View the production order details

Article09/17/20242 min read

The PO Details page provides an overview of the production order, including packaging information and customer details.

Select the PO Details cues.

On the General group, the following fields are displayed:

Item No.Specifies the main output item in the production order.
DescriptionSpecifies the description of the main item in the production order.
Variant CodeSpecifies the variant (if applicable) of the main item in the production order.
Production OrderSpecifies the number of the production order.
Order line No.Specifies the routing line number used to define the work center to which it is associated.
Operation No.Specifies the number assigned to each operation in the routing.
Routing descriptionSpecifies the routing through which the production order is processed.
LocationSpecifies the location where the production order is stored.
Bin CodeSpecifies the bin code where the production order is stored.
StatusSpecifies the status of the production order.
Quantity PlannedSpecifies the number of items planned to be produced.
Quantity output registeredSpecifies the number of finished items at the output registration.
If the Aptean Packaging extension is installed in Business Central, on the Packaging group, you can view the following fields.
Packaging CodeSpecifies the code associated with the package used in the production order. It also indicates whether the package is Item Bound or Order Bound.
Total neededSpecifies the total number of packaging items required for the selected production order.
Items Per PackagingSpecifies the number of items that can be accommodated per package for the associated order.

The Customer group displays the information of the customer associated with the production order.