Creation of quality checks in work center

Article09/16/20241 min read

In the Quality Control Application, automated quality checks are essential to ensure product standards and operational efficiency. Whenever you install the Aptean Quality Control (BC) extension along with the Aptean Shop Floor Production, the system triggers the quality checks whenever a work center is started or stopped.

This is achieved by configuring the Status toggle on the Work Centers page.

A quality alert is triggered only once at the start of the work center. The system will check for existing quality checks for the associated work center, ensuring that duplicate quality checks are not triggered.

You will receive an error if you try to start a production order without turning on the Status toggle or if you try to turn off the toggle while a production order is active.

The quality checks are also created during the various actions of the production order such as Start Production Order, Post, Recurring Time, Recurring Output Quantity, Finish Production Order, and Failure Work Center.


If the Aptean Quality Control extension is not installed with the Aptean Shop Floor Production extension, the conditions related to the toggle configuration remain the same, except that quality alerts will not be created.