Register input

Article09/17/20243 min read

The Register Input page displays the information of the individual item on the production BOM. The left navigation section displays the combined information of all data available for the selected item such as Batching, Location, Bin Code and so on.

You can enter the required information in the following fields:

  1. In the Item field, select an item from the dropdown. All the items in a production BOM are available. Based on the item selected, the details associated with it are displayed on the left navigation.

The items with the Flushing Method field on the Item Card page set to Manual are only available in the dropdown.

  1. In the License Plate field, select a license plate from the dropdown. This includes only the license plates associated with the selected item.
    You can view this field only when the Aptean License Plating extension is installed in conjunction with this extension, the associated location supports license plate tracking, and the linked item is also a license plate tracked item.

  2. In the Lot No. field, select a lot from the dropdown. This includes only the lots associated with the selected item.
    The Inventory, Expiration Date and Bin Code field values get inherited based on the selection of value in the Lot No. field.
    The Lot No. field is visible only when the linked item is lot tracked.
    Consumption of items that are not lot tracked is not supported for locations where Bin Mandatory = True.

  3. In the Quantity (UOM) field, enter the quantity of the item you want to register as input.
    When this registered value differs from the planned value, the differences are represented in the Registered field value with following colour code:

    Grey – Indicates that the registered field value is less than or equal to the planned field value.

    Orange - Indicates that the registered field value is greater than the planned field value.

    This colour code is also applicable to the progress bar in the Progress field on the Input page.

    The Weight from scale (UOM) and Tare weight (UOM) fields are updated based on the Quantity (UOM) field and the configuration on the Production BOM page.
    Execute the GET WEIGHT action to update the weight fields. These fields are visible only when the Aptean Weigh Scale extension is installed with this extension and the input item’s unit of measure matches the weigh scale unit of measure

    The Quantity Weight (UOM) field is updated based on the quantity of the item and the field values associated to catch weight on the Inventory FastTab of the Item Card page.

  4. In the Comments field, you can add any comments or details as additional information.

  5. Select Save or Save + New. Selecting Save will register the input and close the page, whereas Save + New will register the input and open a new Register Input page.

    This is applicable only when the flushing method is set to manual.