View the released production orders in a work center/machine center

Article09/17/20242 min read

In the Shop Floor Production, you can view and manage released production orders for specific work centers.

  1. Select the Search icon , enter Shop Floor Production, and then choose the related link.
    The Work Centers list page opens. It displays the names of all the work centers, their statuses and the number of production orders associated with each work center.


    Only the work centers with the Show in Shop Floor toggle (on the work center card) turned on are displayed.

  2. Select the desired work center Name.
    The work center name is populated from the work center card description. If no description is added, the system will display the work center code on the list page.
    The Production Orders list page opens.
    When a work center has associated machine centers, selecting the work center will display a list of those machine centers.

    The production orders list page displays the following fields:

    Starting (grouped)Specifies the starting date and time of the production order based on the system date and range set by the date filter in the Date Formula Show Prod. Order field on the Shop Floor Production Setup page.
    Prod. Order / QuantitySpecifies the production order number, quantity represented in related unit of measure code and the batches associated with the selected work center.
    Description / ItemSpecifies the description of the production order and the item number associated to the production order.
    Status / ProgressSpecifies the status of the production order. The available statuses are Not Started, Started, Production, Paused, Failure, Stopped, and Finished.

    When you turn on the Show finished orders toggle, you can view the finished production orders in addition to all the other production orders with different statuses.

  3. Select the desired production order.
    The production order card page opens.