Unplanned Consumption

Article08/02/20231 min read

If during the execution of a production order unplanned consumption arises, for example, because the item is out of stock, an extra production order component line should be created for this unexpected consumption. When the Process Manufacturing extension is installed, you can post unplanned consumption. In the Shop Floor Production (SFP) Power App, and select an unplanned consumption item and create an extra production component line. It is only allowed to add new lines for item/ variant combinations that are set up as Unplanned Consumption Item and Variant in the table Unplanned Output and Consumption Setup. This information will be sent via an API to the SFP app.

  1. Select a Production Order.
  2. Select the Input button.
  3. Select the Alternative item button.
  4. Select the item to be replaced.
  5. Select any alternative item from the dropdown menu.
  6. Select the Add button.
    You can view the Alternative Item description.