Create a production order

Article09/16/20242 min read

When all setup is done, a production order can be created to use in the Shop Floor Production. The production order is shown in the Shop Floor Production if it meets the following points:

  • The production order has the status Released.
  • The Show in Shop Floor toggle on the work center card is turned on for the work centers linked in the routing of the production order and also it will be last routing line in the production order line.
  • The user who has logged in to the Shop Floor Production is linked to the work centers linked in the routing of the production order.

If the status of a production order with the status ‘Firm Planned’ or ‘Planned’ will be changed to the ‘Released’ status, the system does several checks and add some extra data that is required for the Shop Floor Production. The system performs the following checks when changing the status of a production order to ‘Released’:

  • In the Inventory Setup, if the Location Mandatory is true, check whether the Location is filled in the Prod. Order Line and Component lines.
  • In the Location Setup, if the Bin Mandatory is true, check whether the Bin Code is filled in the Prod. Order Line.

These checks are performed after changing the status of the production order to ‘released’. When creating a released production order immediately and the location and/or bin code is required, an error occurs when registering the output or consumption.

The system also fills the predefined lot number in the production order Line with the next lot number from the lot no. series from the Item card. If no lot no. series exists, the system will give an error.


The Shop Floor Production specifically accepts only Source as an item and Sales Order; other options are not supported.