What's new in version 20.202209.0.0

Release Note09/16/202415 min read


PBI No.Description
177199Special sales/purchase prices
178550Approvals in the Periodic Condition Journal
194192Mix & Match Promotions
206838Addition Settlement journal (show/open created documents; auto release documents)
212916Based on Shipment Method Group and Payment Method Group in Condition rule
213882Rule (and Calculation) Description field set in multi -language
216146Not able to use the Search on the Condition Group Relation page
220294Reverse (periodic) Condition ledger entries
222459Allow Zero Price rates
223332Condition Journal based on Indirect sales

Resolved issues

PBI No.Description
217656Purchase conditions not calculated for rules with a starting date
221821Wrong SPC column property (default) in almost Document & Posted Document List extended page type
223333Periodic Settlement - % based on indirect sales amount
223414Source No not correct in settlement of Condition ledger entries
223446Periodic Settlement - G/L Entry already exists error when undoing a purchase receipt & return shipment with condition ledger entry accruals posted to G/L
225257Condition lines are not calculated with Gross Net Price list and multiple customers
225474Error on Sending Approval Request for Sales Order Credit Limit Approval Workflow (Order Entry)
225570Create corrective credit memo error from posted invoice with normal condition & periodic settlement
225620Missing unit price on promotion items per item
226533Error when changing the Qty to Ship on a free promotion item line
227265Not able to post reverse accruals (skipped)
227807Create settlement document (purchase credit memo) in periodic condition journal uses customer number instead of vendor number
227951Get Posted doc lines and similar functions - Quantity to receive for SPC lines not ok after change of location
228012Blocking error (missing General Product Posting Group) on posting the reverse of an accrual in the periodic settlement journal.

PBI 177199 - Special sales/purchase prices


Mark a sales- or purchase line with a special price flag, manually of from the price (lines) setup. Define if a condition rule should be calculated over special price lines.


Companies may not give a certain discount or promotion when an item is sold for a very sharp ‘special’ price.


Search for special sales prices resp. special purchase prices from the item card or else. Check field Special price. Create a sales order resp. purchase order where that price is valid. The Special price flag is checked in the line. You may also check/uncheck it manually. Search for Sales and Purchase Condition calculations. Set field Calculate on Special price to indicate when the rule is valid

  • Both: on both lines with and without a special price
  • No: only on lines with special price = no
  • Yes: only on lines with special price = yes

Release the sales order resp. purchase order. A condition rule is calculated or not depending on it’s Condition Calculation code.

PBI 178550 - Approvals in the Periodic Condition Journal


Approvals in the Periodic Condition Journal.


As a Sales Manager, you don’t want to allow every user to settle periodic conditions. Senior employees should approve them from approval entries before settlements can be executed, so segregation of duties is guaranteed.

As a Purchase Manager, you don’t want to allow every user to settle periodic conditions. Senior employees should approve them from approval entries before settlements can be executed, so segregation of duties is guaranteed.

As a small business owner, you don’t have any segregation of duties. Approval flows are not needed on periodic conditions, so we can settle them in an efficient way.


Enable the workflow

  1. Select the Search icon alt text, enter Workflows, and then choose the related link.
  2. On the Workflows page, choose the New Workflow from Template action.
  3. On the Workflow Templates page, select the Periodic Journal Batch Approval Workflow and then choose OK.
  4. Adjust the workflow as necessary and select the enabled field.

Setup approvers

  1. Seelct the Search icon alt text, enter Approval User Setup, and then choose the related link.
  2. On the Approval User Setup page, fill in the (condition) fields as necessary. Hover over a field to read a short description.
    • Periodic Sales Condition Amount
    • Unlimited Periodic Sales Condition Approval
    • Periodic Purchase Condition Amount
    • Unlimited Periodic Purchase Condition Approval

Send and receive requests 3. Select the Search icon alt text, enter Condition Periodic Settlement Journals, and then choose the related link. 4. On the Condition Periodic Settlement Journals page, choose the Suggest Settlement Lines action to create lines in the journal. 5. Choose the Approval Request Send Journal Batch action to create an approval request for the journal.

See also: Approve or Reject Documents in Workflows - Business Central | Microsoft Learn

PBI 194192 - Mix & Match Promotions


Mix & Match Promotions. A promotion whereby from a list of possible free items it can be selected how much from what item to get for free.


Companies may not always give one item for free on a promotion, but enable a customer to select from a list of items which item he wants for free, even make a mix of different items for free.


Search for Condition calculations. Create a code with Calculation Type = Promotion (Free Item) and Calculation Period = Order.

Create a Condition rule for a customer, vendor or any other source type and select the calculation code. Select item type = Group Item. Select Based on item = Group Other. You can add any other possible criteria.

