-Purchase Conditions extension. The exercise can be performed in the CRONUS DIT DEMO company.


Create a copy of this company to keep your CRONUS DIT DEMO in the original state. In the copy you can do all the exercises that are included in the training.

Exercise 2 – On invoice discounts & charges

Small order surcharge

Search for Customers. Select your customer NAME1

  • Select Customer Rules action and create a new rule
    • Source type/No: your customer NAME1
    • Item type: Per Document
    • Calculation Code: select CHAR_FIX
    • Description: Order (<250,-) surcharge 7,50
    • Based on Source: Member (=customer self)
    • Based on Item type: All items (is fixed)
    • Direction of Movement: Outbound (you will not charge this for returns)
    • Starting date: 01-01-22
    • Drill down on the No. of Rates field and create a new Rate
      • Maximum Amount: 240,99
      • Rate Unit (Fixed Price): 7,50
      • Unit of Measure (Price): select GBP (assuming that represents your local currency code)
    • Back in the rule: set Status to Certified

Search for Sales orders.

  • Create a new order for your customer NAME1. * Create lines of type = Item
  • Your item NAME Beer Crate 20x50CL: 2 CRATES
  • Your item NAME Beer Can 6x33CL: 10 TRAYS
  • Release the order. Notice the surcharge
  • Reopen the order. Change the quantities
    • Your item NAME Beer Crate 20x50CL: 20 CRATES
    • Your item NAME Beer Can 6x33CL: 80 TRAYS
  • Release the order. No surcharge is calculated.

Discount per Item

Search for Customers. Select your customer NAME1

  • Select Customer Rules action and create a new rule
    • Source type/No: your customer NAME1
    • Item type/Code: Calculation Code ALL beverages
    • Calculation Code: select DISC_PRICE
    • Description: Item discount per unit
    • Based on Source: Member (=customer self)
    • Based on Item type: Member (separate rate for each member of the item group)
    • Direction of Movement: Both
    • Based on reason Code: select group SALES
    • Starting date: 01-01-22
    • Drill down on the No. of Rates field and
      • create a new Rate
      • Rate Unit (Price): 0,50
      • Item no: your item NAME Beer Crate 20x50CL
      • Unit of Measure (Price): CRATE
    • create another Rate
      • Rate Unit (Price): 0,10
      • Item no: your item NAME Beer Can 6x33CL
      • Unit of Measure (Price): TRAY
    • create another Rate
      • Rate Unit (Price): 0,08
      • Unit of Measure (Price): TRAY
      • Back in the rule: set Status to Certified

Search for Sales orders.

Select the sales order for your customer NAME1.

  • Reopen the order. Change the quantities
    • Your item NAME Beer Crate 20x50CL: 10 CRATES
    • Your item NAME Beer Can 6x33CL: 10 TRAYS
    • Your item NAME Beer CRONUS Premium Bottle 6x33CL: 10 TRAYS
  • Release the order. Expand the lines and explain the attached condition lines

The Reason code is a criterion in sales and purchase conditions. You can define a default reason code for all sales and purchase document types in Foundation Setup, FastTab Default Reason Codes. This is especially relevant for conditions calculated as a price per unit. As we will see in the training On Invoice Promotions the reason code will trigger a 100% line discount over promotions (free item lines). Most probably you will not calculate a discount over a free item. With fields Based on Reason Code/Group you can exclude them for a rule.

Discount per Bottle

All RETAIL customers get this week a discount of 0,05 per bottle, over all beers sold in bottle, when they order a minimum of 100 bottles.

Search for Sales and Purchase Condition Classifications.

  • Select your NAME_RETAIL. Select Rules action and create a new rule
    • Source type/No: your customer classification NAME_RETAIL
    • Item type/Code: your item classification NAME_BBTL
    • Calculation Code: select DISC_PRICE
    • Description: Campaign 0,05 discount per bottle of beer
    • Based on Source: Member (each customer/member of this group)
    • Based on Item type: Member (each item member of the group)
    • Direction of Movement: Both
    • Based on Reason: group SALES (default from calculation code; this discount is not given on free items)
    • Starting date: the Monday of current week
    • Ending date: the Friday of current week
    • Drill down on the No. of Rates field and create a new Rate
      • Unit of Measure Code (Quantity): BOTTLE
      • Minimum Quantity: 100
      • Rate Unit (Price): 0,05
      • Unit of Measure (Price): select BOTTLE
    • Back in the rule: set Status to Certified

Whether this week applies to the order date or the shipment date is set on the Sales and Purchase Condition Calculation code, in field Calculation on Date (Document). This only applies to ‘on invoice’ conditions (Calculation Period = Order). Off-invoice conditions always relate to the posting date of the entry.


