Error handling

Article09/16/20242 min read

While handling the Shop Floor Registration Entries to post the time as Capacity, they run into an error. Depending on the cause of the error, the Item Journal Line will not be created, or posted.


The cause of the issue is visible in the Error Text field on the Shop Floor Production Registration Entries page. Then, while posting, the failed Item Journal Lines will be moved to the Output Error Journal. After resolving the cause of the error, you can post the Error Journal. In this case, the Shop Floor Production Entries will be changed to status Processed, and the Capacity will be posted.

  1. You can also delete the lines from the Error Journal. In this case, the Shop Floor Production Registration Entries will be changed to the status Not Processed, and the Post Shop Floor Production Time Entries report can be run again with the Post Shop Floor Production Registration Entries toggle turned on. This report will post all the Shop Floor Production Registration Entries with the status Not Processed. As a result, the status will be changed to Processed, and the Capacity will be posted.
  2. When the error blocks the creation of the Item Journal Line, the status of the lines can be changed back to Not Processed after resolving the error. Then, the Post Shop Floor Production Time Entries report can be run again with the Post Shop Floor Production Registration Entries toggle turned on. This report will post all the Shop Floor Production Registration Entries with the status Not Processed. As a result, the status will be changed to Processed, and the Capacity will be posted.
  • If an error occurs during creating the item journal line, a roll back will be done and the number of attempts will be increased in the Production Registration Entry. Three attempts are made before the status of the entry changed to Error. After resolving the error journal batch, post the Item Journal manually. The status in the Production Registration Entry will be changed to Processed.
  • You can change the status of the entries by performing the Change Status Processed action on the Shop Floor Production Registration Entries page.