Open the Rates. Set the Minimum UOM and Minimum quantity for the ‘Based on item code’. In field Free item type select Mix & Match. Fill in the Free Quantity and possibly Recurring and Max. Free Quantity. You cannot define a Free Unit of Measure Code, as that can be different per selected free item.

Click on action Edit Free Mix & Match item Rates or drill down on the Free Item field. Create lines for the Free items than can be selected and the Free Unit of Measure Code. The Quantity Per reflects the relative weight of the free item, the free quantity is multiplied by it for that item For 1 free quantity you can get the qty per of that item for free.

Create a sales order or purchase order with an item line that meets the minimum condition and release the order. A warning comes for the Mix & Match promotions. Click on No and open the Get Mix & Match promotion page from the Notification. Alternatively you can click on the function Calculate Drink-it Lines and then on the function Get Mix & Match Promotion Lines.

Select the free quantity per line you want, until you consumed the total available free quantity. Close the page with OK and the promotion free item lines are inserted in the order.

PBI 206838 - Addition Settlement journal (show/open created documents; auto release documents)


Find the settlement document from the settlement journal.


Users want to find the settlement document, after they created it, to review.


From the Condition Periodic Settlement Journal, click on Line action Settlement Documents.

PBI 212916 - Based on Shipment Method Group and Payment Method Group in Condition rule


Condition rules based on a group of shipment methods and based on a group of payment methods.


For rules like delivery charges or pickup discounts the criterion that can be set was the shipment method. However not one shipment method will stand for eg ‘delivery’. Companies may define multiple shipment methods (usually created as Incoterms, like CIF, FOB etc) that could serve as criterion.

The same goes for the payment method. Multiple Payment methods could be base for a payment discount (cash payment, card payment, Paypal prepayment).

It is not wanted to create separate rules for each single method code, but to have one for all.


A condition rule can now be based on a Shipment method group and a Payment Method Group.

Search for Sales and Purchase Condition groups.

Create a (relation) Group of Type = Shipment Method, fill the Code and Description. Drill down on the No. of Shipment methods field and select shipment methods part of the group. You can also link a shipment method to a group via the Shipment Methods list page – Related. Find Groups and add the shipment method to one or multiple relation groups.

Create a (relation) Group of Type = Payment Method, fill the Code and Description. Drill down on the No. of Payment methods field and select payment methods part of the group. You can also link a payment method to a group via the Payment Methods list page – Related. Find Groups and add the payment method to one or multiple relation groups

Open or create a new Condition Rule.

Select in field Based on Shipment Method the option Group and select the Shipment method group in field Based on Shipment Method Code.

Select in field Based on Payment Method the option Group and select the Payment method group in field Based on Payment Method Code.

PBI 213882 - Rule (and Calculation) Description field set in multi -language


Rule (and Calculation) Description field set in multi-language.


As a beverage company, you can have customers and vendors in multiple language areas. When you setup your condition rules, you want to use one code for each rule, where you have the possibility to add translations for the description, so the documents that you send to your customers and vendors will show the conditions in their own language.


  1. Select the Search icon alt text, enter Sales and Purchase Condition Calculations (or - Rules), and then choose the related link.
  2. On the Sales and Purchase Condition Calculations (or - Rules) page, choose the Translation action.
  3. On the** Sales and Purchase Condition Calculations Translations** (or - Rules) page, select languages and enter descriptions as necessary.

The translations in documents and printouts depend on the Language Code of the Customer or Vendor.

PBI 216146 - Not able to use the Search on the Condition Group Relation page


Not able to use the Search on the Condition Group Relation page


If your condition group (customer group, item group, etc.) contains a lot of relations, you probably want to be able to search on the page. This is now possible.


  1. Select the Search icon alt text, enter Sales and Purchase Condition Groups, and then choose the related link., and then choose the related link.
  2. On the Sales and Purchase Condition Groups page, open the records of a group.
  3. On the Condition Group Relations page, enter the data you want to search for in the Search action.

PBI 220294 - Reverse (periodic) Condition ledger entries


Reverse periodic condition ledger entries.


Periodic condition ledger entries may have been posted wrong, because the rule was not defined well then, because an item or customer had wrong dimensions (classifications) or else. it should be possible to reverse selected condition ledger entries before the settlement, so they will not be included.


Search for Condition Ledger Entries. Find an entry that should be reversed and click on the Reverse Entry action. This is possible as long as the entry is open. A new Conditon Ledger Entry is created with the same posting date and references, except with an opposite quantity. The entry as well as the original entry are not open anymore and have a check in field Reversed.

PBI 222459 - Allow Zero Price rates


Allow Zero Rates for periodic condition rules.


It may be wanted to setup a zero rate (price or percentage) for a periodic condition rule, when it is not clear yet what the final settlement rate will be.


Create a Condition rule, select a Classification code with Period other than Order. Open the Rates, fill in a zero rate and set the Status of the rule to Certified.

