What's new in version 20.202205.0.0

Release Note09/16/202411 min read


PBI No.Description
203557Default position level in calculation
206262Periodic - Settlement - Percentage discounts calculated on purchase price (based on customer)
208778Periodic conditions - allow source group when based on source member
214894Create condition ledger entries from condition rules
216956Limit the BCA installed check on releasing orders
217780Update link to SPC online help

Resolved issues

PBI No.Description
214552Suggest settlement should ignore the start-ending date of rule setup to filter condition entries
214841Periodic settlement - Net-Gross% - should always be allocated based on item (sales/purch) amount actual
214850Periodic settlement - Calendar periods not calculated well
214854Wrong recurring quantity calculated with promotion (Free item)
214898Free item type member does not work per item and per document anymore
215033Periodic settlement net% suggest gives error when two or more date period “on hold” journal lines are calculated (completed invoiced and not) for a rule
216617Wrong system rule filter when opening the condition rules page
217003Periodic settlement - Min. amount criterion not calculated well
217142Dimension classification filters does not work with blank or without using dimension code
217438Conditions customer’s rules are not calculated anymore
217664Conditions date should be based on exp. receipt date instead of requested receipt date
218046General and VAT product posting group should come from item when the item charge or G/L account dos not have a Gen/VAT product posting group
218167Periodic settlement journal and conditions jnl do not handle rates per item/UOM well
218330Periodic settlement - Posting no. series not filled well
218377Create condition ledger entries from condition rules - missing document type for only purchase-purchase rules
218437Missing VAT posting group while posting sales/purchase expected condition line
218662Periodic settlement - wrong quantity in condition ledger entries for over and under minimum rules

PBI 203557 - Default position level in calculation


The Position Level of a rule is important in case of net% conditions. When periodic rules have no Position Level (just 0), they have an impact on ‘on-invoice’ net% discounts, that are not expected, nor wanted. It may be forgotten to set the position level well in the rule.


The Position Level is now be set by default in the ‘periodic’ calculation codes (20, 30, 40 resp. 50), but can be altered by the user, for periodic, and order codes.

PBI 206262 - Periodic settlement - Percentage discounts calculated on purchase price (based on customer)


Periodic settlement from a vendor over sales transactions calculated as a percentage over the unit cost.


For vendor periodic settlements over sales transactions, it was only possible to define a periodic% over the gross or net sales price. In some cases the vendor calculates it over his own (purchase) price.


An option has been added to the calculation type field of a calculation code: Cost%, valid only for periodic codes. Such calculation codes can only be selected in rules for vendors (source type) based on sales (based on source type).

PBI 208778 - Periodic conditions - allow source group when based on source member


Setup one periodic rule valid for a group of customers (or vendors).


Often a periodic rule applies to multiple customers of a group. Before you had to create a rule per customer, now you can create one rule for a customer group or classification. Same for vendors.


In the Source Type field select Classification, Group, or All customers (or vendors). In the Based on Source Type field, select:

  • Member: if a minimum is in place based on the customer’s own history.
  • Classification/Group: if a minimum is in place for the group. when met, the customer (or vendor) gets the settlement based on his own history.

When source type is set to customer (or vendor) then the Based on group or classification works differently. Still a possible minimum is calculated for that group, but the settlement is then also based on the total history.

PBI 214894 - Create condition ledger entries from condition rules


Create periodic condition ledger entries based on item ledger entries afterwards, from the Condition Journal.


Condition Rules may be created and certified where shipments and receipts were already posted in the valid period. It should be possible to re-created them afterwards.


Open the Condition Journals page and execute the Suggest Periodic based on history action. You can set filters on specific rules.You can also run this function from the condition rule that you just certified. It will set the rule filter automatically then. Post the journal lines. Condition ledger entries will be posted with the historic posting date and document no. Possible accruals will be posted to G/L with the historic posting date, or the first date that is allowed to post from Gen. Ledger Setup.

PBI 216956 - Limit the BCA installed check on releasing orders


Limit the BCA installed check on releasing orders.


On the release of a document, the program checks if NORRIQ Business Central Accelerator is installed to verify your global and shortcut dimensions. This check consumed a lot of time in the process.


The function that checks the installation is improved and has no impact on the release process anymore.


Update link to SPC online help


When you use Drink-IT apps, you might need some assistance and explanation on setup and processes. We make this available in our online help documentation.


PBI 214552 - Suggest settlement should ignore the start-ending date of rule setup to filter condition entries


A conditions rule for a periodic settlement may be changed afterwards on the starting date or ending date. In case condition ledger entries already were posted, this would result in an error in the Condition Periodic Settlement journal. That has been resolved. It will give now a warning on the rule ID and create the journal line with an On Hold flag.

PBI 214841 - Periodic settlement - Net-Gross% - should always be allocated based on item (sales/purch) amount actual


When credit memos or invoices are created from the periodic settlement journal with lines of type Charge(item), they should be assigned well over the shipment/receipt lines. For settlements based on the actual sales/purchase amounts (from item/value entries), for quantity settlements based on the (equivalent) quantity by the price UOM (like HL, case, bottle) of the rule/rate. That was not always the case. That is solved.

