Setting the status of the production order

Article09/16/20241 min read

The status of each production order routing line can be tracked and communicated to Shop Floor Production (BC), ensuring it is always up to date.

The duration spent in Start-Up, Production, or Failure is tracked and saved as time entries, which are sent to Shop Floor Production (BC). These entries can be used for information or posting capacity entries.

You can select statuses like Production, Pause, Failure, and Stop. The duration for Start-up, Production, and Failure will be shown in hours and minutes.

Start-UpThis is the default status of any production order. You can change the status to any other statuses.
ProductionYou can change the status from Production to any other statuses except Start-Up.
PauseYou can change the status to any other statuses.
FailureYou can change the status to any other statuses. But the system will prompt you to enter the cause of the failure as remarks. To know more, see Track and record production failure.
StopYou can change the status from Stop to any other status, except Pause. Once you stop production, the system will prompt you to confirm the order is finished.