Post a transaction on which the rule is valid.

Open the Condition Periodic Settlement journal and suggest lines for the rule. The line will get a zero Unit price and the Status is set to Skipped. Set the status to Suggested, fill in the Unit price manually and create the settlement document. You can also decide to leave it skipped and Post reverse (accruals (Skipped)).

PBI 223332 - Condition Journal based on Indirect sales


Suggest and post condition ledger entries for historic indirect sales entries, that were posted before a rule was certified..


Periodic condition rules may be created and certified after entries were already posted. That was already possible for direct sales, but not for indirect sales.


Search for Condition Journal. Click on action Suggest Periodic based on History and select in option Suggest entry type for Indirect sales or All. Review the journal lines and post them. Condition ledger entries will be posted on the historic posting date, possible accruals will be posted to G/l on the same date or the earliest allowed posting date, in case that date is not allowed anymore.

PBI 217656 - Purchase conditions not calculated for rules with a starting date


When a calculation code was setup with Calculate on Date = Shipment/receipt Date, a condition with a starting date was never calculated on a purchase order. That has been resolved. When the purchase orders has an Expected Receipt Date that is valid, the condition rule is calculated. When the purchase order has not Exp. Receipt date a rule with a starting date is not calculated.

(Notice that you can now set the default Exp. Receipt date to Workdate in Foundation Setup).

PBI 221821 - Wrong SPC column property (default) in almost Document & Posted Document List extended page type


Wrong SPC column property


The condition customer number can be shown on list pages, like the customer list and the sales order list. The display of name of the field was not always correct. This is solved.

PBI 223333 - Periodic Settlement - % based on indirect sales amount


When a periodic settlement was suggested for indirect sales based on a percentage, the amount was not calculated well. That has been resolved.

PBI 223414 - Source No not correct in settlement of Condition ledger entries


When posting periodic settlement documents (credit memo, invoice) the source no was not registered well in the condition ledger entry. That has been resolved.

PBI 223446 - Periodic Settlement - G/L Entry already exists error when undoing a purchase receipt & return shipment with condition ledger entry accruals posted to G/L


Undoing multiple purchase receipt lines with (periodic) condition ledger entries gave an error. That has been resolved.

PBI 225257 - Condition lines are not calculated with Gross Net Price list and multiple customers


The gross-net price list did not calculate well when ran for multiple customers, and in cases where an attached line was in a different UOM, like a HL discount on a KEG item. That has been resolved.

PBI 225474 - Error on Sending Approval Request for Sales Order Credit Limit Approval Workflow (Order Entry)


Error on Sending Approval Request for Sales Order Credit Limit Approval Workflow (Order Entry)


When you sent an Approval Request for a Credit Limit Approval on a Sales Order, the system gave an error message when order lines were created in the Order Entry page. This is solved.

PBI 225570 - Create corrective credit memo error from posted invoice with normal condition & periodic settlement


Correcting a posted sales invoice by the create corrective credit memo or cancel function would result in an error because of attached charge lines. That has been resolved.

PBI 225620 - Missing unit price on promotion items per item


in certain cases a promotion free item did not get the unit price. That has been resolved.

PBI 226533 - Error when changing the Qty to Ship on a free promotion item line


Free promotion item lines can be inserted on release, based on a condition rule. It should be possible to ship a free item line independent from the item line)s) where it is based upon. It may be shipped later, or earlier, in case one of them is not available yet. That was not possible anymore. That has been resolved.

PBI 227265 - Not able to post reverse accruals (skipped)


Not able to post reverse accruals (skipped)


When the minimum target for a periodic bonus is not reached, you still have to reverse the accruals that were already posted. There was a wrong check on the document number in this process that could lead to a blocking error. This is solved.

PBI 227807 - Create settlement document (purchase credit memo) in periodic condition journal uses customer number instead of vendor number

What Create settlement document (purchase credit memo) in periodic condition journal uses customer number instead of vendor number.

Why When you executed the action Create Settlement Document(s) in a Condition Periodic Settlement Journal, purchase document was not created when the periodic condition was based on sales to a customer and the number of the customer did not exist as a vendor number. This is solved.

PBI 227951 - Get Posted doc lines and similar functions - Quantity to receive for SPC lines not ok after change of location


When a return order was created by the Get Posted document lines to reverse function and you would change the location into a location with warehouse activities, it could lead to a wrong received quantity on attached condition lines, in a certain scenario. That has been resolved.

PBI 228012 - Blocking error (missing General Product Posting Group) on posting the reverse of an accrual in the periodic settlement journal


When an item charge code or G/L account does not have a Product Posting group, condition lines inherit it from the item. In case of a periodic settlement with status ‘Skip’ this would result in an error. That has been resolved, the settlement entry now gets it from the original entries.