What's new in verion 23.300.100868.0

Release Note09/16/20247 min read


The Drink-IT Sales and Purchase has been rebranded to Aptean Beverage Sales-Purchase Conditions, Drink-IT Edition.


PBI No.Description
216742BC Sales-purchase price interface - extend with priority
241602Double mix & match promotion per document after selection and release + approval
231267SPC Periodic Settlement - Include Loan in SPC Rule and Settlement (SPC for CMG)
239029SPC Contract Management - Add Contract No. to Condition Rule (SPC for CMT)
241124Subtract Taxes from calculation basis for Gross% and Net% Calculations

Resolved issues

PBI NoDescription
239033Condition journal - Nothing suggested where it should
239102Condition journal - suggest and post for only changed rules
235464Unit Price/Direct Unit Cost in Sales-Purchase Line is not correct when Sales/Purchase UOM of item is not equal to Base UOM and Price Calc. Unit of Measure is filled in

PBI 216742 - BC Sales-purchase price interface - extend with priority


As a beverage company, we have a hierarchical price policy. The price for a specific customer has priority over a price for a group of customers where that customer is a member. The price for the group has priority over the price for all customers. A second option is also applicable Lowest Price, with this price calculation method the system always looks for the lowest price in the system.


As a sales manager, I want to be able to apply one of the two policies available (Lowest or Hierarchical), so we are able to maintain our prices in an efficient way.



  • On the Sales & Receivables Setup page,on the Prices FastTab , the Price Calculation Method field is available
    • Select the Search icon alt text, enter Sales & Receivables Setup, and then choose the related link.
    • Go to Prices FastTab, choose the correct price calculation method in the Price calculation Method field.

No Setup change done, the standard price calculation is applicable which is Lowest.

  • On the Customer card, Price calculation method field is available on the Pricing FastTab.
    • Select the Search icon alt text, enter Customers, and then choose the related link.
    • Open the Customer card by selecting a customer from the list page.
    • Go to the Invoicing FastTab, in the group Prices and Discounts group, choose the correct price calculation method in the Price Calculation Method field.

No Setup change done or blanc setup means that the setup from Sales & receivables setup will be taken as the default price calculation method.

PBI 241602 - Double mix & match promotion per document after selection and release + approval


By releasing a Sales order or sending the approval Request, the pop-up and notification appears that a mix & match condition rule is in place for the order. In the mix & match page the correct min. Qty, max Qty. and Qty to handle is shown to specify depending on the weight of the setup. By closing the mix & match page the items are correct added to the Sales order following the setup of reason code for Tax and Empty goods Management.


As a Sales employee I want to be able to specify correct my mix and match promotions on Release or by sending the approval Request.

PBI 231267 - SPC Periodic Settlement - Include Loan in SPC Rule and Settlement (SPC for CMG)


Sales and Purchase Conditions relation with Contract Management Loans.


As a beverage company, you have agreements with your customers. Part of this agreement can be a loan that you registered in a Drink-IT Contract Management Loan.

A possible pay back method for such a loan is pay back by periodic discounts. As a sales manager, you want to be able to connect a periodic discount rule to a loan, so the settlements for that rule will be applied to the loan amount that was given to the customer.


  1. Select the Search icon alt text, enter Sales and Purchase Condition Rules, and then choose the related link.
  2. On the Sales and Purchase Condition Rules list page, edit, or create as new, the rule you want to connect to a loan.
  3. On the Sales and Purchase Condition Rule Card page, on the Contract Management FastTab, select the loan in the Loan No. field. You can only select a loan for rules with the Source Type Customer or Vendor.

Once the loan number is selected on the rule:

  • New and existing Condition Ledger Entries (Sales and Purchase) will show this value in the Loan No. field.
  • The Condition Periodic Settlement Journals will show this value in the Loan No. field.
  • Settlement documents (for instance a sales credit memo) will be applied with the Loan Pay Out.
  • Settlement documents will show the number in the header and in lines of the Comment type.

PBI 239029 - SPC Contract Management - Add Contract No. to Condition Rule (SPC for CMT)


Sales and Purchase Conditions relation with Contract Management Loans.


As a beverage company, you have agreements with your customers. This agreement can be registered in a Drink-IT Contract Management Contract.

Part of such contracts are the sales conditions. They are mentioned in the contract document. As a sales manager, you want to be able to trace the condition rule to the contract.


  1. Select the Search icon alt text, enter Sales and Purchase Condition Rules, and then choose the related link.
  2. On the Sales and Purchase Condition Rules list page, edit, or create as new, the rule you want to connect to a contract.
  3. On the Sales and Purchase Condition Rule Card page, on the Contract Management FastTab, select the contract in the Contract No. field. You can only select a contract for rules with the Source Type Customer or Vendor.

Once the contract number is selected on the rule:

  • New and existing Condition Ledger Entries (Sales and Purchase) will show this value in the Contract No. field.
  • The Condition Periodic Settlement Journals will show this value in the Contract No. field.

PBI 241124 - Subtract Taxes from calculation basis for Gross% and Net% Calculations


Subtract Taxes from calculation basis for Gross% and Net% Calculations.


In the tobacco industry, the retail prices are fixed for every retailer and they include vat and excises. The vat is paid at the source. As a sales manager, you want to be able to give discounts that you can register as a percentage on the net price, so you can optimize your sales in an efficient way.


  • On the Sales and Purchase Conditions, in the Calculate on Tax field, you can choose:
    • Blank (same as unselected in previous Drink-IT version)
    • Add Up Taxes (same as selected in previous Drink-IT version)
    • Subtract Taxes
    • The Tax Amount that is Added Up or Subtracted from the base amount before the percentage calculation are Tax Amounts for all movement types.
  • On the Sales and Purchase Conditions, in the Calculate on Deposit field, I can choose:
    • Blank (same as unselected in previous Drink-IT version)
    • Add Up Deposits (same as selected in previous Drink-IT version)
    • Subtract Deposits

PBI 239033 - Condition journal - Nothing suggested where it should


The condition journal would not suggest any line for a rule setup with Calculate on Special Price = Both. That has been resolved.

PBI 239102 - Condition journal - suggest and post for only changed rules


Suggest only for changed and newly created rules in the condition journal.


Running the Suggest Periodic based on History function in the Condition Journal can become time consuming, for checking item ledger history when it checks for all condition rules.


Condition rules for periodic settlement get a flag Include in Suggest Periodic Journal, when released. When running the Suggest Periodic based on History in the Condition Journal, a default filter is set on this new flag. The field is set off when no lines need to be created or when lines were posted in the condition journal. A next time the rule is not checked again.

PBI 235464 - Unit Price/Direct Unit Cost in Sales-Purchase Line is not correct when Sales/Purchase UOM of item is not equal to Base UOM and Price Calc. Unit of Measure is filled in


Unit Price/Direct Unit Cost in Sales-Purchase Line is not correct when Sales/Purchase UOM of item is not equal to Base UOM and Price Calc. Unit of Measure is filled in.


As a purchaser, you want to buy an item in Crates, while the base unit of measure is Bottle. When you create a purchase order, the Direct Unit Cost is wrong. The issue appears when the unit of measure in the field Price Calc. Unit of Measure is different from the Purch. Unit of Measure on the item card. This issue is fixed.