Register output

Article09/19/20244 min read

The Register Output page displays the information of the individual output item on the production order. The left navigation section displays the combined information of all data available for the selected item such as Batching, Location, Bin Code and so on.

The Register output page registers both the output item and the capacity utilization by posting the capacity ledger entries. To know more, see Shop Floor Time Entries and Posted Shop Floor Time Entries.

If there are multiple Routing Lines in the production order, then:

  • For the Routing lines which are not the last work center/machine center, system will create only capacity entries

  • For the Last work center/machine center, system create both the capacity entries and the output entries

You can enter the required information in the following fields:

  1. On the Production Orders page, select Output.
    The Output page opens.
    You can view the output items and co-products details(if available) on the left pane.

  2. Select an item and then select + OUTPUT.
    The Register Output page opens.

  3. In the Lot No. field, you can enter a value, or it is automatically updated based on the option selected in the Lot No. Per field on the Shop Floor Production Setup page.
    When you select the GENERATE NEW NO. action, the system will generate the lot number as per the setup.


    The Lot No. field is visible only if the following conditions are met:

    • The output item is lot tracked item
    • The output work center/machine center is the last line on the routing of the production order.
  4. In the License Plate No. field, select a license plate from the dropdown. This includes only the license plates associated with the selected item.
    You can view this field only when the Aptean License Plating extension is installed in conjunction with this extension and the associated location and output item both are license plate tracked.
    The Shipping container and Expiration Date fields are automatically updated based on the selection of lot number.
    The Expiration Date field is updated when generating the lot number and the Shipping Container field is updated when generating the license plate number, only if the setup in the default packaging for the output item is correctly defined.


    These fields are available only when the Aptean SSCC and Expiration Management extensions are installed.

  5. In the Quantity (UOM) field, enter the quantity of the item you want to register as output. When this registered value differs from the planned value, the differences are represented in the Registered field value with following colour code:

    • Grey – Indicates that the registered field value is less than to the planned field value.
    • Green- Indicates that the registered field value is equal to the planned field value.
    • Orange - Indicates that the registered field value is greater than the planned field value. The Weight from scale (UOM) and Tare weight (UOM) are updated based in the Quantity (UOM) field value.
      Execute the GET WEIGHT action to update the weight fields.
      These fields are available only when Aptean Weigh Scale extension is installed.
  6. Turn on the Add Scrap Quantity toggle to display the scrap quantity details on the Output page. You can add the scrap quantity in the Scrap Qty. field.

  7. Select the Print Label checkbox to print this page.
    This functionality is available only when Aptean Labeling extension is installed and configuration for the labels are done properly. Else, error occurs. To know more see Print labels.

  8. In the Comment field, enter the additional information related to the output registered. You can view all comments on the Register Input and Register Output pages from the Shop Floor production Comments list page.

  9. Select Save or Save + New. Selecting Save will register the output and close the page, whereas Save + New will register the input and open a new Register Output page.