Shop floor production registration entries

Article09/17/202411 min read

When consumption and/or output registrations are made in the Shop Floor Production, these registrations are saved in the Dataverse table in Shop Floor Production Registration and posted via API as consumption and/or output in Business Central.

When all entries are posted for a production order, the production order can be finished in Dynamics 365 Business Central. When the status of a production order is changed which have existing unprocessed shop floor registration entries entry type Time, an error is shown.

Shop floor production time entries

Shop floor production time entries will be created when the user selects one of the following production routing status in the Shop Floor Production:

  • Start-up
  • Production
  • Failure

When a production routing status is selected in the Shop Floor Production, a time entry is created in Dataverse and the start time is noted. When the status is changed, the end time is filled, and the time entry made is sent to Dynamics 365 Business Central.

Select the Search icon , enter the Shop Floor Production Time Entries, and then choose the related link.

All created time entries are shown. You can also access Shop Floor Production Time Entries from Released Production Order. The following procedure describes how to perform this activity.

  1. Select the Search icon , enter Released Production Orders and choose the related link.
    The Released Production Orders page opens.
  2. Select the preferred No.
    The Released Production Order page opens.
  3. On the action bar, select Related > Order > Entries > Time Entries.
    The Shop Floor Production Time Entries page opens.
    You can view the following details associated with the defined released production order.
Entry No.Specifies the number of the production time entry.
Prod. Order No.Specifies the number of the production order related to this entry.
Prod. Order Line No.Specifies the line number of the production order that is related to the entry.
Operation No.Specifies the number of the production operation related to the entry.
Work CenterSpecifies the number of the work center that is related to this entry.
Work Center NameSpecifies the name of the work center that is related to this entry.
Machine CenterSpecifies the number of the machine center that is related to this entry.
Number of OperatorsSpecifies the number of operators who worked on the production order.
Shop Floor Control StatusSpecifies the status of the production order routing line that is related to this entry.
Starting Date TimeSpecifies the starting date and starting time of this time entry.
Ending Date TimeSpecifies the ending date and ending time of this time entry.
Duration in HoursSpecifies the duration of this time entry in hours. This is the time that the routing line had the specific Shop Floor Production Status.
Duration in MinutesSpecifies the duration of this time entry in minutes. This is the time that the routing line had the specific Shop Floor Production Status.
Labor Duration in HoursSpecifies the labor duration of this time entry in hours. This is the total time that the operators have worked on a routing line in a specific status.
Labor Duration in MinutesSpecifies the labor duration of this time entry in minutes. This is the total time that the operators have worked on a routing line in a specific status.
PostedSpecifies if a Production Registration Entry has been created.
Production Registration Entry No.Specifies the Production Registration Entry No. in which the Time Entry is processed to post as Capacity Cost.
Production Registration Labor Entry No.Specifies the Production Registration Entry No. in which the Time Entry is processed to post as Capacity Labor Cost.
CorrectedSpecifies if the time entry was corrected in Business Central.
Item No.Specifies the number of the item that is related to this entry.
Item DescriptionSpecifies the description of the item related to the entry.

The entries will be displayed only if the Show in Shop Floor toggle is turned on in the associated Work Center Card page.

  1. On the action bar of the BC Time Entries Subpage, select New.
    The BC Time Entries page opens.

The BC Time Entries Subpage is only visible when the Shop Floor Production Time Entries are accessed from the Released Production Order page.
The BC Time Entries subpage is only visible when there is existing entries on the Shop Floor Production Time Entries for the associated Released Production Order.
Once the Posted checkbox is selected in the Shop Floor Time Entries, you cannot edit the time entries, whereas to register further operations, you can create a new entry in BC Time Entries.

  1. On the General FastTab, fill in the following fields.
Entry No.Specifies the number of the production time entry.
Prod. Order No.Specifies the number of the production order related to this entry. It gets inherited from the specified released production order.
Prod. Order Line No.Specifies the line number of the production order that is related to the entry.
Operation No.Specifies the number of the production operation related to the entry.
Work CenterSpecifies the number of the work center that is related to this entry. The value is inherited from the production routing line associated with the production order.
Work Center NameSpecifies the name of the work center that is related to this entry. The value is inherited from the production routing line associated with the production order.
Machine CenterSpecifies the number of the machine center that is related to this entry. The value is inherited from the production routing line associated with the production order.
Number of OperatorsSpecifies the number of operators who worked on the production order.
Shop Floor Control statusSpecifies the status of the production order routing line that is related to this entry.
Starting Date TimeSpecifies the starting date and starting time of this time entry.
Ending Date TimeSpecifies the ending date and ending time of this time entry.
Duration in HoursSpecifies the duration of this time entry in hours. This is the time that the routing line had the specific Shop Floor Production Status. This value is calculated automatically based on the starting date time and ending date time. This field cannot be edited.
Duration in MinutesSpecifies the duration of this time entry in minutes. This is the time that the routing line had the specific Shop Floor Production Status. This value is calculated automatically based on the starting date time and ending date time. This field cannot be edited.
Labor Duration in HoursSpecifies the labor duration of this time entry in hours. This is the total time that the operators have worked on a routing line in a specific status. This value is calculated automatically based on the starting date time, ending date time, and number of operators. This field cannot be edited.
Labor Duration in MinutesSpecifies the labor duration of this time entry in minutes. This is the total time that the operators have worked on a routing line in a specific status. This value is calculated automatically based on the starting date time, ending date time, and number of operators. This field cannot be edited.

