What's new in version 20.202207.0.0

Release Note09/16/20245 min read


PBI No.Description
221806Periodic Settlement - Summarize options should work for purchase documents as well
221707Periodic Settlement - Settlement journal not removed in a certain scenario
214889Wrong settlement quantity to assign calculation when including posted expected return conditions
194193Combination conditions - promotion and discount
219145General and VAT product posting group should come from item when the item charge or G/L account dos not have a Gen/VAT product posting group

Resolved issues

PBI No.Description
221703Periodic Settlement - Based on vendor error
221258Periodic Settlement - Discount Amount may not be -0.01 error
220272Suggest condition settlement lines should not check dimensions and relations anymore

PBI 221806 - Periodic Settlement - Summarize options should work for purchase documents as well


When creating the settlement document from the settlement journal Line summarize options can be set, but they did not work for the purchase credit memo and purchase invoice. That has been resolved.

PBI 221707 - Periodic Settlement - Settlement journal not removed in a certain scenario


When a settlement credit memo or invoice is posted the settlement journal line is removed. In certain cases (quarter bonus settled before the month bonus) that did not happen. That has been resolved.

PBI 214889 - Wrong settlement quanty to assign calculation when including posted expected return conditions


When returns were posted through a return order, a periodic settlement document (credit memo, invoice) would not assign (divide) the item charge amount well over the shipments and receipts. That has been resolved.

PBI 194193 - Combination Conditions - promotion and discount


Conditions based on a combination of items with minimum quantities.


A condition rule could already be setup based on the minimum of an item group. But it was not possible to define a minimum for one item and another minimum for another item, where the condition is valid if for both items the required minimum was met. In some cases that was required.


Create a Condition Rule and select Item type: Per Document and select in Based on Item the option Combined Items, which is only available for such ‘Per Document’ rules.

For combined promotions the rule should have a Calculation code with Calculation type = Promotion (Free (item). Open the Rates and click Combined Minimum Quantities action . Select the Item No. for which a minimum applies, select the Unit of Measure Code (Quantity) and fill the Minimum Quantity for that item. Repeat for each item for which a minimum quantity is in place. In the Rates page, select Free item type = Item Other and select the Free item No. Fill in Free Quantity, Max. Free Quantity and Free Unit of Measure Code. Set the Status of the Rule to Certified. Create a sales order for a customer to whom the rule applies. Create item lines, including the critical items with their required minimum quantity. Release the order, a line with the free item will be added.

For combined discounts the rule should have a Calculation code with Calculation type = Discount and with Type = G/L account. Open the Rates and click on action Combined Minimum Quantities. Select the Item No. for which a minimum applies, select the Unit of Measure Code (Quantity) and fill the Minimum Quantity for that item. Repeat for each item for which a minimum quantity is in place. In the Rates page fill in the Rate unit (Gross% or Net%) or Rate unit price (with the Unit of Measure code (Price)). Set the Status of the Rule to Certified. Create a sales order for a customer to whom the rule applies. Create item lines, including the critical items with their required minimum quantity. Release the order, a discount line will be added.

PBI 219145 - General and VAT Product Posting Group should come from Item when the Item Charge or G/L Account does not have a Gen/VAT Product Posting Group


An item charge or a G/L account may be setup without a Gen. Prod. Posting group and/or VAT Prod. Posting group. In orders attached lines will inherit it then from the item line. But that is not the case in periodic condition settlements, it would result in an error. That has been resolved. In such cases the settlement document must be created with the Summarize by Item option, and lines will inherit it then from the item card.

PBI 221703 - Periodic Settlement - Based on vendor error


Suggesting periodic settlement journal lines for a vendor gave an error on the Based on Vendor no. That has been resolved.

PBI 221258 - Periodic Settlement - Discount Amount may not be -0.01 error


The Suggest Periodic Journal Lines function could in some cases give a rounding error on the discount amount. That has been resolved.

PBI 220272 - Suggest Condition settlement lines should not check dimensions and relations anymore


Condition ledger entries for periodic settlements are calculated in the order or in a condition journal based on rules (classifications, items…). When such an entry exists it should at any time be followed up in the periodic settlement journal. That did not happen in the case a rule was changed in the meantime. That has been corrected.