Updating the shipment date in an order header requires conditions to be recalculated, as it may be defined as criterion in a rule. To prevent messages that you should reopen the order first, set field Allow DIT Lines recalculation on released orders to Yes without conformation in Foundation Setup, FastTab Application.

Search for Sales orders.

Select the sales order for your customer NAME1.

  • Reopen the order. Change the quantities
    • Your item NAME Beer Crate 20x50CL: 10 CRATES
    • Your item NAME Beer Can 6x33CL: 10 TRAYS
    • Your item NAME Beer CRONUS Premium Bottle 6x33CL: 10 TRAYS
  • Release the order. Expand the lines and explain the attached condition lines

When you define a minimum in a rate, field Based on Item type determines where that minimum is calculated over

  • Member: the minimum applies to each item of the group (Item type/Code) individually
  • Item classification/group/all items; the minimum is for the group in total; when met, it is calculated for each member.

Search for Sales and Purchase Condition Classifications.

  • Select your NAME_RETAIL. Select Rules action and change your rule
    • Based on Item type/Code: your item classification NAME_BBTL
    • Certify the rule again

Search for Sales orders.

Select the sales order for your customer NAME1.

  • Reopen the order.
  • Release the order. Expand the lines and explain the attached condition lines

Your customer NAME1 calls you and asks to delay the order with one week.

  • Find the order and set the shipment date in the header to next week
  • Expand the lines and explain the attached condition lines

Defining a starting date and ending date for a rule means from and until when a rule is valid. When a rate changes you do not need to create a new rule, but create new rate instead and define there with the starting and ending date when a rate is valid.
Usually for campaigns rules are created with a starting and ending date. When the same campaign is active again later, you do not have to create a new rule, just change the starting and ending date of the existing rule.

Full Pallet discount

All your customers get a pallet discount when they order a full pallet of one product, as this saves the Cronus company mixed pallet preparation in the warehouse.

Search for Sales and Purchase Condition Rules.

  • Create a new rule
    • Source type/No: your customer classification NAME
    • Item type/Code: classification ALL beverages
    • Calculation Code: select DISC_PRICE
    • Description: Full pallet discount 5,- / PAL recurring
    • Based on Source: Member (each customer/member of this group)
    • Based on Item type: Member (the minimum criterion in the rate applies to each member of the item group individually)
    • Direction of Movement: Both
    • Based on Reason: group SALES (default from calculation code; this discount is not given on free items)
    • Drill down on the No. of Rates field and create a new Rate
      • Unit of Measurement Code (Quantity): PAL
      • Minimum Quantity; 1
      • Rate Unit (Price): 5,00
      • Unit of Measure (Price): select PAL
      • Recurring = yes
      • Recurring Quantity: 1
    • Create another rate
      • Unit of Measurement Code (Quantity): PAL_LG
      • Minimum Quantity; 1
      • Rate Unit (Price): 2,00
      • Unit of Measure (Price): select PAL_LG
      • Recurring = yes
      • Recurring Quantity: 1
    • Back in the rule: set Status to Certified

Search for Customers. Select your customer NAME1

  • Select Customer Rules Overview action and view all rules applicable for this customer.

Search for Sales orders

Select the sales order for your customer NAME1.

  • Reopen the order. Change the quantities
    • Your item NAME Beer Crate 20x50CL: 40 CRATES
    • Your item NAME Beer Can 6x33CL: 40 TRAYS
  • Release the order. Expand the lines and view the attached condition lines
  • Reopen the order. Change the quantities
    • Your item NAME Beer Crate 20x50CL: 100 CRATES
    • Your item NAME Beer Can 6x33CL: 80 TRAYS
  • Release the order. Expand the lines and explain the attached condition lines
    • 2 PAL discount on the crate item * 5,-
    • 1 PAL_LG discount on the can item * 2,-

Net% Pickup discount

An agreement with your customer NAME1 has been made that he will come to your warehouse to pickup the goods. That saves you delivery cost. In return the customer will get a pickup discount of 1% over the goods value.

Search for Customers. Select your customer NAME1

  • Select Customer Rules action and create a new rule
    • Source type/No: your customer NAME1
    • Item type: ALL items
    • Calculation Code: select DISC_NETL2
    • Description: Pickup Disc. %1 net
    • Based on Source: Member (=customer self)
    • Based on Item type: Member
    • Direction of Movement: Outbound (you will not discount for returns)
    • Based on Shipment Method: select group PICKUP
    • Calculate on Tax: Yes (discount also over possible tax charges)
    • Calculate on Deposit: No (the deposit is charged in full)
    • Starting date: 01-01-22
    • Drill down on the No. of Rates field and create a new Rate
    • Rate Unit (Net%): 1
    • Back in the rule: set Status to Certified

The shipment method is by default filled from the customer, vendor or address code in the order. When App Drink-it Logistics is installed, you can define a default shipment method per Route, which will overrule.