Post shop floor production time entries

When the Production Time Entries are created, you can post these as capacity entries. To be able to post the time entries the Post Time Shop Floor Checkbox on the Shop Floor Production Setup page must be turned on.

  1. Select the Search icon , enter Post Shop Floor Production Time Entries, and then choose the related link.
    The Post Shop Floor Production Time Entries report page opens.

  2. On the Options FastTab, turn on both the Process Time Entries and Post Shop Floor Production Registration Entries toggles to combine all the time entries with Entry Type as Time into Shop Floor Production Registration Entries. Subsequently, these merged entries will be posted as Capacity. This reflects the available resources or capacity in your system.

    Alternatively, turn on only the Post Shop Floor Production Registration Entries toggle, which instructs the system to specifically identify unposted Shop Floor Production Registration Entries with Entry Type as Time and Status as Not Processed. Then, the system will proceed to post all the entries as Capacity.


    The system throws errors during the initial posting of time entries because of missing setup information (e.g., General Ledger accounts). This can result in unposted Shop Floor Production registration entries with the Not Processed status. The Post Shop Floor Production Registration Entries toggle enables you to post unprocessed entries.

  3. On the Filter FastTab, set filters based on which time entries should be posted.

  4. Select OK.

    After posting the time entries, a Shop Floor Registration Entry of type Time is created. This entry is posted as a capacity entry by means of an item journal.

    You have two possibilities while posting time in shop floor:

    • If you select No, then time entry will be shown in Business Central in the production order and can be used for reporting purposes. The registered time is not posted as a capacity entry
    • If you select Yes, then the time will be posted as a capacity entry. This requires a special setup of the Routing:
      1. First, create one or multiple Labor Work Centers. Show on Shop Floor must be false.
      2. The efficiency factor of this labor work center must have a high value, so the run time of this operation doesn’t influence the lead time of the production order.
        Alternatively, you can work with parallel routings.
      3. Add the labor work center as a separate line to the routing, but don’t do this on the last line of the routing. The last line is always used for registering the output in the inventory and this must contain the work center that is shown in the Shop Floor Production.
      4. Create a link to the Labor Work Center in the routing line which contains the Work Center which is shown in the Shop Floor Production in the field Routing Line Labor Cost.

    The time entry is created automatically in Business Central, but posting has to be done manually or by scheduling the report as a recurring job queue entry. You can’t change a production order to Finished before capacity is posted (if Post Time in Shop Floor is set as yes).


    If you also use the Aptean Food and Beverage License Plating extension, the Job Queue copies the entry to the Shop Floor Registration table, including the License Plate No.
    While creating Item Journal Output or Item Journal Consumption record, if the item is license plate tracked, then the Item Tracking line will also contain the License Plate No.
    The Posted checkbox on the Shop Floor Production Time Entries page is only selected for the Start-Up and Production operations of the associated Released Production Order.

Post capacity for time entries

The Shop Floor Production Registration Time Entry allows recording the time dedicated to production time for each cost calculation. Linking the costs to the recorded time ensures accurate financial tracking and auditing.

  1. Create a Released Production Order in Business Central.

  2. Register the time by changing its status after a few minutes.

  3. Finish the open order.

  4. Run the Post Shop Floor Production Time Entries report in Business Central to process the created time entries as Shop Floor Production Registration Entries and then post them via the Output Journal as Capacity Costs.


    The report will skip the Shop Floor Production Registration Entries created for time entries that have already been posted.

  5. Time entry shows the Shop Floor Production Registration Entry No. and Shop Floor Production Registration Entry Labor No. of the entries that have been created.

    The Total Set-Up and Run-Time of the combined Time Entries for the Set-Up and Production Time are also created. Now, the time entries with the Shop Floor Production Registration Entry No. and Shop Floor Production Registration Entry Labor No. are created, and the Capacity Ledger Entries based on the setup are posted.


    You can run the report manually when it is scheduled for the Job Queue processing.

    The report can only be executed when the Post Shop Floor Production Registration Entries toggle is turned on. This condition ensures that entries can be posted after corrections have been made on the Shop Floor Production Registration Entry Type. For example, Entry Type as Time which was previously in an error state has now been reset to the status of Not Processed. When the Post Shop Floor Production Registration Entries toggle is turned on, the report will not generate any new Registration Entries. Instead, it will solely post the Shop Floor Production Registration Entry Type as Time that will be pending as capacity.


    If you run the Post Shop Floor Production Time Entries report in Business Central after manually creating BC Time Entries with the status Production and Start-up, the system creates Capacity ledger Entries accordingly. For more information, see Post Shop Floor Production Time Entries.