What's new in version 18.202111.0.0

Release Note09/16/20243 min read


PBI No.Description
158972Set up conditions with in and exclude of members
181646Register ARC No. on purchase order
183993Send EMCS on sales shipment
189460Origin type on customs document and EMCS messages
196347Send IE810 cancellation message from a customs document
196609Send IE818 report of receipt from a customs document
202812Checks on customs documents before processing messages

Resolved issues

PBI No.Description
177476Missing fields on the condition ledger entries page
203211Wrong CDM check when deleting a sales order

PBI 158972 - Set up conditions with in- and exclude of members

On the Sales and Purchase Condition Rules, it is possible to include or exclude customers, ship-to addresses, vendors, order addresses or items for that rule. The setup for this is simplified:

  • On the action bar, select Related > Include-Exclude Rules.
  • Select what you want to exclude or include.

PBI 1774 - Register ARC No. on purchase order

On the purchase order lines, it is possible to register the ARC No. by selecting a received customs document (IE801).

PBI 183993 - Send EMCS on sales shipment

Send IE815 message to EMCS. It is possible to send EMCS messages from sales shipments.

  • A customs document is created that serves as a basis for the message:
    • Manually from the sales shipment
    • Automatically when the shipment is created. This should be set up on the Customs Document Mgt. Setup page.
  • The message can be:
    • Send to the government platform
      • Manually from the customs document
      • Automatically when the shipment is created. This should be set up on the Customs Document Mgt. Setup page.
    • Created as a file
      • Manually from the customs document.

PBI 189460 - Origin type on customs document and EMCS messages

On the Location Card page, you can select the Type of Origin. on the Customs Document Management FastTab, the corresponding field will be filled with this value.

PBI 196347 - Send IE810 cancellation message from a customs document

It is now possible to cancel a IE815 Draft eAD by filling in the cancellation fields on the Customs Document and process the IE810 Cancellation action.

PBI 196609 - Send IE818 Report of receipt from a Customs Document

It is now possible to send the IE818 Report of receipt by filling in the receipt fields on the Customs Document page and process the Report a Receipt IE818 action.

PBI 202812 - Checks on customs documents before processing messages

When a message is communicated to the government platform, the error response is not always clear. To prevent such situations, we have included multiple checks on field values on the Customs Document page that are executed before the message is sent.

PBI 177476 - Missing fields on the condition ledger entries page

Missing fields on the Condition Ledger Entries (Sales and Purchase) page.

PBI 203211 - Wrong CDM check when deleting a sales order

Wrong CDM check when deleting a sales order.