Updating the shipment method in an order header requires conditions to be recalculated, as it may be defined as criterion in a rule. To prevent messages that you should reopen the order first, set field Allow DIT Lines recalculation on released orders to Yes without conformation in Foundation Setup, FastTab Application.

Search for Sales orders.

Create a new order for your customer NAME1

  • Select route 1100
    • Create lines of type = Item
      • Your item NAME Beer Crate 20x50CL: 40 CRATES
      • Your item NAME Beer Can 6x33CL: 80 TRAYS
  • Release the order. Notice the attached condition line for pickup discount

When App Drink-it Logistics is installed.

Your customer NAME1 calls to your office and says he cannot make it to pickup the goods this time and wants you to deliver the goods to him.

Find the order for your customer NAME1

  • Change the route in 1021
  • Expand the lines and explain the attached condition lines

Net% Payment discount

An agreement with your customer NAME1 has been made that when he pays the orders cash on delivery/pickup, he gets a payment discount of 1% over the goods value.

Search for Customers. Select your customer NAME1

  • Select Customer Rules action and create a new rule
    • Source type/No: your customer NAME1
    • Item type: ALL items
    • Calculation Code: select DISC_NETL2
    • Description: Cash payment Disc. %1 net
    • Based on Source: Member (=customer self)
    • Based on Item type: Member
    • Direction of Movement: Both
    • Based on Payment Method: select group COD
    • Calculate on Tax: Yes (discount also over possible tax charges)
    • Calculate on Deposit: No (the deposit is charged in full)
    • Starting date: 01-01-22
    • Drill down on the No. of Rates field and create a new Rate
      • Rate Unit (Net%): 1
    • Back in the rule: set Status to Certified

The Payment method is by default filled from the bill-to customer or pay-to vendor in the order. But you can change it for an order.


Updating the payment method in an order header requires conditions to be recalculated, as it may be defined as criterion in a rule. To prevent messages that you should reopen the order first, set field Allow DIT Lines recalculation on released orders to Yes without conformation in Foundation Setup, FastTab Application.

Search for Sales orders.

Create a new order for your customer NAME1

  • Select route 1100
  • Create lines of type = Item
  • Your item NAME Beer Crate 20x50CL: 40 CRATES
  • Your item NAME Beer Can 6x33CL: 80 TRAYS
  • On FastTab Payment: select Payment method code = CASH
  • Release the order. Notice the attached condition lines.
  • Explain the calculation. Select the Condition Line field (when you added it as Personalisation) or select Line – Related Information – Condition Lines for background information.

Search for Customers. Select your customer NAME1

  • Select Customer Rules action and select the rule for this payment discount
    • Change field Position Level into 3
    • Certify the rule again

Find the sales order for your customer NAME1 again

  • Reopen the order
  • Release the order. Explain the calculation of attached condition lines.
  • Reopen the order
  • On FastTab Payment change the Payment Method into BANK
  • Release the order. Explain the calculation of attached condition lines.

Following fields in the condition rule determine the base amount where a Net% is calculated over

  • Position level: other conditions with a lower level are included
  • Calculate on Tax
  • Calculate on Deposit
  • The Reason code of other conditions. Inserted condition lines inherit the reason code from the item line unless you selected a reason code for the rule. When that reason code is not part of the Based on Reason code/group of the Net% rule it is excluded. And further BCs Line Discount of the item line A Gross% condition is always calculated over the Unit Price/Dir. Unit Cost of the item line.

Purchase order

Conditions can be setup for purchase the same as for sales.

Search for Vendors. Select your vendor NAME1.

  • Select Vendor Rules action and create a new rule
    • Source type/No: your vendor NAME
    • Item type/Code: select your classification NAME_VEND
    • Calculation Code: select DISC_NET
    • Description: Discount 2% on your NAME products
    • Based on Source: Member (=Vendor self)
    • Based on Item type/code: Member (each member of your NAME_VEND)
    • Starting date: 01-01-22
    • Drill down on the No. of Rates field and create a new Rate
      • Rate Unit (Net%): 2
    • Back in the rule: set Status to Certified

Search for Purchase orders

Create a new order for your vendor NAME1.

  • Route is set by default to your NAME_ROUTE2
  • Select exp. Receipt date: tomorrow
  • Create lines of type = Item
    • Your item NAME Beer Crate 20x50CL: 240 CRATES
    • Your item NAME Beer Can 6x33CL: 320 TRAYS
  • Release the order.
  • Expand the lines and notice the attached condition lines