PBI 214850 - Periodic settlement - Calendar periods not calculated well


You can suggest lines in the Condition Periodic Settlement journal for multiple periods for the same rule. In certain cases it would suggest a next period too soon. That has been resolved.

PBI 214854 - Wrong Recurring quantity calculated with Promotion (Free item)


Promotion (fee item) can be setup per document or for an item group (where the minimum applies to each member or to the group total). When set with a recurring quantity it did not always calculate well. That has been solved.

PBI 214898 - Free Item Type member does not work per item and per document anymore - Remaining Points


Condition rules can be set for one item, an item group, but also ‘Per document’. The last one means that a discount, charge or promotion free item is only inserted one time, at the end of the order.

In the case of a promotion (free item) you have to specify the free item in the rate. You could select ‘Free item type’ = Member then, resulting in an error in the sales order. That has been corrected. With a ‘Per document’ promotion the ‘Free item type’ must stay Item (other) now.

PBI 215033 - Periodic settlement Net% suggest gives error when 2 or more date period “on hold” journal lines are calculated (completedinvoiced and not) for a rule


When Net% based periodic settlement journal lines are suggested where some applied entries were not invoiced yet, it will give a warning and the settlement journal line is put on hold because of that (user may overrule it). It would result in an error when that was the case more then once (eg: suggest for month bonus and quarter bonus where both are based on the same not invoiced item ledger entry). That has been resolved.

PBI 216617 - Wrong system rule filter when opening the Condition rules page


When opening the condition rules page, a system filter could be applied from a previous time then page was opened, from a settlement journal or else. That has been corrected.

PBI 217003 - Periodic settlement - Min. Amount criterion not calculated well


When setting a minimum amount in a rate, the periodic settlement journal would not always recognize well if the minimum was met. That has been corrected.

PBI 217142 - Dimension Classification filters does not work with blank or without using dimension code


Condition classifications can be created for items, customers and vendors, based on 10 defined global-shortcut dimensions + 3 item dimensions. When setting filters in any column like ” or , x| or x|” it did not calculate well. That has been resolved.

PBI 217438 - Conditions customer’s rules are not calculated anymore


A sales or purchase document contains a conditions customer resp. vendor no. (defaulted from the sell-to/buy-from card). The conditions customer/vendor only has an impact on on-invoice conditions (calculation code: by Order). Off-invoice (periodic) rules always calculate for the source (sell-to/buy-from) customer resp. vendor. That did not always work fine. That has been solved.

PBI 217664 - Conditions date should be based on exp. receipt date instead of requested receipt date


Calculation codes can be based on the order date or on the shipment/receipt date. When a starting or ending date is set for a conditions rule, it is checking the one or the other. For purchase orders it checked the requested receipt date. That has been changed into the exp. receipt date.

PBI 218046 - General and VAT product posting group should come from item when the item charge or G/L account dos not have a Gen/VAT product posting group


An item charge or a G/L account may be setup without a Gen. Prod. Posting group and/or VAT Prod. Posting group. In orders attached lines will inherit it then from the item line. But that is not the case in periodic condition settlements, it would result in an error.That has been resolved. In such cases the settlement document must be created with the Summarize by Item option, and lines will inherit it then from the item card.

PBI 218167 - Periodic settlement journal and condition journals do not handle rates per item/UOM well


You can now setup for a condition rules multiple rates, set per item unit of measurement (CRATE, KEG..) or per item, where a rate per item has higher priority. In the condition periodic settlement journal and in the condition journals it would give an error for an item because of a missing item unit of measurement (for an item sold in KEG, where it found a rate for a CRATE). That has been solved. It will find the correct rate per item now, or it will skip an item when no rate was valid for it.

PBI 218330 - Periodic settlement - Posting no. series not filled well


No. series for periodic settlement documents can be defined in SPC setup. But the Posting no. series was not taken, it always got the posted invoice/credit memo no. series from sales & receivables resp. Purchase & payables setup. That has been corrected.

PBI 218377 - Create condition ledger entries from condition rules - missing document type for only purchase-purchase rules


Lines suggested in the conditions periodic settlement journals for vendors did not get a Document Type. That is needed to create the purchase invoice or credit memo for the periodic rule. That has been resolved.

PBI 218437 - Missing VAT posting group while posting sales/purchase expected condition line


A VAT posting setup error showed when posting a shipment or receipt for which periodic conditions were in place with an accrual posting. Accruals should never post VAT and not bother about a possible missing VAT PPG on the item charge code or G/L account. That has been resolved.

PBI 218662 - Periodic settlement - wrong quantity in condition ledger entries for over and under minimum rules


In case periodic rules where setup with calculate minimum = ‘Over’ resp. ‘Under’ (Calculation Code) quantity and price were not calculated well. That has been resolved.